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斯皮尔芬格(Spearfinger),或U'tlun'ta,是切罗基传说中的一个人物,生活在田纳西州的东部和北卡罗来纳州的西部。 她的名字从切罗基语翻译过来就是"拿着尖矛的人",指的是她右手上的尖手指。 有时,人们叫她 Nûñ'yunu'ï,意思是“石头裙子”。 名字来自于她那石头般的皮肤。斯皮芬格是石头做的,当她走路的时候,听起来就像打雷,当她踩到石头的时候,听起来就像把石头压到地上一样。 她的声音回荡在山上,传到切罗基族的村庄,把森林里的鸟吓跑了,人们把这看作是一种警告。萦绕在田纳西州的斯皮尔芬格喜欢沿着小径散步,这条小径连接着奇霍威山和附近的河流。 她还走遍了整个山脉,绕过了溪流,穿过了朦胧的南塔哈拉山口。 切罗基人说她最喜欢的家是怀特塞德(Whiteside),一座雷鸣山。


Uwe la na tsiku. Su sa sai.


Liver, I eat it. Su sa sai.

"肝,我吃了它" 苏萨说。

Uwe la na tsiku. Su sa sai.


除了一根手指上的矛,她还变成了受害儿童的家庭成员。一旦她使自己成为受害者世界的一部分,她就不能在别人的视线中改变自己的形态。 通常,斯皮芬格的形式是“一个无害的老太太”。因为她是石头做的,所以箭穿不透她的皮肤。 当它们击中她的时候就会碎掉。 而且,她可以毫不费力地捡起巨石,把它们堆起来,打碎它们,然后把它们变形在一起。

Once, Spearfinger undertook a "great rock bridge through the air from Nûñyû'-tlu`gûñ'yï, the 'Tree rock', on Hiwassee, over to Sanigilâ'gï," which is Whiteside Mountain located on the Blue Ridge.[2] This structure irritated the Higher Beings because it came too close to their Upper World. Higher Beings saw her effort as arrogant "like the white man's Bible story of Babel", so they struck it with lightning.

有一次,斯皮芬格承担了一个“巨大的岩石桥梁从空中从 Nûñyû’-tlu‘ g’ y,’树岩’ ,在 Hiwassee,到 sangil‘ g,”这是 Whiteside Mountain 位于蓝岭。 [2]这个结构激怒了更高的存有们,因为它离他们的上层世界太近了。 更高的存有们认为她的努力是傲慢的“就像白人的巴别塔的圣经故事” ,所以他们用闪电击中了它。

In the nineteenth century, Cherokee pointed out the location where they claim the ruins of Spearfinger's "Tree Rock" remain even today. They named the area along the mountain "Hiawassee" and valley "Nantahala". The site of these remains in Blount County is called "U'Tluntun'yi", which means "The Spearfinger Place".

十九世纪,切罗基人指出了他们声称斯皮尔芬格的“树岩”遗址至今仍然存在的地点。 他们把沿着山脉的地区命名为“ Hiawassee”和山谷“南塔哈拉”。 这些遗址在 Blount County 被称为“ u’ tluntun‘ yi” ,意思是“矛指之地”。 [1]

另一个关于山上的石头传说叫做石人。 当石人和斯皮尔芬格擦肩而过时,他们能感觉到彼此的关系。 切罗基族的传说中说,这些石人知道他们是敌人,因为他们狩猎同样的食物肝脏。 斯皮芬格承认另一个人是个男人,因为他用低沉的声音唱着关于肝脏的歌曲,震撼着大地。

Instead of needing to lift stones to build, Stone Man possesses stronger powers than Spearfinger. He simply uses his staff to create bridges to other mountains.

石人拥有比矛指更强大的力量,而不是需要举起石头才能建造。 他只是用他的手杖建造通往其他山脉的桥梁。

在秋天,切罗基部落习惯于燃烧灌木火,这是最好的引导矛指向村庄。 这些灌木林火将覆盖整个山坡,所以切罗基人可以很容易地猎取掉落的烤栗子。 在其他季节,斯皮尔芬格搜寻着从山谷升起的烟云。 有时,当受害者在小溪边游荡喝水或在村庄附近摘草莓时,她会抓住他们。 她最危险的品质是欺骗。 她把手指藏在袍子下面,直到用上为止。 很多时候,她看起来像一个村里的老妇人,走近孩子们,孩子们信任她,认为她是他们村里的一个老成员。 她主动帮他们梳头,哄孩子睡觉。切罗基人对接近营地的陌生人非常谨慎,他们试图一直呆在一起,并且怀疑那些独自游荡的人。 它们可能伪装成吞肝动物再次出现。

关于她的欺骗有很多故事,包括她变成受害者的把戏,藏匿尸体,进入受害者家中等待父母离开或者家人睡着后取走他们的肝脏。 父母们警告孩子们不要单独进入森林,因为斯皮尔芬格一直在等他们,并且确保他们知道她会以“祖母或者他们最喜欢的姨妈”的身份出现。过去,猎人们常常独自在森林里看到一个手很奇怪的老妇人。 她总是唱着那首令人难以忘怀的歌,吓坏了他们,于是猎人们偷偷地跑回了村子。 切罗基族人声称,斯皮尔芬格刺伤受害者的“后颈或心脏,引出他们的肝脏。”。 斯皮尔芬格的进攻非常迅速。 当她偷肝脏时,她的手指不会留下疤痕,受害者也不会感觉到伤口。 在这次不被注意的袭击发生几天后,受害者生病死亡。

