沼泽屋闹鬼事件 The Haunting at the Marsh-House
作者:克里斯·加德纳 发表时间:2015年5月
宵禁令 An Evening Constitutional
[......]伦敦模糊成一堆野蛮的剪影,她的烟囱式的肩膀上闪烁着几缕灯火。雾气中出现了六条腿的影子,它变成了一个苍白的男人,牵着一匹跛脚的[...]马。脸颊凹陷,眼睛疯狂[...] 。
一臂之力 你的愤怒使他安心。男爵正了正帽子,整了整刘海。[……]上个月我几乎没有安宁。探望折磨着我的休息。如果没有鬼,我想我一定是疯了。[……]
保持开放的心态是明智的 男爵大人垂头丧气。"感谢你的诚实,[玩家称呼],感谢你那该死的诚实。现在,如果你愿意,请指引我去钟声之家,我打算在那里一醉方休。" 他朝河边走去,迷雾带走了他。
阴谋 "站住,小偷!"你喊道[......]一个顽童[......]骑着马走了[......]受害者接受了损失[......]到钟声之家。 [......]顽童[......]劈开了[......]被禁止的菌类诗歌卷。"部下都在这些[......]不明白的兴奋[......] 。
猫咪法庭 The Court of Cats
作者:克里斯·加德纳 发表时间:2015年6月
来自利物浦的蒸汽船 A Steamer from Liverpool
水中的涟漪 雾角鸣声划破了寂静的空气。一个醉醺醺的水手靠在码头边上,似乎是病了。
俭以防匮 Waste Not, Want Not
来自利物浦的地表商人带着一批木乃伊猫来到了地下河。它们的味道很特别。"刚从埃及红沙里挖出来的!"他喊道。[…] 公爵夫人会不高兴的。她很喜欢猫。
一纸雇佣书 公爵夫人感谢你[......]寒流卫队[......]把他送到码头。[......]一只姜猫[......]坐在你面前。"健全的工作,"它说。"天秤座的王子主教[....]请求你在一个有利可图的法律问题上提供帮助[......]"
聘用通知书 [......]一只姜猫叫住了你[......]"[......]我的女主人--悬空山的子爵夫人--请求你帮助[......]。若要接受,请向钟声之家的蓝总督出示您的证书。"
滋养品 你的植物感谢你的礼物[......]你发现了一只姜猫[......]"[......]我的女主人--悬空山的子爵夫人[......]请求你帮助[......]。若要接受,请向钟声之家的蓝总督出示您的证书。"
迷失在倒影中 Lost in Reflections
作者:理查德·科贝特,亚历克西斯·肯尼迪 发表时间:2015年7月
凝视有翼之镜 Gaze into the Winged Mirror (45FATE)
音乐的分流 A Musical Diversion
认可 硬币与鹅卵石的叮当声短暂地打破了女人的沉思。[......]她[......]逃到一个小巷里[......] 。你看到了[…]黑色羽毛从她的帽子上掉落。这羽毛来自[…]一只渡鸦? 但卓所周知,下界的渡鸦是白色的[…]
认可 你认可伦敦的观众总有硬币付给创造性的疯狂付钱。 […] 她的目光与你的目光相遇。"你!" 她发出嘶嘶声。"我在阳光下看到你了!在巴黎坠落之日!第六城降临之日!" 她似乎突然意识到了人群的存在,退缩了,然后逃跑了 […]
最后之犬协会 The Last Dog Society
作者:罗伯·摩根 发表时间:2015年8月
哗变的私语声 Murmurs of Mutiny
留下的只有面孔和名字 在马车里,你发现海军上将的遗孀非常镇定[......]"无论他该有什么报应,都不该是这种结局。是他的那个秘密组织,最后之犬[...]。以你的关系,有人能找到真相[...]。"[...]
切割月光 Cut with Moonlight
作者:罗伯·摩根 发表时间:2015年9月
想想月光吧 Consider the Moonlight (45FATE)
一个难以想象的刺客 an Unlikely Assassiny
没人在看 当你把袋子扔进河里的时候,袋子就打开了。[......]一个小木盒掉了出来,[......]是一个捕镜盒,用来从地表偷运阳光的。当你把它踢进河里的时候,钟声之家响起了一声枪响。
爱西斯[Acis] ,古代希腊神话里面一位居住在西西里岛的平凡青年牧羊人,因为和海中女神葛拉提(Galatea)相爱,引起其它神明的忌妒,遂运用神力,运起巨石将之咂死。...
※铜管乐队 brass-band
鉴识 Discernment
作者:艾米丽·肖特 发表时间:2015年10月
制图师遗产盗窃案 Burglary of a Cartographer's Estate
来自地狱 窃贼被人目击了进出。但他没有在本地销赃。[…] 他,以及他携带的任何东西 […], 消失在许多街道之外,进入一个以沙龙而闻名的女恶魔的城镇住宅。
对批评传统的重要影响 […] “没有证据表明莎乐美的灵魂被抽出了。 […] 好在你是来找我,而不是找底栖学院。他们在女鉴别师的口袋里,她收集稀有的灵魂,举办沙龙来展示它们。" 她确实如此。
不是认可的遗物 "圣人不会留下他们的灵魂,"年轻牧师相当严厉地说。"莎乐美的遗物会让地狱更感兴趣。有传言说有一个沙龙,魔鬼在那里拿着他们的货物[......]也许你应该去那里问问。" [...]
绝对确定 "莎乐美?如果我听说了,我自己也会买的[......]也许这个小偷已经有了一个买家。最有可能的是慧眼识珠的女恶魔。她拿着沙龙来炫耀[......]不断吹嘘[......]不,不要让我介绍。我们不相往来。"
不属于定期收集的一部分 有人看到一个绝对不是邮递员的人带着一个干净的亚麻布袋离开这里。这个人消失在几条街道外,进入了一个在沙龙中赫赫有名的女恶魔的住宅。
被愚弄了两次 制图师的房间里有鹅膏菌雪利酒的味道[......]也许带走莎乐美的家伙是个恶魔[......]你[......]带着满满一袋制图珍品出现了。没有人看到你,但你无疑会成为执行者的首要嫌疑人。
弗林特 Flint
作者:亚历克西斯·肯尼迪 发表时间:2015年11月-12月
面具摊位 The Mask-Stall
一个主教! 他的面孔人尽皆知。主教总是值得一试。"我需要你这样的杰出人士,"他在握手时说。
"这是一张远方的地图" "一个燧石的监狱,在上古大陆的光之深处。拿着地图。研究它。我需要某种罕见的原理,可以在那个监狱里找到。当然,我会付钱。如果你想讨论这个问题,请到钟声之家找我。"
"我在钟声之家等你" 回到钟声之家继续你的故事。如果你没有"特殊友谊"、不能进入钟声之家,可以购买一次性通行证来玩免订阅的弗林特。
高贵塔尖上的会议 A Meeting on the Nobbled Spire
"它在黄昏教团手中。" the Order Vespertine
"它叫Knapt。一种条纹燧石武器。非常古老,非常有效。(而且据我猜测,相当华丽。) "教团把它放在他们的据点、恶意区的'碟与匙'酒吧的某处。去那里,把它带回来,不要被刺伤。"
Here, a hundred hundred hurrying feet. Here, the prowling fogs of night. Here, the Dish & Spoon, riotous with happy mayhem.
The lair of the Order Vespertine, a society of the Game of Knife-and-Candle! As perilous as an unexpected asp. But if you’re stepping into peril, why not step with confidence?
You will have companions in diversity and in diversion. Perhaps you will compose elegies together on the melancholies of the Bleeding Forest. Perhaps you will get hammered on local liquor and sing improper songs. Perhaps you will conduct complicated and illicit intrigues in the burning shadow of the Mountain. It’s going to be fun.
"南方,"她说,"不是北方的镜子,而是它的双胞胎。" 她说过好多的类似的话。
'碟与匙'不总是在同一栋建筑内。教团像蝗虫般从一个地址搬到另一个地址。这个月,它赶走了白鹿餐厅(the White Stag)。牌子是新粉刷的。
'碟与勺'的自来水室 the Taproom of the Dish & Spoon
Vespertines gulp from brimming mugs of dark beer, thump the mugs on scarred tables, argue uproariously and play complicated, drunken games with knives. Keep your head down.
Explore the pub. Find the Knapt and any other goal you have. Leave when you are ready.
Dining with Daredevils
Laughter, the buzz of conversation, spilt wine and sprayed sauce! The Vespertines eat as wild boars eat, if wild boars ate flesh and talked with their mouths full.
“Pass and pass”
The Vespertines are quick as bats at evening. Time and again, the ladle eludes you. Somehow the tureen is always elsewhere. You fall into a desperate reverie of hunger, following its progress round the room like a lover hungry for their beloved. It will not be yours.
“And now you’ll dream of the south”
The apples are grey as time, with seeds the red-purple of venous blood. They are friable, then soluble, between the teeth, something between crumbling flint and millefeuille pastry. They taste like stony earth, but there is something in their savour that has you chomping enthusiastically. 'Your bones run strong,’ a thought comes unbidden. 'Your bones run strong. You could sit here like a mountain and never be moved.’
“Vake soup!”
Really? It seems unlikely. But it is something rare and fine: cinereous in colour, silky-smooth in consistency, electric in scent. The taste is a roiling mix of unlikely alliances. Is that smoked meat? Ozone? The scent of a snuffed candle? It recalls memories you never had. A river of dusky blood. Fanged eyes behind pillars of flint. A bright mountain sharp against the shadows of the roof…
The Training Floor"
In other places, they’d put down sawdust to soak up the blood. The Vespertines like bloodstains. The Imperturbable Patroness, chatelaine of this house of knives, watches from the training floor’s edge.
“The Knife Drawer!”
A murderer shouts in rage and pain. Fingers scatter across the floor like dice. “What’s this, now??” demands the Patroness. “What blade is that?”
Too potent a blade, it seems. She snatches it like a teacher confiscating a toy. “Put it with the others,” she orders. “The Knife Drawer,” they all murmur reverentially, as a pot-boy bears it downstairs to the kitchen. “The Knife Drawer.”
“The pain of defeat”
There’s no dishonour in losing to so skilled an opponent. No dishonour, but it b___dy well hurts. The Imperturbable Patroness watches as you bandage your leg. “Move faster next time,” she growls helpfully.
“A ruby draught”
Is it actually bats’ blood? It’s thick but smooth; salty but sweet; and it does have a kick. It’s not easy to get it down without gagging. But it sits satisfyingly in your stomach, warm as a cat. You feel better for it; and the dinner-time conversation nourishes your mind, the meanwhile.
“A little too late”
You slice neatly through the tendons in your opponent’s wrist. She yelps and drops her weapon. But the Patroness has already tossed the rat to a more efficient murderer who flung his knife at the bout’s beginning. It landed hilt-first, but a bright trickle of blood runs down his target’s forehead. There’s a runner-up prize of rostygold, though.
“Savagery’s reward”
Your opponent smears his own spilt blood into the floor with the heel of his boot. “Good hit!” he exclaims. “You should twist as it goes in, though. That’d have had me on my knees.”
the Temptation of Darkness
A faint light filters from the stairs. Every barrel you can see has been smashed open - with axes, perhaps. There is a reek of stale beer. Something snuffles in the shadows.
“Thank you!”
She slips out of the cage with the eerie wriggle of a serpent shedding its skin. The face beneath her face pulses in the half-dark. “I won’t forget this. The Order would have used me badly. When you’re ready, chalk a half-moon on the bricks by Beazley’s Gate, and wait until midnight. I’ll bring you a gift.”
Dishes and Spoons"
The appetites of the Vespertine are legendary! Consequently, the kitchen of the Dish & Spoon is a furious bellow of industry. Scents crowd your nostrils. Cooks and skivvies scurry and roar.
“An unlikely adage”
“The rule in carving holds good as to criticism,” a Mutton-Chopped Cook pontificates: “Never cut with a knife what you can cut with a spoon.” Peculiar advice: and in fact, the goose exposed on the table before him has not been efficiently carved. It looks more pacified, or possibly subdued. The Order, you learn, conduct the act of cuisine as an extension of their combat and torture techniques. A well-spiced meal is described as 'aggressive’; a bland one as 'pacified’. A well-executed dish means just exactly that.
“Glittering flakes”
The stones of the fireplace are scorched limestone, warted here and there with nodules of flint. The fire shivers in them, confounding the eye, so that they seem like bright and darting birds, zipping through a smoky grey. You can almost hear the birds’ twittering; and it almost sounds like voices. “Turn back,” they might be saying; “turn back. You have not lived enough. Learn Caution.”
“The Knife Drawer”
You slide the drawer open. It sticks for a moment. You jiggle it cautiously. None of the cooks are looking. It comes free - and there! - nestled among the lesser cutlery like a queen among her courtiers. The Knapt is unmistakable: a leaf-shaped fragment of flint, banded strikingly with black and white. You wrap it in a rag and conceal it in your sleeve… very carefully! Fabric parts like cobweb at its touch.
“A cessation of shouting”
It’s so much less noisy outside. Spite seems almost quiet by comparison with the kitchen’s steady roar.
Investigating the Knapt"
Flint from the Elder Continent. But where, exactly? The Continent is vast. A thousand destinations are lost in the glare of its light.
“She examines it minutely with her scrutinizer”
“Here, you see? The paler bands are accretions of cherted light. This can only occur in very particular focal locations. The Mountain would present the necessary angles to -” her lips move silently as she calculates - “to Caution, in the region of the Bleeding Forest. Off-limits to us, I’m afraid.”
She looks at you shrewdly. “You’re the second person to ask me about banded flint this week. Woman in a rather unfortunate saffron dress. Recently in Port Carnelian, by the cut of it. A Scandinavian look to her, but not a Surfacer. Not a Londoner. Does that sound familiar?”
“Woman in yellow dress”
“My family has shown an interest. I was afraid of this. I have cut my ties with them, and they work hard to spite me. Especially my sister.”
“I am not going to discuss with you the convolutions of our kind’s genesis.”
“It is a private matter, and besides, it might very well make you ill. But yes, we have closer relations. I have a sister, in fact. I will be candid: she also has an interest in the matter of the Prison and its essences. This may cause you inconvenience.”
“Beware women in yellow. Generally, beware women in yellow - it is not a colour I trust - but in particular, be aware that my sister favours that colour. If she knows you have accepted my commission, she will probably devour your aunt or otherwise make a nuisance of herself.”
“A complication.”
“It won’t be easy to reach Caution. It’s in the Presbyterate, and foreigners do not enter the Presbyterate. But you’re resourceful. I’m sure you’ll manage it regardless. And if once you can reach Caution, I have a potent pass-phrase you can use. Or I did.
"My sister sent me a message this morning. She purloined my Word of Caution from my study. I had been wondering why. She wants to meet me at the Light Factory to negotiate its return. I’d like you to go in my place.”
The Word of Caution
“Pay what she asks: I will reimburse you. If you can retrieve it at no cost, so much the better. Ideally I would rather not see my sister hurt, but she probably deserves it.”
“I appreciate the consideration.”
“I am not overly fond of my sister, but I never enjoy unnecessary bloodshed. Or necessary bloodshed, come to that. She will ask a high price, but I am prepared to pay it. It will teach me to be more careful.”
The Light Factory in Watchmaker’s Hill is London’s most eccentric candle-works. At midnight, it will be empty.
The Light Factory
It should be dark, this crenellated heap of crumblingly graceful brick - but the windows glow ominously. You quicken your pace as the glow brightens.
Fire rages in the vat-room! One wax-vat has already ignited! You advance cautiously - and in a shower of glass, a flailing female form crashes through a skylight, falls screaming into the blazing vat -
“A second crash of skylight glass!”
This time, the falling shape is much bigger, but it lands on the factory floor with the grace of a cushioned jaguar. It’s the house-officer of the Dish & Spoon - the Imperturbable Patroness! Another vat of wax roars into pale flame behind her, but her face is expressionless. In her left hand she holds a tablet of dark wood; in her right hand, a knife, its edge winking bright.
Behind her, in the burning vat, the Bishop’s Sister writhes in an ecstasy of dissolution. Her screams are not human - nor are they screams of pain, exactly - but very soon the heat of the wax will part the flesh from her bones.
“Knife, or Candle”
Sparks whirl in the Patroness’ dark eyes. “Give me the Knapt,” she instructs you. Her voice is improbably calm, but it carries above the roar of the flames and the Sister’s screams. “I’ll give you your Word.”
“The mountain in motion”
The Patroness is too big to be light on her feet, but each movement is a wonder of economy and grace. She leans back a little, and your blow parts her hair. She steps sideways, and you almost stumble. She parries your attacks almost languidly. And now she strikes like an avalanche!
Another vat bursts into flame. Even if you defeat her, you’ll never make it out in time.
“The Patroness Perturbed”
Her eyes widen in surprise, very slightly, and she steps aside as you drop the Knapt to the floor. You sprint to the blazing vat and haul the Bishop’s Sister from the blazing wax. Her face is askew; her dress scorched to umber; her skin terribly burnt. “My… brother…” she moans. Her eyes roll back in her head. It is difficult not to retch at the tallowy stench of her.
All the way back from the Hill, you struggle under the weight of her.
“The face behind the face”
The Bishop whispers to your seared companion. Her eyes move in her face, but she does not reply. He whispers again. She sags abruptly like an unstringed marionette.
“I don’t know,” he says to you, “whether I am grateful. I might have cause to regret what you have done. And so I have a favour to ask. Take her with you. She can’t be here. She couldn’t be here, even were she and I friends. She might find healing in the South - or at least a good end. Take this.”
A diamond? The Bishop nods. “A nail-clipping from the Mountain,” he says. “It might help. It probably won’t. But if it doesn’t, at least it will buy you a ticket home.”
谋杀的艺术 The Art of Murder
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2016年1月
从上而至的死亡 Death from Above
[失败]勇敢的努力 你对死者的[......]防御持续了几秒钟。你在穿着丝袜的双腿间爬行,退出混战。[...]一个警员[...]画出了尸体排列的形状。一个符号?风铃之家有个专家可能知道它的含义。
[成功]危险的词语 [....]在一个隐蔽的口袋里[....]你发现[....]文件,对巴扎的游客、对领主的习惯做了一些观察[...]但是那个符号是什么意思?你听说过一个在钟声之家喝酒的专家,他可能知道。
[失败]勇敢尝试 你对死者的[......]防御持续了几秒钟。你在丝袜之间爬行,退出混战。[...]一个警员[...]画出了尸体排列的形状。一个符号?钟声之家有个专家可能知道它的含义。
[成功]不畏艰险 你对一小队劫掠者拳打脚踢。一群波西米亚人热切地观察着你 [...] 一个警察 [...] 画出了尸体排列的形状。一个符号?钟声之家有个专家可能知道它的含义。
阴影中的祈祷 你发现一个观察者[...]对尸体不感兴趣,但[...]看着人群。[....]她在诵读吗?[...] 墙上划着一幅画,画的是尸体排列的形状。一个符号?钟声之家的一位专家可能知道它的意思。
舞动世界的华尔兹 The Waltz That Moved the World
作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2016年2月
失窃河边的战斗 A Battle by the Stolen River
描述摘要: 审美家不喜欢他演奏这支特殊的华尔兹。她刚从维也纳而来,显然是在追捕一个杀人犯。
甜言蜜语和更甜蜜的承诺 [......]你给他指示,风琴师迅速地[......]推着他的乐器[......]。果断的审美家捏住了她的鼻梁。[…] "我待在钟声之家。如果你愿意帮助我追捕杀人犯,请到那里来找我。"
一项公共服务 可恶的风琴师[......]和他的乐器跌入黑水之中[......]。审美家的脸上闪过一丝微笑。 […]"我待在钟声之家。如果你愿意帮助我追捕杀人犯,请到那里来找我。"
当然,有一些法令禁止这种展示! 法律必须进行干预!
