伟大之父通过召唤一些牺牲自己并被黑暗王子吸收的实体来应对攻击; 然而,受到伟大之父的欺骗,他们的存在现在取决于他们吸收的光。 为了防止光粒子返回到他们神圣的起源,他们通过产生两个恶魔存有: 萨克拉和 Nebroel。 黑暗王子作为纯粹之光的严格反命题,不能创造无中生有的虚无,而只能通过交配来实现。
The Father of greatness parries the assault by evoking a number of entities, who sacrifice themselves and are absorbed by the Prince of Darkness; however, tricked by the Father of Greatness, their existence now depends on the light they absorbed.[1] To prevent the light particles from returning into their divine origin, they counter by giving birth to two demonic beings: Sakla and Nebroel. As the strict anti-thesis of the pure light, the Prince of Darkness can not create ex nihilo, but only by copulation.[1]
摩尼教传教士根据听众的不同调整了黑暗王子的称呼。 对于基督徒,他们通常使用撒但(Satanas)这个名字。关于伊斯兰教,则称为Iblīs al-Qadīm (古代伊布利斯) 或al-Šayṭān。在伊朗,黑暗王子被称为阿赫里曼(Ahriman)。