The Cherokee called a great council, including Tomotley, Tenase, Setico, and Chota towns, which were haunted by the liver eater. The medicine man, adawehis, explained the Spearfinger's deception and how to attract her. They knew about her finger because they saw her dancing on "ledges of Sanigilagi". They just did not know how to kill her, but the medicine man said they might get lucky. Following advice of the medicine man, the people set a trap for Spearfinger by digging a pit and covering it with brush. They made a fire with green saplings, which made a vast amount of smoke rise into the air. Spearfinger saw the smoke from Chilhowee Mountain and ran to the village, crushing the ground as she walked. She approached hiding her right hand with a blanket.[1]

切罗基人召集了一个大议会,其中包括托莫特利、 Tenase、塞蒂科和乔塔镇,这些地方经常有吃肝的动物出没。 巫医阿达维希解释了斯皮尔芬格的诡计以及如何吸引她。 他们知道她的手指,因为他们看到她在“ Sanigilagi 壁架”上跳舞。 他们只是不知道如何杀死她,但医生说他们可能会得到幸运。 按照巫医的建议,人们挖了一个坑,用灌木覆盖,为矛指设了一个陷阱。 他们用绿色的树苗生了一堆火,使得大量的烟升到空中。 斯皮尔芬格看到奇哈维山冒出的烟,跑到村子里,一边走一边压碎了地面。 她走过来用毯子遮住右手。 [1]

When they saw her as an old woman, the hunter hesitated thinking she was one of their own or from a neighboring village. She called to them for help as she walked, but the medicine man knew her trick. He threw his spear first, which broke into pieces when it hit her. The rest of the hunters began to attack, seeing through her disguise. Her skin deflected the arrows.[1]

当他们看到她是个老妇人时,猎人犹豫了一下,以为她是自己人,或者是邻村的人。 她边走边叫他们帮忙,但是巫医知道她的诡计。 他先扔出他的长矛,当它击中她的时候,长矛断成了碎片。 其余的猎人看穿了她的伪装,开始进攻。 她的皮肤使箭头偏斜了。 [1]

Spearfinger revealed her covered hand, ran towards the men, and fell into their pit. She was unharmed, though, by the stakes, and "swatted at the arrows as though they were irksome gnats." When she fell into the pit, she slashed her finger in every direction trying to catch someone and taunted them with her song about eating livers.

斯皮尔芬格露出她那只被遮住的手,跑向那些人,掉进了他们的陷阱。 不过,她没有受到木桩的伤害,“猛击那些箭,好像它们是令人讨厌的蚊蚋。” 当她掉进陷阱时,她用手指四处划伤,试图抓住某个人,并用吃肝脏的歌曲嘲弄他们。

Birds flew down from the sky as "celestial beings" to aid the Cherokee. A bird called Utsu'`gï, a titmouse, flew to the hunting party and sang "un, un, un."[2] This sounded like u-nahu, which means "heart", so they aimed for her chest.[1] After the arrows failed to kill her, they caught and cut off the tongue of the titmouse. Ever since then people see its short tongue and know it's a liar. It was not that the bird lied on purpose, but that he "simply was not specific enough." After that, the titmouse flew into the sky, returning to the Upper World. It would never return.

鸟儿作为“神仙”从天而降,为切罗基人提供帮助。 一只名叫“山雀”的鸟飞到狩猎队,唱着“ un,un,un” [2]这听起来像 u-nahu,意思是“心” ,所以他们瞄准了她的胸部。 [1]箭射不死山雀后,他们抓住山雀的舌头,把它割了下来。 从那时起,人们看到它短小的舌头,就知道它是个骗子。 这并不是因为这只鸟故意撒谎,而是因为它“不够具体” 之后,山雀飞上了天空,回到了地面世界。 它再也不会回来了。

Then, a chickadee, Tsï'kïlilï', finally came and landed on her right hand, the one with the spear, and the hunters viewed that as an omen to shoot for the hand she kept double-fisted.[2][1] She became even more upset and scared at this. Hitting her where the wrist and right hand joined or, some say, where the Spearfinger joined the wrist, they severed her heart. She sank to the ground, and her finger "twitched and was still." The curse of Spearfinger, the liver eater, ended.

然后,一只名叫 ts‘ k lil’的小山雀,终于飞了过来,落在了她的右手上,就是那只拿着长矛的山雀。猎人们把这看作是一个征兆,预示着要向她的双手开枪。 [2][1]听到这个消息,她变得更加心烦意乱和害怕。 打她的手腕和右手相连的地方,或者说,打到矛指相连的地方,割断了她的心脏。 她倒在地上,手指“抽搐着,一动不动。” 吃肝的斯皮尔芬格的诅咒结束了。

Stone Man, her other liver-eating friend, heard the victorious cheers and later saw her right hand with the spear on a post beside the village. He considered himself warned. Knowing his own weakness, Stone Man shrugged the warning off because no one knew it yet. He continued to sing his song of war, livers, and hunting.

石人,她的另一个吃肝的朋友,听到了胜利的欢呼声,后来看到她右手拿着长矛站在村子旁边的柱子上。 他觉得自己受到了警告。 知道自己的弱点,石人耸耸肩,因为还没有人知道这个警告。 他继续唱着他的战争、肝脏和狩猎之歌。

Since the chickadee's help, the bird is known as the "truth teller" and taken as a sign when perching near a home that the man away will make it home safely.[2]

由于小山雀的帮助,这只小鸟被称为“说真话的人” ,当它栖息在一个家附近时,这只小鸟被当作一个信号,表示这个人会安全地回家。 [2]

Despite her death, Cherokee story-tellers continued to tell the legend of Spearfinger and point out the place where her stone structure fell down.



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