履行职责 你哄骗警员[......],让他把风琴演奏家赶走。审美家的脸上闪过一丝微笑。[…] "我待在钟声之家。如果你愿意帮助我追捕杀人犯,请到那里来找我。"
常死之人 The Frequently Deceased
作者:艾米丽·肖特 发表时间:2016年3月
人手困难 Staffing Difficulties
用蔑视的目光盯着城楼的窗户 这所房子最近失去了它的家庭女教师: […] 孩子们对毒药情有独钟,家庭教师已经被杀了三次 […]. 没有人能制住他们,被骚扰的母亲甚至搬进了钟声之家,寻求替代者。[…]
在街上挣扎 管家追上了逃亡的仆人。他们一同在石板路上踩灭了燃烧的旧式女帽(bonnet)。 […] 地狱的可能性被迅速地清除了。这所房子最近失去了它的家庭女教师, 她已经被杀了三次 […]
没什么话题是他们更喜欢的 你来喝茶; […] 他们的家庭教师已经死了--这是今年的第三次--只是这次她没有回来。没有人能够控制这些孩子。 […] 被骚扰的母亲在钟声之家,一切都在骚动中。
七日统治 The Seven-Day Reign
青年雄鹿正在举行抽签! 他们需要一个临时君主来统治他们,为期七天。
作者:克里斯·加德纳 发表时间:2016年4月
褴褛之王 the Ragged King
青年雄鹿俱乐部[......]拥有一个宝座,[......]他们的破烂国王。[...] "我们的国王很疲惫!" [...] "他休息时谁来统治我们?谁来统治七天?" [...] 这打断了你与某人难以忍受的散步...
中奖号码? […] 大锅:直径六英尺,[......]镌刻着跳跃的雄鹿和猎人的场景。车上的一个年轻人扔给你一块磨得发白的鹿角碎片。骨头上刻着一个数字:143。"所有人都可以参加抽奖活动!" […]
"多好的年轻人。" 她脸红了吗?
中奖号码? […] 车上的一个年轻人扔给你一块磨得发白的鹿角碎片。骨头上刻着一个数字:143。 […] "真是滑稽!"你的阿姨笑着说,把一块锋利的鹿角塞进她的包里。
"这都是什么乱七八糟的东西?" 她的手指在你的手臂上收紧了。
五旬节的窘境 The Pentecost Predicament
由训练有素的五旬节类人猿提供服务,它们对人性的渴望会让人感到愉悦和排斥。探索"手掌帝国 "的黑暗烹饪秘密。只要紧紧抓住你的灵魂。
作者:理查德·科贝特 发表时间:2016年5月
茶水和慰问 Tea And Sympathy
首次目击 这一晚很安静[…]最终,他睡着了。 […] 灯光照到了窗户上的东西。一个怪物! 不,是一只猴子, […]. 它的眼睛是另一回事--具有人性,聪明绝顶。它逃走了,逃到了恶意区的盗贼公路上。
有利可图的友谊 这一晚很安静[…]最终,他睡着了。 […] 灯光照到了窗户上的东西。一个怪物! 不,是一只猴子, […]. 它的眼睛是另一回事--具有人性,聪明绝顶。它逃走了,逃到了恶意区的盗贼公路上。
你[...]回到你的住处。[...]有人在看吗?[...]一声巨响扰乱了你的睡意。你醒来时看到房间里有一只巨大的、多毛的野兽;[...]与其说是猿,不如说是人。你还没来得及喊叫或拿起武器,它就走了[...] 。
离正午还有五分钟 Five Minutes to Midday
作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2016年6月
雷霆与地狱! Thunder and Hell!
敬畏--鼓舞人心的 令人愉快的光芒从窗户欢快地跃出,在点燃的传单上飞向街道。落下的玻璃折射出火焰--令人眼花缭乱。在伦敦,一定有人知道这里发生了什么。
对地狱的谩骂 [...]传单[...]已经被火焰吞噬了一半。[......]用黑体字写了几个字:"可恶的魔鬼 "和 "不冷静的信念"。 [......]一个政治动机?在伦敦一定有人能告诉你更多。
烟囱锅大战 The Chimney Pot Wars
伦敦的顽童们互相掐架,混乱蔓延到了大街小巷! 结成联盟,领导一支你自己的顽童军,解开烟囱战争之谜!
作者:克里斯·加德纳 发表时间:2016年7月
储藏室里的家伙 the Thing in the Pantry
伦敦的午夜,浓如黄油,黑如血布丁。饥饿感驱使你来到储藏室,你发现了一个入侵者![...] [...] 你听到年轻的声音。"你在哪里,渔王?回到这里来!" 顽童用手指按住自己的嘴唇。[...]
隐蔽的地方 "干杯,"你的入侵者说,向你提供橘子酱罐。[......]他们从斯托蒙克街一路追赶我。不管怎么说,我最好汇报一下。"谢谢你的橘子酱。[...]如果我是你,我会暂时避开屋顶的。[...]"
顽童逃走了 [......]你看着追兵在屋顶上追赶他,[....]。他们是军团的成员,一个敌对的顽童团伙。[...] 很奇怪。通常情况下,帮派之间的争斗是通过仪式性的恶作剧和谈判来解决。暴力是不寻常的。[...]
日历密码 The Calendar Code
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2016年8月
少年读物 A Junior Reader
"[......]又是那些该死的猫!" 一辆由特警队员组成的手推车嘎然而止,[......]把一本[......]书撞到了地上。一个没人管的孩子[...]开始阅读。 [......]身体僵硬,眼睛紧锁[......]左鼻孔飘出烟雾。
一次仁慈的偷窃 你从男孩僵硬的手指中抽出书。烟雾继续从他的鼻子里溢出。[......]特警们利用分心的机会离开了[......]。猫大步走过来。"我有个任务需要协助。[...]
浑身湿透但还活着 当你抓住男孩的腿时,一阵哭声响起。[...] 他不称职的母亲用手提包打你的头[...] 。特警们占了便宜 [...] 猫大步走过来。"我有个任务需要协助。[...]
[失败]一场灾难 当孩子的金发被点燃时,购物者尖叫起来。一个有军人风范的女护士将他--还有你--打倒在地。[...] 太快了,机会已经过去了。[...]
[成功]一个奇观 当孩子的金发被点燃时,购物者尖叫起来。一位具有军人风范的女护士用她的帽子扑灭了火焰。[...]这场火爆的活动吸引了不少观众。他们原来有一些有趣的贵重物品。[...]
你与我终去之地 Where You and I Must Go
作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2016年9月
头条新闻中的谋杀案! Murder on the Front Page!
一个值得尊重的人物 文章称,这位炮手是伦敦的一位无名英雄。活山猎人往往被忽视[......]他也是一位发明家和学者。他能说汗国语,还能演奏中提琴。
血色头条 受害者:一位活山猎手。业余发明家以及学者。他说汗国语,会拉中提琴。谣言四起,但没人知道任何确切的消息。抢劫出了问题?什么都没被拿走。一个史无前例凶狠的笑面杰克?不太可能;杰克喜欢刀子,不喜欢棍子。而且,那晚的街道上只有瓦斯工出没。不过,这还真是个奇怪的巧合。就在今早,你收到了另一位海军士兵的来信:严厉的蓝夹克邀请你来临终探望。
一个不断改进的活动 [......]伦敦变成什么样子了,谋杀一个人[......]可以成为一个公共奇观!一定有人和你一样感到厌恶。就在今早,你收到了另一位海军士兵的来信:严厉的蓝夹克邀请你来临终探望。
残缺的季节 The Season of Wrecks
一个身着黑衣的顽童--或许只是满身煤灰--今早匆匆给你拿来一封信,她说:"来自防波府。老·蓝夹克在病床上。他要找你。" 你问,你认识这位先生吗?顽童叹了口气。"您看,一封信换一便士,这就是我的全部工作。" 她匆匆离开,去把更多的传票换成便士。
欢迎 你拉动了一个普通的铁环来敲门,它的声音在木头上显得很沉闷。几分钟后,一个多愁善感的管家前来应门,他擦了擦充满泪水的眼睛,询问你来做什么。欢迎来到防波府。
最后的希望 管家带领你穿过安静的走廊,来到客厅。你跟他身后,想起了蓝夹克信中的其他内容。"在漫长的地海生涯后,我有很多遗事。现在,我无法得到医生的帮助;也拒绝牧师的宽恕;不配被妻子爱戴。因此,我求助于你:帮我安顿好后事,让我满足地离开这个世界。当然,你会得到报酬。我有大量的黄金和罪恶感。"
一幅适合哀悼者参考的景象 她把针线放在腿上,手指间转动针头。"谢谢你的好意。但现在需要同情的不是我。" 她转向卧室的门,叹了口气。"我会忍耐下去的,我亲爱的,即使他不能。我保证我会的。"
拒绝恩典 满心算计的牧师皱眉看向卧室的门。"我已经试过旧的论点,新的论点,以新叙旧,或者反其道行之。没什么能打动他。他决心要受苦,直到一切都被纠正过来。我解释过那是上帝的职责范围。他不同意。"
他们见过的日子 "不,我们从未分享过一艘船"。他挠了挠胡子,对着你身后墙上挂着的那张大嘴无奈地笑了笑。"我们只是在港口碰见时喝了酒。我不记得那些夜晚的大部分,但我肯定它们不赖,"他说。"他是个商人,是个雇佣兵,也是女王海军的一名军官。而我只猎杀活山。只要不奢求更多,这生活其实还不错。" 猎人瞥了一眼蓝夹克的门。"否则,你留下的那些就永远不一样了。"
所有能做的事情 "有些人是不会被帮助的。不是说我能救他,但我至少可以给予一些安慰。" 她捏着鼻梁,把眼镜推到额头上,压低了声音。"女主人也是如此。触摸她几乎像是要烧死她,我没夸张,她仍然拒绝冰块或鸦片酊。他们都是自己激情的奴隶。"
从你进来后,他一直站在同一个地方,staring at a group of zailors posed before the Bellot.
绿色的遐想 "你看到大副的表情了吗?"他指着一个满脸笑容的人问道。"多好的笑容啊。如此快乐,然而--我开始认为--并不真诚。" 他靠得更近,鼻子都快要撞上玻璃了。"我很快就要扮演某位苏格兰国王,如果剧团能定下一个剧院的话。我们正在考虑打造一个出色的场地。它可以是个温室,上面长满了藤蔓和树叶。但愿它不会被不怀好意的人所占据。诗人,你懂的。"
多愁善感的管家打开门 当你进入时,严厉的蓝夹克奄奄一息,从枕头上撑起身子迎接你。房间里唯一的照明是一盏挂在头顶的灯。管家在离开前轻轻推了推它;它就像在船上乘着波浪一样轻轻摇动。
'Crossing the Bar'是军队,特别是皇家海军通常使用的一个术语,用于礼貌地通知和告知一个人已经死亡。
一个迷失在白色中的人 "过去我总是说,这个世界上有三种人:创造者、维护者、破坏者。但我不善于计算数字--我从来没有计算过第四种人:祈求者,他们除了祈求之外什么都不做。我想,这就是现在的我。"十年前,我派了一个人乘坐着狩猎活山的船去了北方。那就是北方女巫号。她失事了,船员都死了。但那个人理应在伦敦安息,大人。为我去那里吧。我会为你提供船只和船员,我的管家会给你提供棺材。他的名字是哈里斯,罗伯特·F.哈里斯中尉。帮我把他带回来吧。"
启航 你接下了委托,严厉的蓝夹克为你提供了一个船员,不过你要乘坐自己的船。准备好暂时离开伦敦吧。在登船前往活山之前,我们建议你的洞察、鬼祟和说服至少达到25。
skeleton crew: 运用上所需的最少成员,与地位的关系不大,指的是让系统运作起来所需要的最少人数。比如说一个开吊车的操作员,他可能不是core staff(地位较高的核心骨干成员),但skeleton crew里就得有至少一个操作员,不然这个吊车没法动。
活泼的炮手和笨手笨脚的司炉是最后一批离开船前往营地的人。他们站在栏杆旁,在厚厚的毛皮下瑟瑟发抖,翘首眺望破损的北方女巫号。炮手向司炉点了点头。司炉哼了一声,她的呼吸凝结成了白色,"哎哟,那边的山怎么搞的,霜雪咋看起来如此凄凉?" "哦,那边是地狱之山," 他喊叫着回应,"你与我必须去的地方。"
晨钟响起 你已经在活山上扎营了。
今天的地图 挑剔的制图师和你一起。如果脚下没有那么险峻,如果你没有忙着和制图师争论用什么颜色的墨水,你本可以在一天之内轻松走完这座活山。即便如此,草图还是顺利完成了。你们一起回到营地,每走一步,都能听到冰块饥饿吮吸着的声音。
暮钟响起 你现在有1--正常的紧张x恐怖。你的影子一直都是如此唾手可得吗?
今天的地图 挑剔的制图师和你一起。如果脚下没有那么险峻,如果你没有忙着和制图师争论用什么颜色的墨水,你本可以在一天之内轻松走完这座活山。即便如此,草图还是顺利完成了。你们一起回到营地,每走一步,都能听到冰块饥饿吮吸着的声音。
心甘情愿地工作 忧郁的外科医生靠在冰冷的墙上,对着你的耳朵大喊:"骨锯不能用在骨头之外的东西上!" 但你指着那座挡住道路的山脊说,它能很好地满足这些需求。"而且这很不卫生!考虑一下吧,队长!" 你向他保证你会的,因为你又用手指握住了冰块。他又咕哝了几分钟,最终还是拿起了锯子,像是锯掉长满坏疽的手臂一样彻底地切除了山脊。
暮钟响起 你获得了1x恐怖(2--士气不错) 锤子的敲击声和呼噜声在冰上回荡。
肉块与皮毛 墙上挂着剥得很糟糕的兽皮,上面残留还有肉和组织结块。同样被割破的皮草也散落在地板上。一盏石蜡灯稳定地燃烧着。与外面相比,这里就像活物的身体内部一样温暖且难闻。你的脚边传来一阵晃动,在毛皮堆中有什么东西抓住了你的腿——是一只人手!那堆毛皮隆起。里面包裹着一个人。他的皮肤因冻伤而呈现紫色、蓝色和橙色,瘦得皮包骨头。他会是罗伯特·哈里斯吗?那人睁大了明亮的蓝眼睛盯着你,最后,他摇了摇头。“不,他去了。去了渴求之地平线。”那人一屁股坐回毛皮堆里,挥手示意你离开。
一切都很好! 没错,最终,一切都会井井有条。现在还是听着炉火的噼啪声休息吧。到了明天早上,世界不会天翻地覆,活山也不会潜入水中带走你们所有人。你走进帐篷,爬进毯子,等待着晨钟响起。冰面上没有秘密。你们的船员在担心,如果在这里呆得太久,他们就可能永远回不去了。
寒冷 门被推倒了,在有限的范围内,你手中的灯只照出了一张床。船长的尸体蜷缩在厚厚的被子下面。他的头边放着一本日记,封面上有齿痕,书页被撕掉了。你迈进了房间,灯光照亮了一切。墙上满是用刀刻出来的绝望文字:船长最后的遗嘱。憔悴的幸存者在你身边晃来晃去。他干裂的嘴唇在流血,肚子咕咕作响,抽泣声不绝于耳。
Crossing the bar, at last
Your zailors shroud him in clean linen and – with no small amount of cajoling – carry him down from the wreck. The Emaciated Survivor, after a small argument, decides to make his own way down with his hooked mitts.
On the edge of the lifeberg, the bundle is weighed with extraneous pots and pans. The Emaciated Survivor rests his fur-wrapped hand on the cloth.
The captain is commended to the zee with a splash, followed by silence.
An occurrence! Your 'Access to the Captain's Study' Quality is now 1!
The Campfire
Your camp is set for the night. A pile of coal burns on the ice, which refuses to melt. Your zailors are wide-eyed.
Calm the Blustery Surgeon
There's no need to make such threats! No need for that scalpel! Promise him extra compensation for his talents.
A promise made
"I don't want to be here any more!" he cries, slicing through the mist with his scalpel. His exhausted shipmates pay him no mind. You hold him tight – tight, so he can't move his arms – and promise him that it'll be fine, it'll all be fine. You'll reward him back in London, you whisper, your breath forming crystals of ice on his ear.
He falls back to his seat in the slush, wide-eyed and silent.
You now have 1 x Promises to your Crew.
Soothe the Jaunty Cannoneer
The Cannoneer sings of a coffin carried across the night and into the white, where everyone must die. The Stoker's pleas don't silence her.
A promise made
The Jaunty Cannoneer's words fade into nonsense syllables, and then into humming. The tune even approaches cheerfulness: like how they sing in failing music halls, before they declare bankruptcy.
Get to sleep
It's not time to leave yet. There's more you want to know about the lifeberg – about the wreck. All will be well if you stay a little longer...
All is well!
Yes. And all manner of thing shall be well. Just rest now, and listen to the crackle of the fire. The world will be here in the morning. The lifeberg won't submerge to take you all. Head into your tent, crawl into your blankets, and wait for the morning bell.
Drive new stakes into the ice
Rusted picks, harpoons and pokers jut from the cliffs. They lead up to – or down from? – the Northern Witch. Replace the broken ones and build a path upward.
Securing the way
The Jaunty Cannoneer joins you on the ledge, a satchel of spikes on her back and a hammer in her hand. Iron striking iron rings out like a bell. The Cannoneer sings a nonsense song of a lily named Millie, who was cut for the tomb but never lost her bloom.
You are painstaking in your work. You test the ice before each swing; you consult the Cannoneer, who integrates her answer into her song. By the end you've progressed slightly, but safely. The Cannoneer smiles and hushes. A low groan comes from the lifeberg. She tries to hum again on the way to camp, but the tune dies.
Scale the cliff wall
Sometimes, the only way up is up. Work to secure a climbing route with a hardy zailor.
The Heavy-Handed Stoker secures the rope through another ice piton. "We're making progress, slow and sure," she booms. Slow, indeed. Most of the ice here is too soft to hold your weight and your route upward is extremely crooked.
She gets her footing sure and attempts to drive another piton in. The patch is too hard; the blow rebounds – the hammer falls out of her hand and tumbles down until it's no bigger than a snowflake in the frost. "____ me," she says, clinging tight to the wall. "That's far as we get now, captain!"
Deciphering the walls
The captain of the Northern Witch ate his logs and washed them down with ink. The ship's final records have instead been scored on his cabin's walls.
The Scrawl on the Wall
The captain used a knife, first. When that failed, he became more inventive.
The ship is unsteady, and the lifeberg stirs uncomfortably at night. It will take time to learn everything.
The Campfire
Your camp is set for the night. A pile of coal burns on the ice, which refuses to melt. Your zailors are wide-eyed.
Reassure the Cartographer you need him here
The Cartographer wants to scout the darkness. You'll be fine without him, he says; everyone will be.
A promise made
He sits, staring glumly into the fire. "I can go scouting. It's no trouble; I can do that for you, captain, you just say the word. I'll go into the dark. I'll work while you sleep. We'll get out of here sooner that way." But you need him here. Certainly his loved ones do as well. "Will you watch after them if something happens to me, captain?" You promise you will. He doesn't look up at you, but continues to stare into the fire.
Get to sleep
It's not time to leave yet. There's more you want to know about the lifeberg – about the wreck. All will be well if you stay a little longer...
All is well!
Yes. And all manner of thing shall be well. Just rest now, and listen to the crackle of the fire. The world will be here in the morning. The lifeberg won't submerge to take you all. Head into your tent, crawl into your blankets, and wait for the morning bell.
The White Hell
The Northern Witch creaks in the high cliffs of white, fleshy ice. Be careful: the way up is treacherous, and the lifeberg – though almost dead – is naturally homicidal. You'll need to prepare your route carefully.
Deciphering the walls
The captain of the Northern Witch ate his logs and washed them down with ink. The ship's final records have instead been scored on his cabin's walls.
The Scrawl on the Wall
The captain used a knife, first. When that failed, he became more inventive.
The ship is unsteady, and the lifeberg stirs uncomfortably at night. It will take time to learn everything.
The Campfire
Your camp is set for the night. A pile of coal burns on the ice, which refuses to melt. Your zailors are wide-eyed.
Stop the Heavy-Handed Stoker from throwing coal onto your campfire
She mutters about catching the lifeberg's cold in her bones, and never again knowing warmth. Promise her she won't always be cold, and sneak the coals away from her.
A promise made
She stares into the fire as you speak. The fire will be warm enough, you say, and the many layers she wears will keep her safe from the freezing temperatures. She needn't worry – she needn't fear. You'll even buy her a nice warm drink back in London. She holds her gloved hands to the fire, and leans close. You pass the coals to the Cartographer; the crunch of his feet against the snow as he returns the coals to their storage is deafened by the roar of the fire.
The White Hell
The Northern Witch creaks in the high cliffs of white, fleshy ice. Be careful: the way up is treacherous, and the lifeberg – though almost dead – is naturally homicidal. You'll need to prepare your route carefully.
Observe the Emaciated Survivor's hunt
He has lived the better part of his life on this lifeberg. And if a man in his condition can navigate this place, surely you're more than equipped to follow his lead.
A happy find
The crew gathers to watch the Survivor's descent from the Northern Witch. He staggers from ship's bow to the ice-wall where she's lodged. His fingers, long dead from the chill, oblige him to descend the cliff with mitts appended with sharp spines and long teeth. Often he'll pause to caress the lifeberg; testing each point, before digging in his makeshift claws.
He manages to work his way down to a ledge. He slips into a crevasse in the wall. Minutes later, he emerges with a half-frozen turbot, which he carries in his teeth up toward the Northern Witch.
Visit the Survivor
What can he show you of the wreck?
Follow the Emaciated Survivor
Broken in half though she may be, you can still wander the Northern Witch. The Survivor will even show you about.
Visit the cargo hold
What did the ship carry?
A cavernous, desolate room. Metal barrels and broken wooden crates. "Supplies. Fuel. We lived off them. Used our coal; used our wood." And the metal barrels? "For paraffin. Berg's made of it. Keeps me alive." He huddles more deeply inside his furs. "Profitable, once. No others risked the hunts we did."
Visit the gun deck
Where did the zailors fight against the lifebergs?
The cannonballs are piled high in a corner, all frozen white. Great-rods lean against the wall, serrated with icicles. The ice outside the gun ports is blasted and broken. "We kept firing," the Survivor says. "No use. So we tried blasting to the core. No use. Couldn't get the black glass. Decided to save powder." He pulls his hood further over his head. "Doesn't die until you've got the glass. But it'll never recover."
Visit the bunks
Where the zailors once slept.
The cots that are still hanging are covered in frost. Some are only scraps, after the starving crew ate them. No bodies are present, however. The Survivor stares ahead. "The dead slept here. Then food ran out." He looks down at his feet. "I don't remember names. Or faces. Don't remember my own face, even. Bad idea to look at your reflection, here."
You learned what you came here to learn. It's time to zail north, to the Avid Horizon.
If you wish to learn more about the Northern Witch, you may remain. Do not leave until you are satisfied.
Your crew packs up the camp, and transports it onto the ship with exhausted effort. The cold has consumed their strength. The Emaciated Survivor follows behind them up the boarding plank. Silently he stares at you, before trudging down into the lower decks.
You set zail. The lifeberg vanishes into the dark, empty and alone. It is less than a week to the Avid Horizon, and the climate worsens every day. At first, the wind – so rare in the Neath – seems a novelty; but soon it cuts through your coats and tries to carve you like pheasants. Do not stay long: the cold is ravenous.
Answers wait in the Avid Horizon.
Avid Horizon
Two vast winged shapes guard a gate of something like resin, smooth but uneven. It is deep gant – the colour that remains when all other colours have been eaten. Ice crusts over the crack between its valves. You approach. Your breath freezes, falls tinkling from the air.
A merciless wind blows from everywhere to everywhere. It passes without effort through your bridge-coat, your flesh, your lungs. The dock lies empty.
Find Robert Harris
There is a sign, carved on one of the pillars of the dock.
Robert Harris, found
Below the sign, an authoritative hand has carved this message:
And here, among the scraps of paper stuffed into the pillar's cracks, is one written in a telegrammatic style: 'Lt R. F. Harris. During Lorn Embassy fired on a rival Khanate zubmarine. Ensuing conflict roused wrath of Flukes; resulted in all-hands loss of fourteen zubsurface vessels.'
Did the Admiralty accept his plea? If so, he'll have returned to London. Your zailors return to the ship – all but the Jaunty Cannoneer, who takes a knife from her coat and considers the pillar.
To find Harris, you'll have to turn to the Admiralty in London.
Bring the Jaunty Cannoneer back to London
Do not let her surrender her life to service. Bring her back.
All going home
The rest of the crew has already left to prepare the ship. A white wind blows; she shudders. You put an arm around her and take the knife from her hand. She follows you without protestation.
The return to London is uneventful. Your stores of stale biscuits and smoked fish mean you needn't fear starvation. Nevertheless, there are sombre murmurs. "Never again." "Least we weren't there ten years like that poor b____r, eh?" "I need to be home. By my stove." "We'll be warm again in London. Look at me – I promise, okay?" Only the Emaciated Survivor says nothing.
Seek out the Admiralty, who hold the answers to Robert Harris' fate.
A Man Inside the Admirality
Robert Harris is atoning for an old crime by serving in the Admiralty. To learn more, you'll need access to sensitive government material.
Send a calling card to the Wry Functionary
You don't have the means to access Admiralty secrets, but you know someone who might be able to help.
Tomorrow for dinner
A reply to your calling card comes within the day. He'll gladly meet you for dinner tomorrow evening, so long as you're willing to provide the wine.
A proposition over dinner
The Wry Functionary is willing to discuss your proposition. He may be more inclined to agree to it if he enjoys the drink.
An ally in the Admiralty
The wine flows freely. You've savoured two bottles before he asks what business, exactly, you wished to discuss. You share what you know: the pillar in the Avid Horizon, the names of those seeking forgiveness. Lieutenant Robert F. Harris. Though flushed with wine, the colour drains from the Functionary's cheeks.
"One of the penitents?" he whispers. "Yes. Yes, I know where they keep their files. Lieutenant Harris, you say? I will find the man for you. But give me time. And never speak to me of it again. Understand?"
It will take the Wry Functionary time to discover Harris' files. Tend to your crew in the meanwhile.
Fulfil an Obligation to the Pernickity Cartographer's Lover
The Cartographer has vanished. He's either in a honey den, or signed onto another ship. Wherever he is, he isn't with his lover or her child.
Offer them charity
Help provide for them while the Cartographer is away.
An obligation fulfilled
You come to the mother and daughter with clothing, food, and enough money for a month's rent.
"Bless you!" she cries. "We'd got by before, you know, when the little one's father left – but now, after my darling—" She chokes on her words and turns from you. "I got one look of him when he returned. His hair had gone completely white. He said he needed time away, to get himself right and find proper work. And we'll be all right until then, thanks to you."
Fulfill an Obligation to the Blustery Surgeon
He keeps modest lodgings and seems to live quite a comfortable life in London. He goes to nice lunches and plays cards with ladies. He is expecting a generous bonus from you, after your time on the lifeberg.
Provide him a bonus
He did his time on the lifeberg. Give him his money.
An obligation fulfilled
You knock on his door, purse in hand. It swings open a moment later. The Blustery Surgeon does not smile until he sees the purse. "Why, thank you captain," he says, weighing it. "This will do well enough. I'll return to my breakfast, then. Good day to you." He closes the door. Through the window, you see him drop into a great chair situated before a blazing hearth; he draws deeply from a black bottle.
A Letter from the Wry Functionary
A cream envelope, shoved under your front door. It bears only a plain wax seal.
Read the letter
'Burn this after reading...'
He is not who he was
'To prevent further tragedy, the nations of the Neath agreed that Nothing of Consequence lies beneath the zee, and that research into zubmarine exploration was to be abandoned. Your Lieutenant Harris is now the man who enforces that Agreement.
His methods are final, and intended to dissuade others engaged in zubmarine research. Be careful. I enclose an address: the domicile Harris occasionally employs. Also, a brief dossier on a renegade Khanate scientist building an exploratory zubmarine vessel, presumed to be here in London.'
Find Harris and the target of his assassination. See the Severe Bluejacket's request through.
The Case of the Man Who Did Not Die
You went to a frozen hell to find Robert Harris, only to discover that he survived the wreck and enlisted in Her Majesty's service. Find him at last; and the Engineer he hunts.
Start the Case of the Man Who Did Not Die
Harris will be found.
This will begin a case. Use the 'Pursue your Current Case' story on Ladybones Road to complete it.
Break into Harris' Flat
You have his address. But if you're to learn about him, you'll need uninterrupted access to his rooms.
White walls
There is a row of modest homes on the outskirts of Elderwick. Honest families live here. Children play in the streets. Lichen climbs the bricks of Robert Harris' home like ivy. The quiet man who lives here is known to the gossiping wives merely as 'the bachelor'. He works all hours on any kind of odd job. He's out right now.
Inside Harris' Flat
The walls are whitewashed. The rooms are empty. The air is cold. Only the bedroom seems lived-in.
适合各种场合的衣服 穿上这件夹克,他可能是一位大学教授。穿着这套衣服,他可能是一个纱幕花园爱好者,或者穿上这双鞋,他可能变身为淑女骨路的时尚巅峰。这里有一顶律师假发,那里有一件教士长袍和一件煤气工制服。还有一个警员的徽章,水手的衣领,厨师的白帽子。
烧成虚无 炉里的纸被彻底烧毁了,残骸在你手中瓦解。任何残存的碎片都很普通、没有标记——只有一张有着海军部的水印,也许是官方任状?
Pick open the toolbox on the bureau
A cheap metal box. What does he keep inside?
Instruments of his trade
A ball-pein hammer. Long nails. A screwdriver (no screws). A handsaw, waxed to a shine. Trowels. And a wrench, stained bloody. A sticky strand of hair still clings to it, like a filament of zeeweed on a fishing rod.
Leave the flat
You've seen enough.
Escaping unnoticed
You leave everything as it was. He'll never know you were here. But you still haven't actually met him. And if you're to fulfil the obligation the Severe Bluejacket placed on you, you'll have to talk to Harris.
Find the Galvanized Engineer's workshop
A zubmarine being built on behalf of a foreign government cannot be hidden that well. Especially if you know what to look for.
A public-private enterprise
There is a private shipyard known for crafting vessels of uncanny speed. A figure has been reported to the police on multiple occasions for entering the shipyard at odd hours. The proprietor of the yard was very quick to deny any suspicious activity. Could this be the shipyard you seek?
Meet with the Galvanized Engineer
She might be interested in knowing what's coming to her.
A meeting arranged
There is a knock at your door. A young shipwright with greasy hands passes you an envelope. It is a typed invitation to visit the workshop at your earlier convenience – the Engineer, it seems, cannot wait to meet you.
In Conversation with the Galvanised Engineer
There is a workshop beneath the shipyard, guarded by heavy iron doors. Inside, the Galvanised Engineer sits high on her stool, staring down at you. Shrouded behind her is her zubmarine.
Why go under the zee?
It's horrible above it. It must be worse below.
Knowledge at any price
"Because we can!" She leaps down from her seat and begins to pace before her machine. "The deeps are the next great frontier. Who knows what we may find! We've had ten years to prepare new offerings. This time, the Lorn Flukes will be pleased." She caresses the sheets covering the zubmarine. "Men have died before, and will die after. If we must offer a few for experimentation, then we'll thank them and their families for their generosity."
There is an assassin on his way
She should know there's a man who means to kill her.
"I will not die," she says, blinking at you. "I have defences to prevent it, hired from the streets of your own city. And even without them, I would not abandon my work. I am my machine." She pauses for a moment, before recording a calculation on her papers. "Our artillery consultant's death will not be in vain. Let your assassin try. I will not run."
Leave the Engineer
You have conveyed your warning.
Do not do this until you've learned all you wish to learn.
A final word
She returns to examining the equations laid out on her workbench. As you exit the shipyard, a Bespectacled Visitor stops you. He shakes your hand and gives you his card.
"One of our brightest and most bull-headed scientists has taken an unauthorised leave of absence," says the Visitor. "I believe you've just spoken to her, yes? She's something, isn't she? And I'd like to make sure she lives long enough to return to her senses. I've established a patrol around this shipyard, but if there's anything I should know – do contact me." He departs, whistling.
Meet with Robert Harris
What is he like, this man the Severe Bluejacket sent you for?
A meeting over tea
You leave a brief letter under his apartment door, introducing yourself and sharing your history with the Northern Witch. Would he be interested in meeting you for tea in Beatrice's parlour?
It is a few days before there is a response. It simply says: Tonight. Beatrice's. RFH.
In Conversation with Robert Harris
He sits stiff-backed in a corner, at a table with a fine lace covering. He does not sip his steaming tea. He does, however, indulge in the occasional biscuit.
Discuss his crime
He fired on a Khaganian zubmarine.
He takes a bite of his biscuit. "We've no business beneath the waves. We're trespassers, there. Do you know what we did to win the favour of those things beneath the zee? It was beyond criminal: it was sin." He wipes the crumbs from his mouth. "If my work saves poor sods from the amber and the needles then I'll do it and I'll smile."
Discuss his work
How does he sleep?
A satisfied man
His lips pull past the gum as he grins. "My talents are well employed. I travel. My father said there are three vocations: making, maintaining, destroying. I maintain. I labour in defence of something worth defending."
You've heard those words before...
Keep very quiet about your zubmarine
Say nothing. Eat a biscuit.
All is well?
All should be well. He's enforcing an Agreement between nations. You're a citizen. A private citizen. A private citizen of London, who almost certainly falls outside the reach of his professional obligations. You worked on behalf of yourself, not a government. You must be outside his jurisdiction, surely. Surely.
Is he the Severe Bluejacket's son?
Does he know his father is looking for him?
He laughs
Harris turns his face. The faintest outline of a scar catches the light. "He'd not recognise me after what the Face Tailor did. No matter, though. I have no feeling for the man. Tell him what you like. Tell him I'm dead. Tell him where I live. Hell, tell him I'm working for Her Majesty, if you so desire. He will understand. It's his sin I atone for, at the day's end."
You've met the man. You know his face, as he knows yours.
You stand up to go
As you walk by him, Robert raises a hand. "I wanted to thank you for a pleasant afternoon. But just so you're aware, my Lord – if you come between me and a problem I'm about to fix, you're both going to be left choking on your teeth." He waves you on without a word more, and drops a lump of sugar into his tea.
You've learned all you can
Neither Harris, nor the Engineer, will alter their course. Neither will compromise.
What's to be done?
Harris and the Engineer are irreconcilable. Harris will stop at nothing to enforce the Agreement, and the Engineer is prepared to pay any price to finish her zubmarine.
One or the Other
Harris and the Engineer are irreconcilable. For all her confidence, the Engineer is unlikely to live without your assistance. Or you could stand aside, let Harris do his work.
Fake the Engineer's Death
The Bespectacled Visitor will assist you. He can provide a look-alike corpse for the Engineer.
An apology
The workshop is cleared out and the corpse is left lying on the floor, dressed in the Engineer's work clothes. Its head is crushed with a fallen zubmarine piston.
Days later, a package in white and gold paper is left on your doorstep. A letter is tied on top. 'You were right about Harris. I observed the shipyard from the safe house; anything he couldn't sneak by or talk around, he cut through. He made it into the workshop. Please, accept a small token of apology. Thank you."
It is time to return the coffin to the Severe Bluejacket.
Bring the coffin into the bedroom
The Sentimental Butler has arranged a table by the Bluejacket's bedside, so the old captain may have a last viewing.
A last goodbye
The coffin is carried in. The Severe Bluejacket rests his hand on the lid, tears welling in his eyes. He dismisses his butler, leaving you two alone. "Open it for me, will you? I want to see him."
What is in the coffin? And what will you tell the Severe Bluejacket about what he finds?
Tell the truth
His son is still alive. He's enforcing the Agreement About Nothing of Consequence.
He lives
"What is this?" asks the Bluejacket, groping in the darkness of the coffin. "Couldn't you find him?" You did find him, you reply. You have his London address. But there's something he ought to know, first.
Tears fall fast from the Bluejacket's eyes. His colour fails, blends with his yellow-white sheets. "Perhaps I will write to him. One day. Would he like that, do you think?"
火葬场圣母 Our Lady of Pyres
作者:詹姆斯·秋 发表时间:2016年10月
火炬游行 A Torchlit Procession
一群弄火者(Conflagrati)聚集在一所体面的房子外面[......]人们聚众围观。"纵火犯"[...]"玩火狂!" [...] "假圣人!" "事故隐患!" 他们默默地忍受着这一连串的谩骂。
烛光下的光环 一位年老的焚火者太过兴奋[......],没注意到你探进了他的口袋[......] 。 楼上的窗帘抽动了一下[......]。一个女人瞪着眼睛[......],她看到你时眼睛眯了起来。你认出了这所住宅是防波府,严厉的蓝夹克之家。
还愿献祭 两个最年长的弄火者[......]把一个年轻人推向门口。他把点燃的蜡烛[...]放在一个老妇人的木雕周围。她欢快地燃烧着,被火焰包围着。你认出了这所住宅是防波府,严厉的蓝夹克之家。
灼热的轮唱颂歌 [......]你身穿橙色的长袍,手持蜡烛,额头上涂有煤炭,手掌上涂有烟灰[......]一个女人对着游行队伍怒目而视。你认出了这所住宅是防波府,严厉的蓝夹克之家。
终幕 The Final Curtain
作者:奥利维娅·伍德 发表时间:2016年11月
顽童们的噪音 A Cacophony of Urchins
一个肺活量出奇之大的顽童正朝着路人大吼大叫,"给我们一便士! 就当是赞助艺术!" 顽童们吹着表演曲,他们还没定下来演奏哪一种。防波府的门被打开了,多愁善感的管家面带惊恐地现身。"行行好吧,快停下来!我的主人想安详地死去!" 或许你应该提供帮助。
"歇歇你,这将有助于伟大艺术的创造。好吧,有些会" "我们受人委托,为皇家剧院筹集资金。剧院存续少不了演出剧目,而演出剧目少不了钱。如此便能解释她的词汇和音量了。她巡视着同伴们:”来吧大伙儿,让我们离开这条街。“孩子们离开了,多愁善感的管家紧紧抓住防波府的铁栏杆。"我确信,如果放任这些家伙不管,他们最终会吵死他的。想象一下,假如这是你临终听到的东西呵。进来吧,他有些事要问你。“
"你说得确实不错" "我们受人委托,为皇家剧院筹集资金。剧院存续少不了演出剧目,而演出剧目少不了钱。如此便能解释她的词汇和音量了。她巡视着同伴们:”来吧大伙儿,让我们离开这条街。“孩子们离开了,多愁善感的管家紧紧抓住防波府的铁栏杆。"我确信,如果放任这些家伙不管,他们最终会吵死他的。想象一下,假如这是你临终听到的东西呵。进来吧,他有些事要问你。“
"呃...好吧,头儿。我们收到消息了。" "我们已经停止了!" [...]我们在[...]为皇家剧院筹集资金。[...]我们会继续前进。" 多愁善感的管家[......]回来献上一瓶[......]。。"我确信,如果放任这些家伙不管,他们最终会吵死他的。想象一下,假如这是你临终听到的东西呵。进来吧,他有些事要问你。“
人格引擎 The Persona Engine
作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2016年12月
当场抓获! Caught Red Handed!
正义得到伸张 你把收据从他手里抢过来。[......] 一个警察来了,把流氓拖走了。[...] 伦敦最近发生了大量的伪造案件,[......]你接受了杂货店老板赠送的馅饼,并决定在书房里静静地享用。
太傻太天真 一群人聚集在杂货店老板和流氓的周围。[......]不必要的麻烦[......]杂货商瞪着你[......] 。 伦敦近来赝品横行,[......]你[......]决定在你的书房里平静地享受它。
摩洛克街12-15号 The Twelve-Fifteen from Moloch Street
作者:詹姆斯·秋 发表时间:2017年1月
摩洛克街车站的骚动 A Commotion at Moloch Street Station
蒸汽与喧嚣 一个小贩向被诅咒者兜售薄荷糖。外面有一滩烟雾滚入街道。
地狱采访 An Infernal Interview
公共利益 老妇人快被逼疯了[...]。"听着,我签了一份合同。我的时代已经到来。[......]"记者[......]向你讲述最近的犯罪故事[......]:一个舞者的化妆间被洗劫一空,发现一堆灰烬[......]。这个细节很熟悉[......]
公共利益 这真的是明智之举吗?[...] "我想你是对的。[......]我还要写一篇关于被盗舞者的后续报道......" 你回忆一下这个事件[......]。一个舞者的更衣室被洗劫一空,发现一堆灰烬[......]这个细节很熟悉[......]。
世纪展览 The Century Exhibition
作者:弗雷德·泽莱尼,詹姆斯·秋,卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2017年2月
世纪展览! The Century Exhibition!
投机活动比比皆是 创新的、进步的、现代化的,甚至可能是愉快的一天。叫卖者非常赞同,当她经过时,把一张展览账单塞进了你的口袋。在展览仓促的施工中出了一些麻烦。一起谋杀或盗窃案发生在了展馆的玻璃穹顶。现场留下了一些东西,你必须检查放在宿舍的笔记,以发现更多。
一场演讲 叫卖者的脸垮了下来。[...] "但适合你自己。" 在展览仓促的施工中出了一些麻烦。一起谋杀或盗窃案发生在了展馆的玻璃穹顶。现场留下了一些东西,你必须检查放在宿舍的笔记,以发现更多。
凡是有人群的地方... 一大群心不在焉的人[...]?听起来像是一个机会[...]。在展览仓促的施工中出了一些麻烦。一起谋杀或盗窃案发生在了展馆的玻璃穹顶。现场留下了一些东西,你必须检查放在宿舍的笔记,以发现更多。
粘土人的手臂 The Clay Man's Arm
作者:格雷厄姆·罗伯逊德 发表时间:2017年3月
向着粘土改造 Earthy Proselytising
[…]粘土人讲道,[…]声音里洒满了泥土的气息。他劝说他的伙伴们自愿参加实验:一个学者试图将肉体和泥土融合在一起。 一个鲁莽的船夫吐出了[…]。"[…]你认为他们从哪里得到肉体,嗯?" [...]
遵守规定 粘土人是伦敦的脊梁,是无可置疑的工业引擎。他们是可靠的,你对心怀偏见的码头工人说了同样的话,他又吐了一口唾沫:"不是很让人放心。虽然他们不靠谱,但我们确实依靠他们。"
耐人寻味的潜力 如果这种传言是真的,那就太可怕了。[...]当然,这将是一个外科手术的壮举。[......]是肉体支配了粘土,还是这位神秘的外科医生发现了这两种材料的共性?
心,海,恶魔 The Heart, the Devil and the Zee
作者:奥利维亚·伍德,詹姆斯·秋 发表时间:2017年4月
恶魔的酒厂 The Devil's Ginnery
放错地方的示威游行 戒酒运动者[......]对改革的热情最好是针对[......]红酒先生的狂欢。[...]魔鬼的语气很不友好。"我有一个潜力非凡的常客。如果他被吓跑就太可惜了。"
某种意义上的希望 [....]顾客是[....]:一个外科医生[....],一个邮差,一个音乐厅歌手。你的话[....]令人振奋。[...]他们离开了。恶魔摇着头叹气,"我有一个潜力非凡的常客。如果他被吓跑就太可惜了。"
扰乱治安 [......]警察不屑于区分煽动者和旁观者。饮酒者和运动者都被捆绑在马车上[...] 。 [......]魔鬼摇摇头,叹了口气。"我有一个潜力非凡的常客。如果他被吓跑就太可惜了。"
作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2017年5月
飞掠区的一首歌 A Song in the Flit
有福的寂静 在穴顶的伪星照耀下,穿过另一座岌岌可危的桥,万籁俱寂。
一个新的故事 [......]当风琴师唱出女武神对鸣禽先生的宣言时--鸣禽先生偷走了沉睡的顽童--赫法姆变得心不在焉[......]"我只是惊讶于听到女武神与......为敌。[...]"
某种意义上的希望 [......]当风琴师唱出女武神对鸣禽先生的宣言时--鸣禽先生偷走了沉睡的顽童--赫法姆变得心不在焉[......]"我只是惊讶于听到女武神与......为敌。[...]"
“那么,你是如何成为女武神的?”“哦,你听过《奥丁的战马》吗?……在我听到那部歌剧前,我从未真正听过音乐……‘Hojotoho! Hojotoho!’”她唱着,挺直身板站起,将长矛指向天空。“当剧中的女武神在空中找她的姐妹们时,她就是这么唱的,那天我坐在梁柱下,她看见了我,向我挥手,从那一刻起,我知道了我是谁。”
“那是”这个孩子咬着羊角面包说话,“外交部为不幸的孩子们改善生活。”他擦着下巴上的黄油,“我没有被拐走,外交部要求我加入,我接受了。我们都同意!一位外交官听我唱歌,他安排了一个鸣鸟给我作为交易。他们给了我们食物和茶,教我们唱歌和做间谍活动。” 他用餐巾擦净了嘴巴,然后又咬了一口,“唯一的缺点是我不能和我的老朋友说话,因为害怕泄露我的身份。”
母裔之网 The Web of the Motherlings
作者:格雷厄姆·罗伯逊 发表时间:2017年6月
废墟的季节 The Season of Ruins
皇家伯利恒酒店的经理瘫坐在一家小咖啡馆外的[...]椅子上。[...] "亲爱的[玩家称呼],你睡得如何?" [...] "别误会。我对你的良知不感兴趣,只是对你的梦感兴趣。能和我说说它们吗?"
一个细心的听众 "你说你的梦异常生动?你确定它们是你的吗?" [...]"很久以前,我把我的某些梦--某些我不希望想起来的事--深深地埋藏起来。但现在有东西找到了它们。梦已经开始泄露[...]"
一个细心的听众 你的谎言似乎让经理放心[...]"你没有受到影响。[...]" [...] "很久以前,我把我的某些梦--某些我不希望想起来的事--深深地埋藏起来。但现在有东西找到了它们。梦已经开始泄露[...]"
An archaeological caper
一位科学赞助人(计划会见被逗乐的勋爵 挖掘的赞助人有关于发现和随后失窃的详细的资料要分享)
A different sort( plan Ask about the relics What are they?)
"I daresay you've seen odder finds down at the club," he says. "The context is what's important. Plus, they'll cut off a few of the Bishop's theories at the knees." His Lordship has a gleeful glint in his eye.
He goes on to tell you the relics were found in the Forgotten Quarter. Usually such artefacts are of only moderate value – London's fashionable districts are full of shops selling trinkets and shattered mosaics. His Amused Lordship insists this discovery is more significant. Instead of the usual horse and star decorations, the tiles and curious boxes found by His Lordship's team bore unusual motifs: thin lines, like webs.
他接着告诉你,这些文物是在被遗忘区发现的。通常情况下,这些艺术品的价值并不高——伦敦的时尚区到处都是出售小饰品和破碎马赛克的商店。被逗乐的老爷坚持认为这个发现更有意义。与通常的马匹和星形装饰品不同,老爷手下发现的瓷砖和奇怪的盒子上有着不同寻常的图案: 细细的线条,像网一样。
Questions of her own( plan Ask about the Lugubrious Seamstress What does she sew? And why is she so sorrowful?)
她自己的问题(计划问问忧郁的女裁缝她缝什么? 为什么她如此悲伤?)
She's rarely seen, and has few clients for her sewing. Her lodgings are unknown or simply unfixed. But she can also be found most nights at the Eclipse Tavern, where treasure hunters gather to gossip about objects best left undiscovered. She's apparently been badgering patrons about the theft.
她很少见面,也很少有客人做针线活。她的住处不知道,或者根本没有固定住处。但她也可以在大多数夜晚的 Eclipse Tavern 找到,在那里寻宝者们聚在一起闲聊那些最好不要被发现的物品。显然她一直在纠缠顾客关于偷窃的事。
His Lordship's agent reports her frequently heading into the the marsh. "Odd. Not much out there except for the old Observatory." He twitches his shoulders, as if something had walked over his grave.
Layers of obfuscation, proudly shown( plan Ask about the Attentive Envoy She lives in style in Veilgarden. No one is quite sure what she does. Whatever it is, she serves the Khanate.)
一层层的迷惑,骄傲地展示出来(计划问关于专注的使者她生活在 Veilgarden 时尚。没有人确切知道她是做什么的。不管是什么,她服务于汗国。)
Her position with the Khanate, if it exists, is obscure. So much so, she's most likely a player of the Great Game, and one who isn't troubled by others figuring that out. This points to either stunning hubris or well-earned confidence.
The Khanate claims a right to all Fourth City curios. The Envoy has previously pressed claims on their behalf, but infrequently and often unsuccessfully. If any Khaganian knows about this theft, it will be her.
Across the zee( plan Ask about the Fourth City It is London's predecessor. Who lived there? Where are they now?)
穿过海泽(计划问问伦敦的前、第四城,谁住在那里? 他们现在在哪里?)
Your questions set His Lordship off. The Khaganians were residents of the Fourth City, though most had abandoned it some time before London fell. The Great Khan sailed away from the Fourth City to slake a thirst for conquest, and his followers eventually founded Khan's Glory.
His Lordship is particularly interested in any residents of the Fourth City who did not follow the Great Khan. If they existed, and what their fate may be. He's convinced the missing relics serve as evidence. Of what, exactly, he's unclear – but does know he intends to rub the discovery in the Bishop of St. Fiacre's face.
Two leads( plan Leave to investigate the suspects His Amused Lordship has told you all he can, and it seems the wine isn't showing up anytime soon.)
You thank His Lordship for the information. He promises a hefty reward for advancing the field of archaeological discovery.
The Envoy will be easy to speak to, as she is rather sociable. And perhaps the patrons of the Eclipse Tavern can shed light on the Seamstress.
特使很容易交谈,因为她相当善于交际。也许 Eclipse Tavern 的顾客可以给这位女裁缝一些启发。
[Pursue leads and assemble clues in the 'Hunting for the Fourth City Relics' storylet.]
The Eclipse Tavern
The Eclipse is frequented by those with old dirt under their nails. Treasure hunters gather to boast of their latest finds, while others spend their evenings recalling events which never occurred. A few introverted devils drink here, planning how to obtain the souls of other drinkers with a minimum of fuss.
那些指甲缝里有古老污垢的人经常光顾 Eclipse。寻宝者聚在一起夸耀他们的最新发现,而其他人则在晚上回忆从未发生过的事情。几个内向的恶魔在这里喝酒,计划着如何不费吹灰之力就得到其他酒鬼的灵魂。
[The Seamstress is bound to show up eventually. Wait for her by socialising with the patrons.]
Scant business( plan Ask if the Envoy drinks here Are both suspects asking about the relics in this tavern?
A few patrons recognise your description. She visited a week ago, but didn't stay for long. They recall her talking to a labourer about the Quarter, but no one can remember exactly which labourer. She was very polite, though her questions were pointed.
A poor impression( plan Ask about the Seamstress What do the regulars think of her? Is she a regular herself?
印象不好(计划问问女裁缝常客怎么看她? 她自己也是常客吗?
While a relative newcomer, she's now a frequent visitor. Many of the drinkers you speak to freely admit she isn't well-liked. Her main activity is haranguing anyone who will listen about odd Fourth City finds. Ever since news of the theft of His Lordship's relics broke, that's all she will speak about. She interrogates anyone who comes in about the missing relics. One devil – usually known for his courtesy – even calls her presumptuous.
Focused on the job( plan Drink with a dig team Four dirt covered labourers sit at a table; they are all complaining about their backs.
The group is friendly enough, though basically indifferent about the finds they unearth. Their employers are a blur of giddy academics, but archaeology is less thrilling to the labourers who have to carry the shovels. "It's better than digging ditches," one woman allows, "though it's still digging."
Over the course of a few drinks, unlikely stories of the Quarter slip out. Pinholes bored into the earth that reach all the way to the surface. Disjointed statues with fingers that branched a dozen times. Names burned, not carved, into rock. None can recall which names. All the diggers forgot, though one remembers when she dreams.
Buried spiders( plan Sit with a treasure-hunter A man sits alone, drinking clear liquor. He is weighed down by charms and trinkets of all stripes, and is eager to gossip about the theft.
Many who venture into the Forgotten Quarter, or other dusty corners of London, lack the purer motives that come with a hefty University sponsorship. This treasure hunter is one such man. To protect against the hazards of his profession, he wears an assortment of charms and amulets. The overlapping superstitions clank as he shifts in his chair, along with the pistols on his belt.
You ask about the recent theft. He tells you that while fights over finds are common, for an artefact to be stolen after its recovery suggests it was a rare find. Many have been arguing – and the Seamstress has been asking – about the Motherlings. A cult from the Fourth City. Subversive, working against the Great Khan, even. Something do with spiders, he tells you, clutching one amulet.
All business( plan Speak to the Seamstress The Lugubrious Seamstress arrives, greeting no one. Even though her face is hidden beneath a hat, it is clearly her.
She orders a glass of wine at the bar, specifying only a year, not a type. She gulps down half of it before acknowledging your presence.
Speaking to the Lugubrious Seamstress
The Seamstress has a bundle of red hair hidden beneath her hat. Her clothing is in a sorrier state than you might expect for her profession. She leans against the bar, using her one remaining eye to stare at anyone who glances her way. This includes you.
A mention of Motherlings( plan Discuss her interest in the relics Why is she enquiring about them?
"The relics might be related to a matter of some importance to me. From what I've heard, they belonged to the Motherlings. An ancient tribe, fond of spiders. Certain inhabitants of the Fourth City took up the Motherlings' creed, in secret." She looks around the tavern with contempt. "I'd prefer to sponsor expeditions of my own, but I lack the funds, and my associates aren't interested in our roots. So I'm forced to rely on gossip."
提到母裔的计划 讨论她对遗迹的兴趣,她为什么要打听这些遗迹?
"这些遗物可能与我的一件重要事情有关。据我所知,它们是属于母裔的。这是一个古老的部落,喜欢蜘蛛。第四城的某些居民秘密地接受了母裔的信条。" 她轻蔑地环顾酒馆。"我宁愿自己赞助探险,但我缺乏资金,我的同伙对我们的根基不感兴趣。所以我不得不依靠流言蜚语。"
A dissident cultist?( plan Ask about her reported interest in spiders You'd heard she frequents Watchmaker's Hill. Does she ever go to the Observatory?
"We revere the sorrow-spiders. Beautiful things. Powerful and poised. My companions, though, have no ambition. They're content to crawl around with the spiders. Even give up both eyes."
She seems too intent on complaining about her fellow cultists to wonder how you know of her movements. "The spiders deserve worship, but the Motherlings knew they could be more than they are. They knew arts of knotting and combining. If we could resurrect their rituals, I'm sure I could discover something."
Her own findings( plan Deflect her suspicions She's more accustomed to asking questions than answering them. Your interest raises her hackles.
"You've been snooping around, haven't you?" she asks. She seems set to censure you, but abruptly softens. "Have you been to the Quarter yet? Don't bother. I heard the relics never left there. But its outskirts are full of old dig sites that would serve as a good hiding spot."
She looks you up and down. "Maybe you knew that already, though. You seem further ahead in this than I am. I wonder: who have you been spying on?" She reaches forward with curled fingers, as if to touch your eyeball.
她自己的发现(计划) 转移她的怀疑 她更习惯于问问题,而不是回答。你的兴趣引起了她的疑虑,她更习惯于问问题而不是回答问题。
她上下打量着你。"也许你已经知道了,不过。你在这方面似乎比我走得更远。我想知道:你一直在监视谁?" 她向前伸出卷曲的手指,好像要摸你的眼球。
Parallel investigations( plan End your conversation You've gleaned as much as you can.
She turns back to the bartender, this time specifying the type of wine but not the vintage. Her eye skips past you as she scans the room, looking for interview subjects of her own.
If she's hiding the artefacts, she's making a good show of looking for them. But why is this sorrow-spider worshipper so interested in the Fourth City?
平行调查 计划 结束谈话你已经尽可能多地收集了信息。
Questioning the Attentive Envoy
The Attentive Envoy welcomes you with courtesy and smoky tea. Her apartments are warm and furnished in the rich tones of the Khanate.
She often smiles over the brim of her cup. When she drinks, her scarred knuckles are on full display. The conversation plays out over the stark hum of her gasless lights.
Evasive but playful(Ask about her profession How does she fill her time?
"Oh, this and that." Her voice is rough, her accent mild. "I often welcome visitors from my country. Provide a bit of advice, pass along correspondence, that sort of thing. Hardly strenuous, as there are few of us living in or visiting London. Still, it's good to look out for them."
She may keep better tabs on the city's Khaganians than any Londoners employed to do so. Is it to aid them, or for some other purpose?
回避而俏皮(问她的职业 她是如何打发时间的?
"哦,这个和那个。" 她的声音粗糙,口音温和。"我经常欢迎来自我的国家的访客。提供一点建议,传递信件,诸如此类。几乎不费力气,因为我们很少有人住在伦敦,也很少有人来伦敦。不过,为他们着想还是不错的。"
A shrinking crowd(plan Enquire about her social circle Perhaps you have common acquaintances.
She mentions a few diplomats you have met once or twice, along with some academics who make a point of being radical within the bounds of respectability. She confesses her interest chiefly lies with any Khaganians, or even Elder Continent residents, who visit London. That group is getting smaller every year, she feels.
不断缩小的人群(计划) 打听她的社交圈子也许你们有共同的熟人。
lowing terms( plan Speak of home Does she miss the Khanate?
She tells you about the bridges and shining pavements. She misses the storytellers the most, but has additional complaints about London.
"How do you not collide with each other in this half-hearted gaslight? And your alleys! So narrow and cramped! At Khan's heart the bridges are wide, and the water laps at them peacefully." She glances out of the window, where a night soil man is passing by with his stinking cart. "And the less said about your sewage, the better."
热情洋溢的条款(计划 说到家她想念汗国吗?
"在这半边天的煤气灯下,你们怎么不互相碰撞?还有你们的小巷! 那么窄,那么逼仄! 可汗之心处,桥很宽,水安然地拍打着桥。" 她瞥了一眼窗外,那里有一个清洁工正推着他的臭烘烘的大车经过。"你们说的污水也是越少越好。"
Pointed ignorance(Ask if she has seen the relics The Envoy has treated your visit as a social one, but you have questions.
She knows of them, though she is more interested in the hubbub surrounding their disappearance. She's heard that unsavoury characters are after them. Seeking the missing relics would be unsafe, she insists, as anyone doing so will run afoul of these competitors. Missing from her warnings is any discussion of who may have stolen the relics in the first place.
明显的无知(问她是否看到了遗物 特使把你的来访当作社交活动,但是你有疑问。
Activist ones, perhaps( plan Discuss the Fourth City Does she have historical or scientific leanings?
She confesses an affinity for the Fourth City, but claims it is only natural. "It's our history, after all," she says. "And yet I see Londoners with brooches fashioned out of unearthed treasures." From the colour in her cheeks, people might as well be pillaging temples.
她承认对第四城有一种亲近感,但声称这很自然。"毕竟这是我们的历史,"她说。"但我看到伦敦人戴着用出土宝物制作的胸针。" 从她脸颊的颜色来看,人们可能也在掠夺寺庙。
She drops a few of her own
Her hand flexes slightly as she grips the teacup. "I haven't met such an inquisitive person since I was back in the Khanate. I often met inquisitive people there. Briefly, as you would expect."
A Pointed Remark (Depart She is stonewalling you. And the tea is disappointing. Leave to pursue other leads elsewhere.
You stand to go, but the Envoy remains seated. "These relics you've been asking about. Tell me, who do you think deserves them?" She sets down her cup.
Platitudes( plan Suggest the relics belong to the Khanate The Fourth City is the predecessor of the Khanate. That confers more right than any Londoner could claim.
陈词滥调 建议遗迹属于汗国 第四城是汗国的前身。这比任何一个伦敦人所说的都更加正确
The Attentive Envoy is far too professional (whatever her profession may be) to betray pleasure at your statement, but your answer appears acceptable. She thanks you for such considerations, reiterates the danger of pursuing the relics, and wishes you a pleasant day.
专注的特使太专业了(不管她的职业是什么) ,不会对你的陈述感到不快,但你的回答似乎是可以接受的。她感谢您的这些考虑,重申追求遗物的危险,并祝您有愉快的一天。
Given her strong hints, it is surprising she didn't suggest an alliance to find the relics. She kept you at arm's length instead. Is she hiding something?
Motherlings? Spiders?(Puzzle out the case: consider the Lugubrious Seamstress' motives Her behaviour has been shifty, even for a cultist. Why the obsession?
Academics and treasure hunters have spoken of these Motherlings: some sort of residents of the Fourth City who lived alongside the Khaganian ancestors. The Seamstress spoke about them at length, without offering many details. But the scuttle of many legs can be heard in the corners of this affair.
学者和寻宝者都提到过这些母裔: 第四城的一些居民,他们和汗国人的祖先一起生活。女裁缝长篇大论地谈到了他们,但没有提供太多细节。但是,在这件事的各个角落,都可以听到许多足声。
The Seamstress has some sort of claim to the relics. More to the point, she is obsessed with them. She'll move to obtain the cache of artefacts if she can ferret out the location.
Revisiting the Envoy's Lodgings, in a Less Polite Manner
The lock on the Attentive Envoy's door is robust. You manage to pick it all the same. You watched her head down the street a few minutes ago, headed to dinner. There is time to be thorough.
Despite your agreement, The Envoy brushed aside any suggestion of alliance. Why reject help? Is there more to the relics than she lets on?
Is the heating always on?( plan Explore the house On your last visit, the smoky tea and veiled accusations got in the way of a proper search.
The Envoy's rooms are spread throughout the second floor of this fashionable tenement. Even with no one in, it is very warm. You had a good look at the parlour on your last visit, so the main areas of interest are the Attentive Envoy's bedroom and her well-appointed study.
The Khaganian decor and electric lighting, so prevalent in the parlour, extends throughout the house. Not just for impressing visitors, then. Where did she find someone to install the cables?
A borderless map( plan Pick the lock on her desk There is a writing desk in her study. It's locked, but so was the front door.)
The desk contains a few papers of interest. A short report detailing the movements of 'our cheerful friend'. She's been monitoring His Amused Lordship. The rest is too vague to be of use.
The real find is a small map. It's vague and annotated – as if sketched from memory. It shows a route through what might be tunnels, ending at a cache. The details are scant, most likely to prevent its secrets from falling into hands like yours. Without more information it's not much help. But you make a quick copy, just in case.
一张无边的地图( 计划 挑开她书桌上的锁 她的书房里有一张写字台。它是锁着的,但前门也是锁着的)
书桌里有几份感兴趣的文件。一份简短的报告,详细记录了'我们的欢喜朋友'的动向。她一直在监视着 "被逗乐的老爷"。其余的内容太过模糊,没有什么用处。
A find! (Search through the Envoy's bedroom Even from the doorway of the sparse room, you can tell that that quilt must be worth a month's wages for a labourer.
In the back of a drawer you find an piece of what might be jewellery. It is small, and angular. The smooth surface – a metal you don't recognise – has been carved into a series of overlapping lines. The piece doesn't resemble anything else in the Envoy's bureau. What is interesting, though, are the flecks of mud caked onto the ornament – it looks like gravelly, Forgotten Quarter clay. This could be one of the relics, perhaps brought to her lodgings to test for authenticity, or to send as proof for her masters across the Zee.
找到了!(在特使的卧室里搜索) 即使是在这个简陋的房间门口,你也能看出,那条被子一定值一个工人一个月的工资。
Oblique business(Translate her correspondence There is a stack of letters and documents on her desk, written in Khaganian.
You piece together a rough translation. Some letters concern trivial matters: passing pennies to a business partner, a plea for a relation to return home. As the Envoy claimed, she acts as a conduit between the Khaganians in London and their business back home.
你把粗略的译文拼凑起来。有些信件是关于一些琐碎的事情: 给生意伙伴一分钱,请求亲戚回家。正如特使声称的那样,她充当了在伦敦的汗国人和他们的生意回国之间的渠道。
There are a few letters, however, which are so vague as to suggest code. An anonymous friend requests the Envoy look in on certain goings-on in a nearby park. That she pass along any gossip relating to street repair. A nameless banker requires her attention. The requests imply substantial leeway on the part of the Envoy.
Leaving the Envoy's Lodgings(Slip out With the dwelling thoroughly searched, you can leave quietly.
While the evidence you collected is inconclusive, it may be valuable when considered with other clues. But no time for that now. Rigorous thinking is rarely accomplished while intruding in another's study.
Followed? ( plan Leave quietly The Envoy won't be at dinner for much longer. Time to go.
接下来? (计划悄悄地离开)大使很快就不会出席晚宴了,该走了
Once you are at a respectable distance down the street, you glance back. Someone is loitering on the Envoy's steps. Instead of knocking at the door, they smash the front window, reaching around to undo the lock. A thief? Or a rival? Either from desperation or recklessness, the imitator lacks your finesse. Their face is concealed by a floppy hat. Could it be?
The racket will have alerted nearby constables and neighbours. The damage will certainly tip off the Envoy once she returns. This might complicate matters. You remove yourself quickly from the scene.
Web of the Motherlings: Hunting for the Fourth City Relics
母裔之网: 寻找第四座城市遗迹
A discovery in the Forgotten Quarter has set certain circles aflame. More relics of the Fourth City, but ones with strange motifs – of spiders and sharp lines. Before any cataloguing could be done however, they vanished.
The theft of some relics is hardly novel enough to gain the wider attention of London. But in the right circles people are talking. The expedition's backer, His Amused Lordship, has contacted you to investigate the matter.
[Gather clues regarding the suspects, then combine them here to advance the case.]
Delicate handling( plan Puzzle out the case: the Attentive Envoy's position Clues point to the Attentive Envoy as the culprit. But why the theft and secrecy instead of pressing a Khanate claim in the open?
If the clues are correct, the Attentive Envoy is a White and Gold. They are the secret police of the Khan's Glory: wielding knives and intelligence in service of the priests who rule the Khanate. Such a valuable agent would not waste her time on common Forgotten Quarter finds. The relics must have importance beyond vague historical interest.
You're not alone in that assessment of both the relics and the woman, judging by whoever followed your clandestine example – likely the Lugubrious Seamstress. It seems the Seamstress is looking for the relics, just as you are. It thus seems likely that the Attentive Envoy stole them. But the Seamstress' clumsy intrusion into the Envoy's lodgings will be noticed. If the Envoy suspects anyone is closing in on the relics, she will protect them with the efficiency for which the White and Golds are renowned.
细致的处理(计划 谜底:勤务使的立场 线索指向勤务使是罪魁祸首。但为什么要偷盗和保密,而不是在公开场合按汗国要求?
Stashed( plan Puzzle out the case: decipher the map You have a map, but a map of what? What did the Seamstress say about dig sites?
The Seamstress let slip her suspicions about the stash's location. She was convinced it lay somewhere on the edge of the Forgotten Quarter. How she knows is another enigma. Perhaps she learned this while following the Envoy, clearly a favoured activity of hers.
Once you assume the map depicts an area of the Forgotten Quarter, it becomes comprehensible. It locates the cache in a long-abandoned dig site. It's near enough to where the relics were found to make stashing them a simple task. If this map leads to the relics, then the Envoy is definitely the thief.
藏匿(计划) 解密案例:解读地图 你有一张地图,但一张什么的地图?缝衣女工对挖掘地点是怎么说的?
A few steps ahead( plan Track down the relics You've assembled clues and know where to find the relics.
The Attentive Envoy is the likely culprit, stealing the relics for transport back to the Khanate. The Lugubrious Seamstress has acted as an investigator on behalf of herself, or perhaps her cult. Regardless, both will be moving to secure the relics for themselves. Once she notices the commotion at her house, the Envoy will most likely head towards the cache – no doubt with the Lugubrious Seamstress at her heels.
Preparing the Ground
After much backtracking and consulting of the map, you discover a narrow field of trenches, strewn with broken tools. It's bordered by the remains of a digger camp site. No one has been here in years.
On the far side, a scaffold-laced wall stands. Dug out from a series of cellars, it looks like what remains of a temple. The sharp angles and many-legged frescoes covering it are unlike any Fourth City building you've seen.
You arrived well ahead of the Seamstress and Envoy. One, or both, are bound to appear. They won't give up their hunt for the relics without a fight. Best prepare for one.
Your opponents are nowhere to be seen.
[Prepare for the confrontation by raising your Underhanded Schemes, Honourable Preparations, or both.]
Among the trenches, you find a half-collapsed tunnel that runs the length of the dig site. Its purpose is obscure, but fads and experiments rule the archaeological world as surely as they do the rest of London.
There are one or two concealed entrances, and then an exit by the campsite. You could slip in, and with a quick crawl appear behind any opponents.
Ornaments? Tools?
装饰品? 工具?
In the disused camp, bundled tents lean against a stack of crates. One crate catches your eye, the nails too shiny. Easy to spot once you knew where to look. You pry it open to reveal a pile of dirty, metal objects. The relics!
There is no obvious way to wear or use them. They are all small enough to fit in your hand, though some look like broken pieces of a larger whole. Most are diamond-shaped, the angles precise. The metal is an off-white alloy, soft enough to bend. Spidery shapes, some with too many legs, appear on the surfaces.
The artefacts would be of more interest to the Lugubrious Seamstress. Writing on the edges of some relics describe what might be prayers, or rituals. The Motherlings left both traces and instructions.
A buried advantage
There are some blasting caps in the campsite that could be put to good use. The Fourth Quarter and its treasures are delicate enough to discourage all but the most modest explosions, so these won't do much damage. But with the right timing they could startle an unwary opponent, granting you an advantage or much needed time.
A violent triangle
The Seamstress shrieks with rage. The Envoy looks unperturbed. She circles around, blade high. The Seamstress moves in closer. Her fists are balled with anger, and sorrow-spiders crowd around her feet.
The two advance on you while keeping a wary eye on each other. There are no alliances here.
A Confrontation Among Rubble and Soil
Steady footing is hard to find among the dirt and tools. The sounds of battle echo through the mists.
Dead centre
The stick wobbles in the air, but holds its course. It hits the Seamstress square on the forehead. She is dazed, nearly falling backwards into a pit. She recovers her balance, but checks her aggression. She watches for any other weapons you may have. 这
Little time( plan She recovers! Realising the threats posed by your preparations, the Envoy retreats to the edge of the field. She produces a pistol!
Your opponent prepares to fire the pistol. Seeing the danger, the Seamstress retreats behind some tents. You can only hide behind piles of dirt for so long before she gains a clear shot. You must act!
时间不多(计划),她恢复了 意识到你的准备工作对你的威胁,特使退到了战场的边缘。她拿出了一把手枪!时间不多了(计划她康复了!意识到你们的准备工作所带来的。
你的对手准备用手枪射击。看到危险,女裁缝退到一些帐篷后面。你只能躲在土堆后面这么久 在她获得明确的射击之前。你必须采取行动!你的对手准备开枪。
Boom! (Set off the blasting caps You were prepared for such underhanded tactics. Light the fuse!
引爆雷管 你早就准备好应付这种卑鄙的手段了,点燃导火索吧
A shot rings out as you race towards the fuse. You scramble with the match as she curses her aim. She doesn't notice the fizzing line as she once again takes aim. Before she can fire, the caps go off with a great bang!
Startled, she drops the pistol, which bounces away into a pit. You rush forward to deal with her.
he stuff of fighting manuals( plan A perfect lunge You are limber and alert. Finish the battle with a decisive strike.
Fencing instructors and hardened muggers alike would sheds tears of appreciation at the beauty of such a lunge. You slide past the Seamstress's defences and send her to the ground. Winded and injured, she capitulates with a groan.
格斗手册上的东西(计划 完美的冲刺,你四肢灵活,警惕性高。以决定性的一击结束战斗。
The upper hand( plan Victory! You stand triumphant over both the Envoy and Seamstress. Force has failed them, but they made a last attempt to sway you with words.
The Lugubrious Seamstress is more distressed and agitated than usual. She lost her hat in the trenches. Her hair, slick with mud and dirt, clings to her face. She ignores you for the moment, turning to stare at the excavated temple. She whispers a chant.
Disarmed, her nose bloodied, the Attentive Envoy wavers between respect and annoyance. There is little she can do now except plead her case.
impassioned Pleas
Standing by the threadbare tents and cracked shovels, the two women make their cases. The Attentive Envoy claims her people's history is at stake. "Our past is precious. Especially since we left so much of it behind." Her voice cracks, either from passion or action. "His Lordship is little better than a thief. He simply wants to show these off, amusing his bored colleagues for an afternoon."
The Lugubrious Seamstress snaps out of her reverie. "Look!" she says, pointing at the temple wall, "Does that look Khaganian to you? Do these relics? Those are webs covering all of them. I can reconstruct prayers with these. I can knot spiders!"
两个女人站在破旧的帐篷和破损的铁锹旁,陈述自己的观点。殷勤的特使声称,她的人民的历史岌岌可危。"我们的过去是珍贵的。尤其是我们留下了太多的东西。" 她的声音裂开了,不是因为激情就是因为行动。"老爷不过是个小偷。他只是想把这些东西炫耀一下,逗他无聊的同事们玩一下午。"
Promises kept
When you move to depart, the Seamstress unravels your intentions. She spits and lunges at you. In her weakened state, you easily avoid her attack. Gasping, she crawls towards the partially excavated temple. Perhaps she may at least learn something of her predecessors there.
The Attentive Envoy wipes the blood from her face. "It's a despicable choice. Though I suppose I can respect you sticking to your duty. The White and Gold have long memories, and we will see you again." She departs without waiting for a response.
As you prepare to reseal the crate for transport, one relic catches your eye. It is a small, chipped tile. It depicts a path that turns at right angles, finally disappearing at the tile's centre. One on corner there is a geometric figure with eight eyes, about to step onto the path. Perhaps you should keep this, as a souvenir.
[Finish this story in your Lodgings.]
Epilogue: Displayed and Paraded
收场白: 展示和游行
You enjoy a few days of peace and quiet, full of washing mud from cuffs and bolstering cups of tea. News of the relics' fate eventually reaches you.
A quiet afternoon( plan Visiting a private collection The relics are now on prominent display in His Lordship's private collection.)
The relics are now sequestered behind glass. His Amused Lordship shows you around the display, pointing out the beauty of certain pieces. The attached display card, written by His Lordship, speculates that the maker was a leopard-queen, judging by the ornamental techniques. The spidery images are said to depict a conspiracy amongst the Motherlings. Presumably a failed one, if the leopard-queen knew about it. As you leave, he presents you with a few useful documents as a reward. "Think nothing of it," he declares, his booming voice startling a nurse and her group of malnourished wards.
The Lugubrious Seamstress has not been seen at the Eclipse, or the Observatory, since your battle. The Attentive Envoy supposedly left London on a Khanate-bound ship. But she is probably not the only White and Gold in the city.
[This concludes Web of the Motherlings.]
万物皆有终结 All Things Must End
作者:奥利维亚·伍德 发表时间:2017年7月
夜色中翻飞之物 Things that go Flap in the Night
"哈罗德! 你他妈的最好出来面对我[......]" 满脸皱纹的男人怒气冲冲地敲打着一扇大门。 窗帘抽动[...]"我还没有去找警察。我可以告诉他们。蜡烛[...]。你知道他们会怀疑什么。"
一次及时的干预 [...] "不,我当然不会真的告诉警员们他吃了蜡烛。[...] 这是他的飞蛾。" [...] 哈罗德! 你得给我买更多的蜡烛,明天就要!否则我就..我就...!!" 这个人大步流星地走了,沮丧得说不出话来。
低声的解释 在你的敲门声中,一个面容憔悴、身材矮小的青年推开了窗户。[...] 当你告诉他你不是[......]一个愤怒的邻居时,他高兴得不得了。"[......]我借了蜡烛来喂我的蛾子。这样一个华丽的标本--但如此饥饿![...]" [...]
侍者们 The Attendants
作者:詹姆斯·秋 发表时间:2017年8月
秘密集会的窃窃私语 Whispers of a Clandestine Gathering
继续前进 偶然听到的谈话比比皆是。她在哪里找到了一只猫?他是如何让自己被流放的?他们在皇后的宝座上做了什么?
侍者们 The Attendants
找到知己 诡秘的书商点点头。"太对了。我可以告诉你,这对国王一点好处都没有。他病了,死了,所有的梦都变成了灰烬。他的肉身--好吧,我不会剧透的。" 他脱帽致敬,然后拖着车走了。
低声争论 [......]"[......]这是一种可怕的生活态度! 我认识一个人,他的女儿沉迷蜂蜜,[......]她再也没有回来。"[......] 。公共美德部的一名审计员向你搭话[......]"[......]去挖那个城市的人没有好下场[......]"
试行错误 Trial and Error
作者:格雷厄姆·罗伯逊 发表时间:2017年9月
试行错误 Trial and Error
一个人,刚被定罪[......]"[......]我没有违法?[...]" 大律师[...]说[...]"法官重新解释了一条法律。使你的行为,追溯到了犯罪。从今天下午开始,它一直是这样的。" [...]
一位著名的检察官 他骂你太天真,促使大律师[...]打断。"他生气只是因为这一次他是被惩罚的人。[......]此外,戴手铐的大律师在起诉。赔率很高。你对我有什么期望?" [...]
公平的改革者 大律师停下来[...]。"那你希望我们做什么?制定不可改变的法律[...]?还是随心所欲地制造它们[...]?[......]如果你是被告[......],面对戴着手铐的大律师这样的人,你会求得一队律师[......]"
石头客 The Stone Guest
唐璜:莫利纳用诗歌创造了他,莫里哀把他带到了舞台上,莫扎特用音乐使他永生。现在,如果你能复活堕落的灵魂,与恶魔达成协议,抵御粗鲁的马车夫等等,你将加入地下伟大艺术家的行列,在电影中捕捉他的生活和余生。作者:卡什·德库尔 发表时间:2017年10月
石头客 The Stone Guest
怎么了--?每个人都穿着衬裙,戴着假发。这是宫廷的最新时尚,而你只是错过了新闻? [......] "你是来参加唐璜电影的海选的吗?" 他们退后一步打量着你。[...]
你将万众瞩目 [...]自信的制片人与她的摄影师窃窃私语[...]。"是的! 各位:请展示你们的形象;然后跟着唐璜走。" [一个戴着羽毛帽子的英俊男子走过。[......]制片人[......]饶有兴趣地看着你[......]。
照片的闪烁 [......]一旦你离开了摄像机的范围,电影制片人就高高举起她的手;喊出开始。唐璜戴着他的羽毛帽,踏着小路而来。[...]唐璜,对他帽子上羽毛的颜色有抱怨。
沉陷教区 The Sinking Synod
有人提议在伦敦建立一个新的教区! 前往布格斯比沼泽地,在那里你会与牧师争吵,向执事们说教,还会让修女们感到沮丧,因为你将决定谁将成为钟表匠之丘的新主教。
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2017年11月
沉陷教区 The Sinking Synod
重新制定计划 [......]你询问一下丢失的地图。[......]"一些奇思妙想的计划,要在钟表匠之丘上建立一个新的教区。政治家们就是喜欢移动边界。我想,这能让我继续工作。她感谢你的帮助,然后就走了[...]。
[失败]几乎被拦截 [...]你的速度使你穿过罪犯的道路,并从屋顶的另一边掉下来。 顽童们笑了[......] 。 地图上显示[......]钟表匠之丘为拟议中的新教区。你注意到顶角有市长办公室的印章。[...]
[成功]被拦截下来 [...]你的速度把你直接扔到了领先的顽童的路上。 [...]你抓住了文件。[...]地图显示[....]钟表匠之丘为拟议中的新教区。你注意到顶角有市长办公室的印章。[...]
潮湿但清晰可辨 [......]这些是新起草的城市东部的视图[......]将钟表匠之丘描述为拟建的新教区。为什么教会会对该地区感兴趣?[......]你注意到顶角有市长办公室的印章。[......]
浸泡在蜂蜜中 Steeped In Honey
作者:玛丽.戈登 发表时间:2017年12月
困扰的做梦者 A Troubled Dreamer
浪费 [...]她的抽搐并没有减轻。[...]一个顽童从屋顶上滑下来,把更多的报纸放在她的脚下,然后伸手从她的外套里拿了一便士。"我不是在偷东西,"他焦急地解释道。"如果她不是在做梦,她会给我钱的。"
地表的梦 [......]她的手指在鼻子和耳朵上发抖,好像感觉到有什么东西在里面动。[...]她描述了[...]太阳[...]。一个顽童从屋顶上滑下来,把更多的报纸放在她的脚下,然后伸手从她的外套里拿了一便士。"我不是在偷东西,"他焦急地解释道。"如果她不是在做梦,她会给我钱的。"
浪费 [...]她的抽搐并没有减轻。[...]一个顽童从屋顶上滑下来,把更多的报纸放在她的脚下,然后伸手从她的外套里拿了一便士。"我不是在偷东西,"他焦急地解释道。"如果她不是在做梦,她会给我钱的。"
哀歌水闸 Lamentation Lock
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2018年1月
哀歌水闸 Lamentation Lock
精致 实际上,巧克力盒受到密切监控[......]有一些较小的包,你可能会提起[......]当战斗爆发时,你猛扑过去并带走了战利品。你打开包裹。[......]包装物本身是不寻常的。
描述摘要: 当小贩和同伙在抵御顽童时,你向另一边的一群人投掷一个小弹丸,引发了一场战斗,分散了他们的注意力,足以偷走一个小包袱。拆开后,里面只剩下令人失望的廉价早餐......但包装本身是地表丝绸制成的。
小小的奢侈 你在拐角处找到一张长椅,坐下来品味你的巧克力。它持续了三口,慢慢地吃。每一口,你都能品尝到阳光和山间的空气。真精致。
高贵 你大摇大摆地走了[......]你不需要这些[......]地下的巧克力师和地表的同行一样熟练。他们的一些可可替代品非常有创意,即使他们不愿意公布完整的配方。
人情工厂 Factory of Favours
作者:格雷厄姆·罗伯逊 发表时间:2018年2月
人情工厂 The Factory of Favours
信心工作 债权人很生气。[......]债务人[......]感谢你的介入。[......]令人惊讶的是,有什么东西从缝隙中溜走了。甚至有传言说一家工厂失踪了。怎么会有人把建筑物放错地方呢?
破译的工作 债务人[......]在债权人声称已解读出前几行时匆匆离开。[......]令人惊讶的是,有什么东西从缝隙中溜走了。甚至有传言说一家工厂失踪了。怎么会有人把建筑物放错地方呢?
追寻飞蛾 The Pursuit of Moths
作者:哈利·塔夫斯 发表时间:2018年3月
追寻飞蛾 The Pursuit of Moths
"赃物!"[......]趁着它们是非法的,把它们抢过来!" [...] "真正的函符之书! 保证能激起你的梦!" [......]商贩炸了展演。"从一个穿着最奇怪外套的女人那里买的[...]! 说她不可能再需要它了。"
一本被盗的经典 [...]这是一本关于函符性质的论文,其中一些图文并茂的例子让人立即感到偏头痛。[......]一只异常死亡的、有裂纹翅膀的蛾子,被平放在书页之间。一个特定符号的书签?[...]
一只死去多年的飞蛾 [...]"而卖家只是想快速地把它从她的手中弄走。她只为了一个函符而偷了它。" 她打开了一个带书签的页面,描绘了一个能立即诱发偏头痛的符号。书签是一只死去的飞蛾[...]。
有人在这里的大街上销赃! 而且她还在兴致勃勃地做这件事!
一场混战开始了 你带领一名警员回到小贩的角落。她放下了她的书[...] 。 [......]这是一本关于函符的学术探索,有几个插图的例子,可以立即引起偏头痛。[......]一个已经去世的[......]霜蛾[......]。一个书签[......]?[...]
穆尔加特罗伊德公式 The Murgatroyd Formula
作者:玛丽·戈登 发表时间:2018年4月
穆尔加特罗伊德公式 The Murgatroyd Formula
严厉的批评 邀请函是用几乎无法辨认的字迹手写的[......]最近的企业是穆尔加特罗伊德先生的女儿们经营的药房。仔细观察可以发现用红墨水做的精确注释。[......]显然是被内部纷争所困扰。
一份敏感的文件 当你收集这些碎片时,一个矮小的年轻女子带着假发向你走来。"我要这些," [...] 。 一个较高的年轻女子[...]出现在她身后。[...] [......] "我只是要确保它不会成为对公司安全的威胁[......]"
愤怒的分歧 当你经过时,店内传来一声巨响,散发着恶臭的烟气飘到了街上。你无意中听到了争吵的片段。"告诉你,这东西不适合出售!" [......] "小声点!你想让全伦敦的人都听到吗?"
捕鼠人 The Rat-Catcher
作者:钱德勒·格罗弗 发表时间:2018年5月
穆尔加特罗伊德公式 The Murgatroyd Formula
有人玩板球吗? 你没有球,但你有一个球棒。事实上,有很多。暴脾气的烟草商[......]很高兴能提供一个棍子。[......]"消灭者只适合买鼻烟,"[......]。最后一只残缺不全的蝙蝠在屋顶上飞来飞去。
他是不是说蝙蝠脏? 他怎么敢揶揄如此高贵的野兽。它们有权在自己喜欢的地方栖息[…]你把他送进河里,然后回来抚摸那些蝙蝠。它们叽叽喳喳地咬着你的手。有一只打l了个喷嚏,因为你的指关节上还沾着烟草。
一个机会! 你向他介绍各种可能性[...]某种副产品可能会丰富他的雪茄。[...]你推荐一本书。一百零一种氨水配方》。[…]暴脾气的烟草商带着突然醒悟的贪婪盯着他的屋檐[...] 。
伦敦的骨头 The Bones of London
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2018年6月
伦敦的骨头 The Bones of London
垂直的暴力 这些西装革履的人很强壮,但他们缺乏你的搏击智慧[......]你把他们的头敲碎了。受害者拖着一把摇摇欲坠的椅子回到楼梯上[......]她坚持要请你喝茶[......]她对这个地区的八卦可谓是新鲜。
流动资金 官员长给了你一个可疑的眼神,当她看到你的钱的颜色时,眼神就变得柔和了。 [...] 受害者坚持要请你喝茶 [...] 但这是我最大的财富。他们在62年把这些东西都拿走了。[...]我希望你能拥有它。
二流的木匠 你漫步离开现场,只停顿下来评估那堆暂时无人问津的家具。其过时的风格很难与你的窗帘相称。你继续前进。
你现在有了1x疯子的祈祷 “老虎的迷宫是盲目的。”
致所有无需劳作的圣人 For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest
作者:詹姆斯·秋 发表时间:2018年9月
开始"致所有无需劳作的圣人" Begin 'For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest'
致所有无需劳作的圣人 For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest
一个紧张的牧师递来一份为所有伦敦圣人进行盛大庆祝的宣传单。南华克主教承诺会给每个阶层的伦敦居民"充满宗教和休闲的一天"。 "不像其他任何一次教堂游园," 牧师哄骗说, "会有圣人参与其中,比如Cerise和Gawain还有Arthur以及Chandler!" 他的脚边放着一个小捐款盒。
主的作品 一本无聊的小册子,包含了南华克主教对游园会的所有设想,还有他通常布道的内容。它承诺会让伦敦居民更加熟悉地下独有的圣人们,并回顾那些教义中的传说。在它背面的空白处写着一份潦草的圣徒名单。一些名字的边上标有问号,其中还有个名字就叫做'蜡烛'。
牧师,我要走了 "好吧,至少让我给你这个," 牧师毫不畏惧说,并把一本小册子塞到你手里。它承诺会让伦敦居民更加熟悉地下独有的圣人们,并回顾那些教义中的传说。在它背面的空白处写着一份潦草的圣徒名单。一些名字的边上标有问号,其中还有个名字就叫做'蜡烛'。
坏事做得快 [......]一位著名的女院长经过。牧师忍不住招呼了一声大夫人[......]很快就刷完了捐款箱[......]一把硬币和一张废纸:一份圣徒名单。名为'蜡烛'的人旁边有一个问号[...] 。
一个干净的出口 你摸索着撑伞,不料却把警员绊倒在地。你真是太笨拙了。 十分钟后,这个年轻的小偷在一个小巷里找到了你。她正喘着粗气,嘴里不停地感谢。 "所有这些努力都是为了半个回声和一张湿漉漉的收据,"她打开了偷来的钱包、厌恶地嘟囔着,"你知道,镇上有一个新的盗贼团伙。他们自称'四十大象',显然他们赚得盆满钵满。我半信半疑地想加入他们"。
追逐一个人 "我敢打赌警察会抓住她的,"顽童嗅了嗅,"你看到她抢夺钱包了吗?技术太烂,手脚无力。" 你告诉她跟上去,你们两人追赶奔跑的警员,警员则追赶奔跑的小偷。最终,你追上了,发现警员站在一个小巷交界处,困惑地四处张望。"哎哟混账玩意儿,"顽童咕哝道。"我陪你一个有趣的新谣言,怎么样?镇上来了一个新的盗贼团伙。他们自称'四十大象',而且他们不像那位女士那样业余。"
飞身扑救 你很快就追上了逃跑的小偷,把她按在原地,直到警员到来,她满脸通红,喘着粗气。"真不敢相信,我竟然会因为偷了那个傻瓜的东西而被捕,"当手铐扣在她的手腕上时,她厌恶地嘟囔道。"你听说过那个新的盗贼团伙吗?四十大象?他们给了我一份工作。我应该接受它的。"
毫不关心 当你继续做你的事情时,喧闹声在你身后消失了。如果你每天都干预你所目睹的每一起犯罪,你将永远无法完成任何事情!
大象女王 The Queen of the Elephants 2022.05
[成功]几个到位的询问 嗯,缩小范围没有坏处。你去找几个新来的无名氏谈话,他们的消息在过去被证明是可靠的。一个小贩,一个牌手,一两个顽童。从他们的窃窃私语中,你总结出一幅图画。四十大象是一个全新的、全员女性的盗贼团伙,在纱幕花园及其周围地区活动。她们从犯罪中收获不菲,花钱大手大脚。这些自称盗贼的家伙,吹嘘自己完成了许多不可思议的抢劫......但是没有人知道这钱来自何处。她们从哪里得到不义之财?
不断加深的谜团 坚定不移的侦探一边用严厉的目光盯着你,一边把茶杯举到嘴边。"我知道得不比你多,"她承认。"她们是个全女性盗贼团伙,在纱幕花园及其周边活动。在我看来,他们的名字真的很可怕。大象几乎是最不擅长隐秘的生物。" 他们从谁那里偷东西呢?"这就是问题所在,"她说。"每个人都同意他们在挣钱。但没有人站出来投诉任何实际的抢劫行为。你觉得我为什么没有介入调查?因为没有受害者。如果他们不一有机会就吹嘘,我们甚至不知道他们是小偷。"
阴谋诡计 你无法控制它。这是一个谜题,它会让你心痒难耐,直到它被解开。
命运 每隔一段时间,你就会被拖入一些事情。这似乎不可避免。这件事有着相同的味道。与其让它在某个暗巷里出其不意地抓住你,不如抢先一步。谨慎的第一步是弄清楚她们的钱到底从何而来。
]运气不好 你花了一天时间在邮局安营扎寨,偷取寄往最豪华宅邸的信件,并仔细阅读内容。但你找不到任何关于最近的盗窃案,或相关的掩饰行为。哦,好吧。把这一条划掉。
教会的聊天 你和一个唱诗班男孩、一个修女、两个牧师以及圣菲克尔的主教本人聊天。所有这些人都对你的问题感到疑惑。不,没有人从教堂里偷东西。反正数量不大。顽童把募捐盘当作自助餐,但除此之外...
Contact a devil
No... Surely not. They wouldn't dare. Could the Forty Elephants be stealing from Hell?
The devils' details
If the devils were being outwitted, they'd never admit it. Not unless they had something to gain.
Fortunately, you've got something they might be interested in. In return for some souls, you arrange a meeting in the Brass Embassy with a devil of your acquaintance, who smirks at the idea that they're being stolen from. "I can assure you," he purrs, his eyes flashing. "If these thieves were stealing from us, we'd have done things to them that would make hanging, drawing and quartering look like a children's birthday party." You believe him.
Scour the newspapers for crime stories
Is there anything you've missed? Anything at all?
Poring through the archives
Page after page, story after story, going back years. There are plenty of thefts, of course, but you have a pretty good idea of who the culprits are. None of the big heists were perpetrated by the Forty Elephants.
You've lost 1 x Intriguing Snippet.You now have 1 x Impossibilities Eliminated.Find out where the Forty Elephants are getting their money from.
Call upon a few nasty men of your acquaintance
They ask people questions in a tone of voice that usually gets an answer, even if the answer is incoherent snivelling. This will not consume your Use of Villains.
Track down the thieves and ask them outright
Just as you reach your wit's end, you receive word that the Forty Elephants have been spotted holding a party in the Singing Mandrake.
An appointment at the Singing Mandrake
The Forty Elephants were nowhere to be found. Now, all of a sudden, it seems that everyone (at least in London's lower circles) knows that they're back in town, and they're holding a party. Where were they before? Another mystery to add to the collection. In the meantime, you hurry over to Veilgarden...
Attend the Forty Elephants' party. You have moved to a new area: Veilgarden
The Forty Elephants
Long before you reach the Singing Mandrake, you hear a raucous mixture of laughter (uproarious) and song (out of tune). The pub itself appears to have been completely taken over. Revellers spill out into the surrounding street. Someone's tap-dancing on the roof. A crouched monkey, a rhinestone collar round its neck, is throwing bottles at someone playing an accordion. It's chaos, but everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. At the centre of the party is a tight knot of striking young women, dressed in the height of finery and fashion, diamonds sparkling on their fingers.
Ingratiate yourself with the Elephants
A confident enough smile can part crowds faster than waving a knife.
The inner circle
You approach the gaggle of well-dressed women, dropping sharp little jokes like caltrops. As though it's the most natural thing in the world, you step into the fold. "Oh, I like the look of you," oozes a voice that drips confidence enough to match your smile. You find yourself standing face-to-face with a woman almost half a head taller than anyone else in the pub. She has cracked white makeup covering her face, eyeshadow as scarlet as blood in the snow, and a bundle of red hair piled high on her head. "Here," she says, slipping a diamond ring off her finger and handing it to you. "You can have this, if you like. I have plenty. Now tell me – who might you be, and why did you crash my party?"
Introduce yourself to the Queen of the Elephants. Queen Mary likes you a little more.
Disrupt the party
Stand on top of the piano and call for everyone to shut up and listen.
A faux pas
As your strident voice fades away, the revellers turn to face you, aghast. The accordion wheezes to a halt. The monkey whimpers and curls into a ball. "Who the hell is ruining my party?" calls a voice from the middle of the pub. "Bring them to me!" Someone grabs the piano and tilts it up, sending you scrambling to the floor. When you look up, you find yourself staring at a woman almost half a head taller than anyone else in the pub. She has cracked white makeup covering her face, eyeshadow as scarlet as blood in the snow, and a bundle of red hair piled high on her head. "Explain yourself," she says, her voice dripping contempt.
Introduce yourself to the Queen of the Elephants.
The Queen of the Elephants
She stands there, her gaze fixed upon you like a cobra assessing a passing rodent. The rest of the pub is silent, waiting for your response.
Introduce yourself as a newcomer to London
Recently out of New Newgate, so you can be trusted to be discreet in matters of the law.
Passing the test
She looks at you for a long time, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Well, you've caught my attention with that little display," she says finally. "Why don't you get a drink? Stay a while." A wave of palpable relief passes through the pub. The accordion starts up again. The monkey swings from the rafters, hooting in triumph. "They call me Queen Mary, by the way," says the thief, extending her hand to be kissed. "I've told them not to, but that's just how it is when people worship you. They find ways to show it."
Ingratiate yourself with Queen Mary and learn her secrets.
Queen Mary thinks of you as a newcomer to London.
Introduce yourself as a fellow thief
Her methods are unlike anything you've seen before. She's got your attention, and she could likely benefit from your advice.
Amongst the Elephants
Queen Mary has been surrounded by a gaggle of her followers, all clamouring for the honour of buying her a drink. The party is in full swing once again. You've been introduced to the Queen of the Elephants, but now you need to worm your way into her confidences. She won't tell you the secret of her scam if she doesn't trust you.
Introduce yourself as the owner of London
And as such, affairs like this are your concern.
A measure of respect
"Well, well, well," she says. "I suppose this is technically your pub too, then?" She bows, half-sincere, half-mocking. "I'm going to continue using it, if you don't mind. But you seem an interesting sort. Why don't you get a drink? Stay a while." A wave of palpable relief passes through the pub. The accordion starts up again. The monkey swings from the rafters, hooting in triumph. "They call me Queen Mary, by the way," says the thief, extending her hand to be kissed. "I've told them not to, but you know how it is when people worship you. They find ways to show it."
Ingratiate yourself with Queen Mary and learn her secrets. Queen Mary thinks of you as the owner of London.
Queen Mary likes you more and more.
Work your magic
The only gift you need is the gift of the gab.
[失败]A party to forget
As the night goes on, you find yourself imbibing a little more than you should. When you wake up the next day with a splitting hangover, you discover that you and the accordion-player and the monkey somehow endeavoured to break into Benthic, steal the embalmed corpse of one of its founders, and place it in the college bar with a bottle of beer in one hand and a book of dirty poems in the other. It's a thoroughly shameful affair. The one bright spot is that Queen Mary and her Elephants have been holding parties at the Singing Mandrake every night for the last few days, so at least you haven't missed your opportunity.
[成功]In good graces
As the party continues, you find yourself 'coincidentally' bumping into Queen Mary again and again. You find that she responds well to outrageous flattery, and drop continuous hints that you'd love to know more about how she does what she does. And so, once things are wrapping up (and the accordion-player's lost consciousness and the dancer on the roof has fallen off and the monkey has gone wherever monkeys go), Queen Mary comes to find you. She offers you a smile like a poisoned rose. "Come on," she says. "We'll take you back to our hideout. But we need to blindfold you first. Can't have you finding us again, can we?"
Let Queen Mary escort you to her hideout.Queen Mary likes you a little more.Persuasive is increasing...
Buy everyone large amounts of wine
This usually works.
It works
By the night's end, you've supplied the entire pub with enough wine to drown an actual elephant. The party ends in predictable fashion, with everyone thoroughly disgracing themselves and then scurrying home to recover. Well, almost everyone. Queen Mary and a few of her most loyal Elephants seem inclined to keep the party rolling. You've spent the past hour buttering them up and dropping continuous hints that you'd love to know more about how she does what she does.
"Come on," says Queen Mary. "Since you're such a good sport, we'll take you back to our hideout. But we need to blindfold you first. Can't have you finding us again, can we?"
Let Queen Mary escort you to her hideout.
The Elephants' Lair
A blindfold is placed over your eyes. One of the Elephants guides you by the elbow out into the maze of London streets. A left, a right, downhill, left, uphill, right... Soon enough you've lost your bearings. Finally, you come to a halt. You hear a knock at a door, and a voice asking "Password?" "Open sesame," says Queen Mary. The door creaks open and you're pushed inside. When the blindfold is whipped from your face you find yourself in a large, dusty warehouse, its walls decorated with dozens of mirrors. Honey-jars are stacked against one wall.
Ask about the strange equipment
Glass and honey aren't the favoured tools of most thieves. Though there are other professions that come to mind...
Robbing what isn't real
"There is a land beyond the mirror-glass," says Queen Mary. "A land of dreams. That is where we steal from."
Find out exactly how Queen Mary is stealing from Parabola.
Queen Mary and the Forty Elephants
The mirrors in Queen Mary's hideout have clearly been stolen from a variety of places. Some, in cheap wooden frames, were nicked from a bathroom somewhere; some, ostentatiously ornate, might have been taken from ballrooms. She looks you up and down imperiously, as though daring you to ask too many questions. Behind her, her lackeys smirk and whisper in each other's ears.
Ask how they manage to steal from Parabola
How is it possible to take a dream and bring it back to the real world?
Vanishing gold
Queen Mary offers you another barbed smile. "It's a secret," she says. "But the treasure we return with ain't exactly legal tender. The coins are forgeries of currencies that never existed in the first place, and if you flip 'em, they land on their edge. The jewels are sparkly enough, but under a bright light they turn wobbly like jelly." "And we got to spend it mighty quick," offers up one of the Elephants. "Because it vanishes after a day or two." Queen Mary shrugs. "We don't buy things from the same vendor twice, or else they'd catch on," she says. "And it helps if we get them drunk, so they don't notice how odd the coins are."
Ask who they're stealing from
Even dreams belong to somebody.
Stealing from the rich
"We steal gold-hoards from the greedy dreams of wealthy old misers," says Queen Mary, smiling around at her gang of thieves. "It’s a harmless crime. The old misers get to keep their riches in the real world, after all. They just need to find something else to dream about."
Cast a professional glance over their equipment
You happen to know a little bit about this sort of thing.
Offer to accompany them on a dream-heist
Maybe you're curious. Or looking for evidence that'll convict them. Or maybe you're just interested in a cut of the profits.
A spot of thievery
Queen Mary considers you for a moment, then claps you on the shoulder. "Well, why not indeed? You've been quite amusing so far. My only condition is that you pay your own way. I don't want to waste my honey on you."
Accompany Queen Mary on a Parabolan heist.
Preparing for a Parabolan Heist
"Are you ready to go?" asks Queen Mary, not hiding the boredom in her voice. The Forty Elephants are gathering in preparation for the heist. (You've counted them – there are only thirty-five.) There's a nervous energy in the air. Perhaps the thieves are just nursing hangovers. Or perhaps this expedition to Parabola is far riskier than Queen Mary has made it sound.
Follow the Queen of the Elephants into Parabola
She has made it quite clear that you need to pay your own passage.
Slipping into a new world
One by one, the Elephants drink the honey, approach the mirrors and cross over to the other side. Queen Mary remains behind to make sure you don't do any snooping around their hideout. "Go on," she says. "I'm right behind you." The honey is so sweet it burns your tongue. As you approach the mirror, the world shivers and shatters. You find yourself falling into freezing, endless depths, for a fraction of a second that lasts half a lifetime.
The Elephants' Castle
On the other side, you find yourself in the throneroom of a medieval castle. Blood-red banners drape the walls. Abandoned pieces of rusted armour litter the richly-carpeted floor.
Somehow, Queen Mary has beaten you here – she is sitting atop her throne, looking smug. Her gang are knelt around her, murmuring to each other.
Ask Queen Mary about the castle
It's a massive structure – and remarkably solid, unlike most of the fanciful, half-conceived buildings one might expect to see in Parabola.
The castle's architect
"Oh, this little thing? I built it myself," says Queen Mary. Somehow, she seems more authentic on this side of the mirror. Her voice carries like a struck gong. "It doesn't go away just because I wake up," she adds. "Its foundations are far too sturdy for that. You see, I've been dreaming of this place since I was just a girl. A recurring dream. Night after night, stone by stone, it finally became a fixture." When you ask about her dreams of this place, she goes quiet. "I dream I'm running down these endless stone corridors, chased by something terrible," she says. "Chased by the worst thing in the world. But luckily for me, if there is such a thing, it hasn’t appeared yet!"
The Elephants' Castle
Peering out one of the arrow-slit windows, you can see a vast canopy of luscious jungle stretching out all around you. The air is ripe with the chirping of insects and birds. "First of all," says Queen Mary, "we must go and meet our guide, who knows Parabola better than almost anyone – except the cats. And we don't do deals with cats."
Set out into the jungle
"Let's go," says Queen Mary, standing from her throne with a theatrical flourish of her floor-length gown. "No sense wasting time."
Meeting the guide
The drawbridge falls with an earth-shuddering thump. You cross over a moat of shimmering mercury and into the rustling jungle. After an hour's trek, you reach a clearing. Queen Mary raises her hands to her lips. "Come out, come out, little one!" she calls. "We need your guidance once again!"
Meet your guide.
The Querulous Mouse
A rustle in the undergrowth. Something tiny and pale skitters out into view. A mouse, small and delicate as a strawberry leaf. As its gaze falls on you, its pink nose starts twitching in distress. "Oh... M'lady, you promised not to bring any more strangers with you on these excursions." Queen Mary waves her hand airily. "I promised to try not to. Evidently I failed, didn't I?"
Reassure the Querulous Mouse
It's gulping for breath, its little chest rising and falling frantically.
[成功]Winning the Mouse's trust
You crouch down and extend your fingertips, shaking the Mouse's paw with the utmost delicacy. Hand over heart, you apologise for the upset. "I must admit, you seem like a decent sort," admits the Mouse, its voice slightly steadier. "Not like the last oaf she brought out here on a whim." "Well, he ended up getting eaten by a tiger, so all's well that ends well," says Queen Mary. "Now tell me, mouse, can you take us to a dream of riches?" The Mouse nods. "Follow me." It skitters ahead through the undergrowth, occasionally pausing to sniff the air. You follow, accompanied by Queen Mary and her gang. Most of the thieves are jumping at shadows, but Queen Mary seems to be in her element. She strides ahead with a fierce grin on her pale face.
You have gained the Querulous Mouse's trust.
Threaten the Querulous Mouse
You'll brook no argument from a creature small enough to drop-kick.
A meek response
"Oh," says the Mouse, in a small sad voice. "So that's how it's going to be." Queen Mary has no real reaction to your bullying. "Now tell me, mouse," she says, "can you take us to a dream of riches?"
The Mouse nods. "Follow me." It skitters ahead through the undergrowth, occasionally pausing to sniff the air. You follow, accompanied by Queen Mary and her gang. Most of the thieves are jumping at shadows, but Queen Mary seems to be in her element. She strides ahead with a fierce grin on her pale face.
Queen Mary likes you more and more.
Offer the Mouse a humbug
Go on. They're fierce, but good.
Following a Mouse through a Dream
After an hour's trek, the Mouse stops. It peers back and forth, muttering incoherently. When it turns back to face you, its eyes are bright with tears. "I'm lost," it says. "Sorry. Really really sorry. I must've gone the wrong way a few miles back." "You'll find your bearings, little mouse," says Queen Mary confidently. "Or else, when I'm back in the waking world, I'll feed you to the alley-cats."
Work out your route by the angle of the Parabolan sun
The sun works differently here. So do angles. But maybe you'll get lucky.
[成功]Clever clogs
With some effort, you're able to work out where you were then (when the Mouse was on the right track) compared to where you are now (hopelessly lost). You've drifted a few degrees off-course. Not much, but over the miles, it adds up. When you tell the Mouse, it squeaks in approval. "That makes sense," it says. "Maybe I can work out the right way now."
You've gained 1 x Progress Through Parabola…Watchful is increasing...噩梦正在增加…Help the Querulous Mouse find its bearings.…
Scout in the shadows
You'll slip ahead and report back on the surrounding landmarks.
You flit through the shadows, roughly mapping the surrounding landscape. Unfortunately your scouting is interrupted when a unicorn steps forth from the trees. You stare at it in awe. A unicorn, just like from the fairy tales. Its skin is white as milk and its eyes shine silver. It lowers its spiralling horn, whinnying softly. You can't help but take a step towards it... Its head snaps back up toward you, and suddenly its flesh is rotten. It is a mangled creature, broken-limbed, as though crushed beneath an enormous wheel. Maggots crawl through shattered bone. "Ride me," it begs. "Ride me."
Wisely, you run, leaving your half-drawn maps behind.
[成功]Reporting back
You flit through the shadows like a nightjar, roughly mapping the surrounding landscape. Soon enough you're back at the Mouse's side, going over what you've learned. "This is good," says the Mouse hesitantly. "I think I know which way to go from here."
You've gained 1 x Progress Through Parabola…鬼祟正在增加...噩梦正在增加…Help the Querulous Mouse find its bearings.…
Ask for directions
The creatures of Parabola are rarely friendly, but it's amazing what you can do with a charming enough smile.
[成功]A successful exhortation
"Ask for directions?" squeaks the Mouse. "Terrible idea! Very bad! You'll get torn apart!" You resolve to ignore the Mouse's words of caution and instead bide your time. Soon enough, a tiger lopes past, its stripes hypnotic amid the shade of the trees. While the Mouse, Queen Mary and the Elephants all hide behind a rock, you approach it, bow deeply, and politely ask for directions. "How delightful to meet a being with some manners," drawls the tiger. "Why, of course, it will be a pleasure to help. And besides, I just ate. What you need to do is head that way until you come across the tree with the scorch-mark..."
Persuasive is increasing...You now have 1 x Progress Through Parabola.…噩梦正在增加…Help the Querulous Mouse find its bearings.
Draw on your knowledge of Parabola
This is your bread and butter.
Draw on your experiences at the Parabolan Base-Camp
Your adventures in Parabola have taught you a thing or two about the place.
You've spent a lot of time in Parabola by now. There are no consistent rules, but there are certainly some guidelines. And while you can't exactly rely on a map, it's better than nothing. You pull one of your home-made Parabolan maps from your pack and, with the Mouse peering from your shoulder, analyse it carefully. "I think I can see where we went wrong," says the Mouse finally. "Let's retrace our steps."
Help the Querulous Mouse find its bearings.
Queen Mary is starting to enjoy your company a great deal.
Following a Mouse through a Dream
"Yes! Aha! See that scorch-mark on the tree? I know where we are!" declares the Querulous Mouse, doing a small dance in excitement. "Follow me!" "About time, you stupid creature," says Queen Mary. "Lead on." The Mouse scampers off and you follow, crashing through a tangle of thorny vines. Emerging on the other side, you find yourself staring up at an enormous mansion with imposing hedges, austere shuttered windows and an impeccably manicured front lawn.
Enter the mansion
"The old man who's dreaming of this place is going to wake up soon," says the Mouse. "We don't have much time."
Halls of splendour
You tiptoe through the grand gardens. The mansion's doors are locked, but one of Queen Mary's acolytes jimmies it open in a matter of seconds. "I'll wait out here," says the Querulous Mouse quickly, hopping into some nearby topiary. The mansion is vast and opulent and, apparently, empty. Your footsteps ring upon patterned marble. "There'll be a vault," says Queen Mary. "Trust me. There's always a vault."
Help Queen Mary steal dreams of riches from the miser's vault.
Your 'Progress Through Parabola' Quality has gone!
The Nonsense-Vault
She's right. The vault door has pride of place in the atrium; a vast iron construction, with sixteen locks and a complex arrangement of wheels, each with spokes pointing at different pictures of farmyard animals. "Don't think about it too hard," says Queen Mary. "The security systems in Parabola never make much sense." Looking up, you catch sight of a silhouetted figure, watching from an overlooking balcony. "Oh, don't mind him," says Queen Mary. "That's just the dreamer, greedy old miser that he is. But dreamers are powerless to stop us."
Help the Elephants break into the vault
You know a little about jimmying tumblers and shimming catches and the like
The miser's plea
It turns out that despite the vault door's impressive appearance, the locks aren't particularly complex. They practically spring open at the touch of the pick. And the wheels are a simple children's puzzle – you just need to turn them until the spokes are all pointing at the sheep.
Fifteen minutes later, the vault door yawns open, revealing a mountain of glimmering gold and jewels. The Elephants whoop with pleasure and stream inside, filling their petticoats. Queen Mary is already stuffing diamonds into her gown. As the Elephants get to work like ants on sugar, the dreamer waves his fist helplessly. "How could you?" he calls, his voice cracking. "That's all I have!"
Observe the thieves at work
How are they going to manage this?
Steal some dream-treasure for yourself
Might as well see if you can get away with it.
[失败]The miser's plea
Some of the Elephants get to work picking the locks. Meanwhile, Queen Mary fiddles with the wheels until all of the spokes are pointing at sheep. Fifteen minutes later, the vault door yawns open, revealing a mountain of glimmering gold and jewels. The Elephants whoop with pleasure and stream inside. As the Thieves fill their petticoats, you try to take advantage of their distraction to slip a few diamonds into your own pockets, but Queen Mary catches your arm. "Tut tut," she says. "You'll get your share of the spoils later, if you're good." As the Elephants get to work like ants on sugar, the dreamer waves his fist helplessly. "How could you?" he calls, his voice cracking. "That's all I have!"
Shadowy is increasing...Queen Mary doesn't much like you at all any more.
Clamber up and speak to the dreamer
What does he think of his dreams being plundered? Not a fan, by the look of things.
A Return to the Castle
The miser's anguished plea is still echoing in your head hours later, as you finish the (much more direct) trek back through Parabola and arrive at the Elephants' castle. The lady-thieves are staggering under the weight of all their loot. "And that's how it's done," says Queen Mary, once the treasure has been heaped before her throne and counted up. "Now comes the fun part. Spending it."
Ask about the dream-treasure
How long does it last after leaving Parabola?
Spending non-existent coins
"Not long!" says Queen Mary cheerfully. "But long enough to spend, if you're quick about it. That's why we always throw a party as soon as we get back to London. We only have a day or two to buy as much wine and finery as we can carry." Some people might think that unethical, you carefully suggest. "Stuff and nonsense!" declares Queen Mary. "Isn't all currency imaginary, when you stop to think about it?"
Decide what to do next now you know the secret behind Queen Mary's thefts.
Ask for a share of the spoils
You're practically one of the gang now, right?
A fair share
"Why, of course!" declares Queen Mary, snaking an arm around your shoulders. "Spending time with you has been a riot. We should do this more often, don't you think?" She hands you the same share that the other Elephants get – a heaping of oddly-shaped coins and unpleasantly-textured jewels. She keeps the lion's share for herself, of course.
Decide what to do next now you know the secret behind Queen Mary's thefts.
Return to the other side
Your stay in Parabola has finally come to an end. Time to return to the waking world.
Ensure you've done everything you want first.
Back in the Hideout
Soon enough, you're back in the dusty warehouse where the Elephants have made their real-world home. It's especially unimpressive, having just visited their imaginary castle. Queen Mary has been as good as her word, however, and contrived to bring the immense heap of treasure back with her. A few of the coins are already fading at the edges. "It's party o'clock, no time to waste!" trills Queen Mary. She turns to you sharply. "Come on, get the blindfold on and we'll get you out of here."
Happily don the blindfold
The strip of rough cloth slips over your eyes and tightens. The world vanishes.
The Troubled Past
Same as before. Left, downhill, uphill, right, downhill, left, until you've well and truly lost all notion of your personal geography. Soon enough it becomes clear you're back in Veilgarden, from both the sounds (coffee-cups clinking, highbrow conversation) and smells (cheap perfume poorly masking body odour – in Ladybones Road the perfume would be expensive, while in Spite they wouldn't bother to mask anything). When the blindfold is whipped from your face, you find yourself standing outside the Troubled Past, a pokey little Veilgarden pub. Some of the party-goers have already arrived. You recognise that monkey. "Can't go back to the Singing Mandrake," says Queen Mary, nudging you conspiratorially. "Something about all our money disappearing from the till."
Decide what to do next now you know the secret behind Queen Mary's thefts.
Sneak a glance at the street
As you're led out of the warehouse, you resolve to surreptitiously peek under the blindfold and get a good eyeful of your surroundings.
[成功]The Troubled Past
As you're led out of the warehouse, you sneak a peek. A church, some cobblestones... That's as much as you are able to glean, but it's better than nothing. After that, it's the same as before. More walking, eyes covered. Soon enough it becomes clear you're back in Veilgarden, from both the sounds (coffee-cups clinking, highbrow conversation) and smells (cheap perfume poorly masking body odour – in Ladybones Road the perfume would be expensive, while in Spite they wouldn't bother to mask anything). When the blindfold is whipped from your face, you find yourself standing outside the Troubled Past, a pokey little Veilgarden pub. Some of the party-goers have already arrived. You recognise that monkey.
"Can't go back to the Singing Mandrake," says Queen Mary, nudging you conspiratorially. "Something about all our money disappearing from the till."
不平凡的故事: 死亡侨民
不平凡的故事: 死亡侨民
一种解释: "这是一个可怕的场面,一个令人遗憾的展示",她摇着头说,"他们今天早些时候从码头慢慢进来,一到这里就胡作非为。他们在谈论一些舞蹈。还有他们是怎么来的!" 店主停顿了一下,推开了一个撞到她肩膀的古墓殖民者。"伦敦怎会如此败坏?一群无赖老头像像蜂巢上的苍蝇一样在我们的城市里乱窜。"
回收员们是为茶杯先生工作的拾荒者,每个拾荒者身边都有一只老鼠伙伴。是他们拥有老鼠,还是老鼠拥有他们?这很难说。蒙哥马利一般会陪着那个简慢无礼的回收员、回收各种各样造谣诽谤的流言,然后付给你神秘的碎料。今天的小蒙孤身一鼠,闷闷不乐地坐在一个废品商人家门口,当你路过时,他吱吱大叫道:"帮帮老鼠吧!您是个咨询侦探,对吧?" 小蒙说,“我的回收员,你认识那个冒失的家伙,有些事情不对劲。他最近相当爱说话,今天早上他还真的拍了拍我的头,而且我本周需要阻止他逃跑的情况也只有两次。”
石头的季节 The Season of Stones 2022.05
[…] a Haggard Parliamentarian […] grabs you by the shoulders. "Help me!" […]
[…] Mr Huffam, editor of the Unexpurgated London Gazette[…] spies the Parliamentarian, his eyes narrow. He advances, drawing out a pen and notebook.
【Fallen London】The Season of Stones
Gloomy news阴郁的消息
Special Constables are breaking apart groups of ten or more. Unless, of course, the members of the party wear Dauncey's or Fadgett and Daughters.
特警们出动了,十人以上的团体会被强制分开。当然,除了那些成员的穿着打扮看起来就像上流社会的团体。(Dauncey's还有Fadgett and Daughters是游戏里看起来像高级成衣店的商店的名字,应该是高级男装店和高级女装店,梗是啥我没搞懂……)
Gloomy news
Gloomy news
Gloomy news
托坦兹舞 Totentanz 2022.03
好奇的信封 A Curious Envelope
短暂的跋涉 死亡侨民仍留在殖民地的平静而有力的理解似乎已经磨损。他们随处可见,光顾着商店,漫步在大街上,大声回忆着这座城市发生了多么大的变化。伦敦并没有给予他们最热烈的欢迎--年轻人在街角骚扰步履蹒跚的侨民,顽童们抢夺他们的绷带,店主用警棍赶走他们。当你到达被遗忘区时,你可以看到警员们正在聚集,准备恢复秩序。
抵达陋亭 Arrive the Dilapidated Pavilion
一片死寂,远处的嚎叫,小巷里的喧嚣--这就是被遗忘区的甜美旋律。红酒先生坐在陋亭那青翠的、苔藓丛生的屋顶下,正品尝着一系列宝石色的利口酒。一个蒙着面纱和绷带的身影闪过,又是一个死亡侨民? "啊,你来了,"红酒先生砸着嘴,"我们正需要品品救世主的滋味。我们可以跳个吉格舞,虽然不是像死者那样。"领主打了个嗝。"反正不是,托坦兹舞。"
一个解释 "一个古老的聚会,一个古老的义务,"红酒先生说。"我们很久以前就同意了。一旦有城市坠落,我们会提供一个死亡的机会。真正的死亡,就像人们在地表时那样。一些古墓侨民渴望着"托坦兹舞"。这就是为什么他们带着期望......成群结队地出现。" 红酒先生一饮而尽。"这事不容易做,但时机已到。我们需要一些援助。你的名字被提到了。"
亡灵之舞 "你们当代人将其称为月光下的舞蹈。月光使人看到地表的景象,那个世界不像是下界。托坦兹使它成为现实。至少足以杀人。" 红酒先生直入主题,他叹了口气。"但是托坦兹非常特殊。它需要正确的舞步和正确的音乐,用正确的乐器演奏。而他们已经失去了。全部丢失了。你看,一个时代只用一次的东西,很容易被放错地方。没有它们,"托坦兹"就只是一场遗憾的晚会。也违反了一个重要的合同。"
任务已完成 "一个有用的结果,"红酒先生说。"我将向你介绍:你身边坐着的这位,是古墓侨民的贵宾,你会发现她知道得很多。我尤其认为你们会处得很好,所以我先走一步、做自己的事去了。"红酒先生摇摇晃晃地站起来,打翻了几杯利口酒。现在只有你和枯萎的庆典者了。
"领主让你承担了相当大的任务," 枯萎司仪说,"托坦兹舞将死亡从我们坠落的历史中抽离,召唤着永眠的到来。没有任何救赎或悲剧能超越它;它的珍贵和危险的程度是一样的。她举起了一杯利口酒,这就被在红酒先生离开时被打翻了。"它同样被遗失了。红酒先生布置的任务是: 找回舞步、旋律和演奏它所需的乐器。我试过了,但失败了。我,只是,太老了。"
枯萎司仪笑了 透过她的面纱,你可以看到布满疤痕的唇线和金冠犬牙的闪光。"我在墓穴中生活了很长时间,比在地下生活的时间更长," 她说,"我比大多数人见得多,做得多。也比大多数人树敌更多,承诺更多。我被古墓区的旧势力委以重任,以确保领主履行他们的交易。尽管我很虚弱,我有责任见证整个托坦兹舞。而且我想,接受它最终的赠礼,也就是死亡。
前往会客厅 "在我的忌龄--以及伦敦对古墓侨民的态度--赶上我的年龄之前,我对这个问题进行了简短的调查。我被带到了"美德厅"。一个以舞蹈学识闻名的女人曾在那里工作。我听说她还时不时地和珍妮喝茶。她与众不同。你可以通过她的身高、铁灰色的头发和她脸上的伤疤认出她来。"
拍卖会 "我们是幸运的。线人告诉我,位于淑女骨路上的加尔布雷斯和萨拉扎拍卖行准备出售一份罕见的乐谱。这是一个古老又古怪的机构,有许多有权势的赞助人,你必须赢得这场拍卖。曾经,我想过自己拍下它,但从古墓区来这里旅程......让我很紧张。" 枯萎司仪摆弄着红酒先生留下的一杯靛蓝甜酒(indigo liqueur)。她的手在微微颤抖。
去大学 "托坦兹舞既是对从未发生之事的安魂曲,又是唤醒失去的可能性的启示。这个世界上没有任何乐器可以演奏它,而帕拉博拉的原件已经丢失,就连我都无法找到。"枯萎司仪竖起了她的手指。"但我们仍有希望。我调查出了一个大学的音乐学者,他利用月光凝视着一个虚假的、地表的伦敦。他试图建造他在那里看到的东西。他的努力是有风险的,但对我们很有用。如果他从那个不存在的世界中创造出了乐器,它们也许能够召唤出托坦兹舞。"
淑女骨路: 进入加尔布雷斯和萨拉扎拍卖行
戴着红手套的服务员们蜂拥而至,拖着箱子、盒子和咆哮的笼子来到拍卖行的大理石台阶上。爱发号施令的拍卖师穿过人群来迎接你,她的助手们焦急地在她身后徘徊。"啊,没错,红酒先生的代理人," 她在一个账本上划出你的名字,"这边走,请快点。其他贵宾已至,我们很快就要开始看。"
进入拍卖行 陈列长廊采用了木质镶板,布置得很丰富,抛光剂的气味几乎掩盖了一种更古老、更矿质的气味。一位助手递给了你一朵巨大的、似乎是刚剪下来的康乃馨。"你用它来投标," 拍卖师说,"当你想出价时,请举起你的花,然后等我确认。" 她查了一下她的账本,然后带着你向左急转。"在过去,这些花是有毒的,输家得吃掉它们。" 爱发号施令的拍卖师在一扇装饰有铜管乐队月季的门前停了下来。"真怀念那个好时代。无论如何,我们要开始了。你进去吧。"
[失败]搅局 人群因你的挥霍行为而骚动,但在喋喋不休的业余选手中,你看到主要竞争者对你的演出做出了反应。弗吉尼亚用手指敲打着椅子扶手,思考着你的行动。被逗乐的勋爵在前排狡猾地打量着整个房间,然后兴高采烈地出价。费杜奇也叫了自己的价,像击剑手一样迅速反击,在等待拍卖师跟进时,以八字形旋转着他的百合花。
[成功]弗吉尼亚出局 弗吉尼亚考虑了一会儿你的出价,然后攥碎了手上的黑玫瑰。参加拍卖会的人对她的这一举动窃窃私语,但当她让伤痕累累的花瓣飘落在地上时,他们都陷入了沉默。弗吉尼亚抚平了她的长袍,目光扫过大厅里的竞争者,在你的脸上停留了一个短暂而寒冷的时刻。
你在拍卖会上成功地进行了一次智力游戏的挑战! 你打乱了弗吉尼亚对托坦兹物乐谱的拍卖策略。她放弃了。
[失败]谨慎出价 其他与会者接二连三地出价,希望你开的低价是你快没钱了的信号,但费杜奇似乎不那么乐观。他把百合花放在手里转动,寻找佯攻的机会。被逗乐的勋爵在前排狡猾地打量着整个房间,然后兴高采烈地出价。弗吉尼亚在后面微笑着,仿佛你所做的正是她所希望的那样。
[成功]费杜奇出局 费杜奇靠在座位上,决斗者遭到了意外的反击。他把百合花放在旁边的座位上,把脚撑在前面的椅子上,对前座沙哑的愤怒毫不在意。
你在拍卖会上成功地进行了一次智力游戏的挑战! 费杜奇从托坦兹舞乐谱的拍卖中退了出来。他不再出价了。
[失败]一场聪明的游戏 一旦你放下康乃馨,让拍卖自行继续,它就失去了动力。在众人无趣的闲聊和出价中,被逗乐的老爷对你不温不火的表演显得很失望。与此同时,弗吉尼亚微笑着,仿佛你所做的正是她所希望的那样。费杜奇兴致勃勃地举起他的百合花,终于打破了沉寂,出了一个天价,把众人从沉思中惊醒。是时候做出另一个行动了。
[成功]被逗乐的勋爵出局 拍卖会很快就演变成了一大群业余选手的低价竞标。被逗乐的勋爵从你看向弗吉尼亚、再到费杜奇,他的表情介于恳求和厌烦之间。在一连串的一口叫价后,他用竞标的向日葵换了一把小刀,开始清理他的指甲。
你在拍卖会上成功地进行了一次智力游戏的挑战! 被逗乐的勋爵已经放弃了对托坦兹舞乐谱的拍卖。
一片嘘声 在拍卖师确认你的出价后,你可以看到每个人都在打量着你。就连被逗乐的勋爵也注意到了,但他没有再跳出来加入争夺。
漂亮!完美!! 一切的一切,都取决于刹那之间。
敬胜利者 爱发号施令的拍卖师从台下取来了你的奖品:一个沾满血迹的手提箱,箱边嵌着一把同样沾满血迹的刀。她说:" 托坦兹舞的乐谱,现在是你的了。" 你最初试图检查你的奖品时,被逗乐的勋爵用一声怒吼打断你,他上下拍打着你的手,祝贺你的胜利。
在拍卖者排队离开后,一个服务员向你走来。"请允许我送您到门口," 他随意地说,然后俯身在你耳边说,"不过,也许你最好把你的奖品留在这里。"
服务员在你的注视下萎靡不振 他瞥了一眼爱发号施令的拍卖师。"我们不能在这里谈。今晚在街对面的公园见我。" 他鞠了一躬,然后溜到走廊上,双手在背后紧紧握住。 你在寻找托坦兹舞的碎片。递给你乐谱的那个戴着红手套的服务员要求在淑女骨路的一个公园里和你见面谈谈。
当你穿过公园时,有人走到了你的身边。那家伙拉低的帽子遮住了眼睛,脸上闪过一丝微笑。你认出他就是那个服务员,他看起来比拍卖后轻松多了。"阴谋诡计可真多,不是吗?" 他说到,"老加尔布雷斯和萨拉扎让我们在大厅里吓得够呛,而那个拍卖师也没少干。" 他揉了揉自己的肩膀。"我想我们可以在这里畅所欲言,我可以告诉你任何你想知道的事情。"
服务员怯生生地蹭着鹅卵石 "我们一直在看那些该死的乐谱。每个买家最后都死了,消失了,或者在皇家伯利恒延长假期,而它又回到了我们身边。我不能说那乐谱有什么作用,也不能说人们用它做什么,但我知道那不是什么好事。"你正在与拍卖行的服务员会面,他担心乐谱的安全问题。
服务员笑了 "搜刮伦敦的富人们已经够我糊口了。我没兴趣在私人时间里替他们做脏活。" 服务员停了下来。"做你想做的。我冒险告诉你,是因为我不确定你是否知道自己的处境。我再也不忍心看到拍卖师收取佣金,把那该死的东西再买一次了。" 他清了清嗓子,"无论如何,我已经说了我的意见。"
服务员敬他的礼 "我不知道你在追求什么,但我希望你能找到它,而不至于惹上太多麻烦。" 他的话语已经没入了黑暗中。现在你有了你所需要的东西,你可以去大学里拿乐器,枯萎司仪可以帮你进入那里。你也可以去纱幕花园的美德厅,学习托坦兹的舞步。
纱幕花园: 美德厅
[成功]当你这样说的时候 你用无懈可击的论据向保镖们大放厥词,用华丽的奉承给卑鄙的真相镀金,用珍贵的暗示武装基础的事实,用钻石般闪烁的修辞手法把这一切串联起来,直到最后他们无可奈何地得出正确的结论:你必需立即进入大厅。最右边的保镖挠了挠下巴,石片状的指甲在粘土皮肤上划过。"嗯哼,"他说,"如果你有使命在身的话。"
[失败]哎呀,你刚要翻窗而入,保镖就发现了你 你没想到他们能爬这么高,也没想到他们会在淑女骨路上把你踢得这么远。你需要花点时间才能到回美德厅,甚至需要更长时间才能恢复你的尊严。
当然!当然! 一个"戴罪珍妮结业学校"的教员,更重要的是,一个美德厅自身的盟友,可以在不被人问询的情况下进入。
你绕过一个角落,发现戴罪珍妮牵着一个红脸年轻人的手。她妩媚的笑容收敛起来。"一位不速之客,"她说。"在这里很少发生--特别是当这个套房已经被预订了。在你送走自己之前,我能做些什么来帮助你吗?" 年轻人的脸色加深为精致的朱红色。
雪茄俱乐部 戴罪珍妮的笑容里又有了暖意。"经验丰富的女主人刚刚离开。她通常会在去雪茄俱乐部的路上顺便喝茶聊天。在纱幕花园的那家。你要抓紧时间。她通常会在进城过夜前去那里锻炼自己,自从她退休后,那些夜晚变得越来越频繁了。" 你迅速离开,蜿蜒穿过纱幕花园的街道,走向雪茄俱乐部烟雾缭绕的优雅外墙。经验丰富的女主人听起来像是一位执行任务的女性,测试美德厅对不速之客的热情是不明智的。你要在雪茄俱乐部寻找寻找的女主人。
已经走了 提到老练的女主人,他往拖把桶里吐了口水。"哦,她已经走了。像风暴席卷一样走了。美杜莎之首当时有点争吵,没什么不正常的,她把这当成了全面战争的邀请。从那些不守规矩的常客开始,一直到保镖们,一个都没放过。绝对的恐怖。" 他用拇指划过裂开的嘴唇。"她打完人后就往丰饶夫人的嘉年华方向走去了。如果我是你,我会暂时避免往那边走。" 也许你最终可以在那里找到她...
Mrs Plenty's Carnival
The musical scream of the calliope! The chemical scent of fried rubbery lumps! The hush that hangs over the House of Mirrors like a funeral shroud! The Carnival is in rare form, but your dim hopes of finding the Seasoned Hostess in the roaring crowd are dashed by a sudden exodus of screaming attendees from the great wheel of 'Beneath the Neath'. If you want to find her, you're going to have to do more than push through the crowd.
Climb the barker's stand
It will be easier to find her from above.
Could that be her?
Ignoring the barker's furious gestures for you to dismount, you spot someone standing head and shoulders above the crowd – someone with iron grey hair, a scar tracing the elegant curve of her jaw. Surely, this is the Seasoned Hostess. As you spot her, she locks eyes with you, then picks her way to the barker stand. "I was wondering who was following me," she says with a smile as sweet as toffee and sharp as a cleaver. "Let's talk. But back in Veilgarden, where it's quieter." She takes your hand in hers. "For your sake, you should either bring good intentions or a lot of friends."
You have met the Seasoned Hostess and will meet her in Veilgarden.
淑女骨路: 庭院的对抗
在嘉年华的喧闹混乱赶得上伦敦的日常混乱之前,还有很长的路要走。经验丰富的女主人躲进院子,坐在附近的长凳上。"这就行了," 她掏出一支雪茄和一把非常大的切边刀,稳定的双手丝毫看不出她最近旋风式游览了伦敦的饮酒场所。"我们来谈谈吧,你为什么一直跟着我?这让一个女孩很焦虑。"
严厉的目光 经验丰富的女主人把刀子和雪茄藏在夹克衫里,交叉双臂,潜在的暴力威胁消失了。"这太出乎意料了,和我的设想一点也不一样。"如果这能让你从我的头发里消失,我现在就在这里教你。这很容易学。但我给你看这个并不是在帮你的忙。我知道多瑙河这边的每一种舞蹈的步骤,但没有一种舞蹈像托坦兹舞那样麻烦。"
老练的女主人耸了耸肩,脱下外套,用一系列坚定的猛戳纠正你的姿势。"我想,你会很快掌握的。我不得不从一个女恶魔那里学习探戈,我教你至少比她教我时更好。" 你的姿势得到了纠正,她握住你的胳膊,引导着你的舞步。"我想,"在安静了很久之后,她说,"如果你有任何关于托坦茨舞的问题,我也可以回答。"
老练的女主人叹息道 "我的一个旧情人。一个沉迷于月光的学者。我不知道她是在被遗忘区挖出了这些舞步,还是在楼上找到的,但这些舞步对她没什么好处。人人都知道略懂一二很危险,尤其是在伦敦。我曾近距离地看到一个人的思想如何变化。她在皇家贝斯(the Royal Beth)呆了一段时间,然后她就消失了。"
一个答案 "她说:"如果你以前从未见过,步枪只是看起来像一个有趣的管子,发动机则是由齿轮和管道组成的金属奇美拉。我认为托坦兹舞也是如此。我们称它为舞蹈,因为它看起来如此。但我认为它有个目的。它总是让我的客户记住一些事情。他们童年的某个时刻,一个抛弃了他们的情人,一个多年未见的孩子。" 她现在说话很轻,陷入了思考。"有时它让你想起一些你最好忘记的事情。"
相当不错的舞蹈 托坦兹舞突然出现在你的脑海中,让你雀跃起来,就像舌尖上的一个词终于涌上了心头。老练的女主人察觉之后,让你带头起舞。最后她停了下来,向你深深鞠了一躬。"你做得足够好了,至少够你出师了。我需要一杯酒,一支雪茄,还有一场战斗。"
The Withered Celebrant Explains
"The Master has saddled you with quite the task," says the Withered Celebrant. "The Totentanz draws what would have been our deaths from lost histories, beckoning mortality forth. No salvation or tragedy is beyond the Totentanz; it is precious and perilous in equal measure."
The Withered Celebrant nods her head at your return. "Back again?"
回到学校 枯萎司仪递给你一个密封信封。"这将见证你的到来。"
Seeking Instruments for the Totentanz
The porter minding the University's gate gives you a hard look. Her expression does not lighten when you present her your letter of entry, nor when she reads it. "Oh," she says, with the precise register of someone discovering something foul stuck to the bottom of their shoe, "a guest. I suppose I should let you in, then."
Find the professor's laboratory
The porter does not seem to be the helpful sort, so you'll have to ask around on the grounds.
These hallowed halls of learning
Everyone has something to say about the Imprudent Scholar you seek: he's a fraud, he's dead, he's secretly a Rubbery Man, he scarred his mind with Correspondence and only speaks celestial truths. Unfortunately, they are far less informed on where you might find him, until you approach an elderly professor watching students play cricket. "He had the most interesting ideas, but made all the wrong enemies, I'm afraid," says the professor, reaching underneath his mortarboard to scratch his head. "They put him in the sub-basement of a tertiary annexe, right between the two Colleges. You'll find him in the Applied Metacoustics Laboratory."
Head to the Imprudent Scholar in the University's Applied Metacoustics Laboratory.
In the Applied Metacoustics Laboratory
Following the professor's directions, it is not long before you find the sub-basement that houses the Applied Metacoustics Laboratory. Well before you reach the lab, you hear it: ominous ticking, the clear tone of a tuning fork that suggests the taste of butter, a furious viola arpeggio that sounds inexplicably but precisely like the year 1895. When you knock on the door, the Imprudent Scholar answers, dropping a partially melted phonograph cylinder and a scorched pitch-pipe into his pockets. "A visitor," he says, without pleasure. "I should invite you in."
Introduce yourself to the Imprudent Scholar
You'll need him to get your hands on suitable instruments.
Total Chaos
The Imprudent Scholar waves you into the Laboratory, a poorly lit and cacophonous jumble of musical and scientific instruments. Birds chirp from a bell jar mounted on a barrel organ, which is pushed up against a wall of metronomes counting a hundred competing metres, which are themselves nearly drowned out by the struck-crystal ringing of a glass player piano. "I don't get many people down here," the Imprudent Scholar says. "Who sent you? Arrant Philosophies? Inscrutable b_____ds." Without waiting for an answer, he shoves a pile of papers off a carved stone clavichord and sits on it. "Nevertheless, I will never punish an inquiring mind for, ah, inquiring. You may plumb the depths and ascend the heights of my knowledge."
The Imprudent Scholar is instructing you on the nature of his otherworldly instruments.
An Interview with the Imprudent Scholar
The Imprudent Scholar is perched atop a stone clavichord, drumming his fingers on its surface.
"Come on then. Imbibe from the spring of my wisdom," he says.
Ask whether he's made any instruments while observing false London
You have heard about his unusual research methods. Have they proved productive?
Flushed with excitement
"So that's what you're after, eh? The result of my genius, my masterstroke. Naturally, an effort unappreciated in the academe." The Imprudent Scholar drums his fingers faster and faster as he speaks. "The visions moonlight shows us are the ghost of a world. My theory is that it is the now-dead possibility of an unfallen London. You can't bring anything back from the visions, of course. They have less substance than a dream. But, with effort, you can remember what you see. Including designs and schematics for things that don't exist. Or shouldn't, anyway." He gestures at the many musical devices that crowd his laboratory. As he twists to look at them, the backs of his eyes glimmer with a trace of silver. "I took so much from that place that I sometimes wonder what it takes back." He beams. "So far, nothing of importance. That I've noticed."
The Imprudent Scholar is instructing you on the nature of his otherworldly instruments.
Does the Imprudent Scholar know about the Totentanz?
He's a knowledgeable fellow with an interest in extraordinary music. It seems like it would be right up his street.
A frown
The Imprudent scholar scratches at his temple like he's trying to dig something out. "Ah. That. A dead end in my research. Some Third City composition, maybe even older. I spent years looking just for the instruments they used. Parabolan make, supposedly. Exquisite, I'm sure. But there's no trace of them." He pauses speaking while a clock strikes twelve with a sharp sound that makes all of the metal in the room shiver. "If I couldn't find them, they're gone. Or so lost even a Master couldn't acquire them, I'd bet."
Explain your case and ask for the instruments
Surely he'd be delighted to assist? And after all, the Totentanz would be a way for London to finally witness his hard work.
"Of course my research could be used for the good of London. I see that, even if the narrow-minded scriveners who run this place can not," the Imprudent Scholar says as he vanishes into the back of the Laboratory. He emerges empty-handed a moment later. "Unless you are really with those buffoons from Arrant Philosophies. All these years down here and you only start sniffing around now that I'm close to publication. It's questionable. Spurious. Suspicious!" The Imprudent Scholar settles back down onto the clavichord. "It's an opportunity, but a risk. I shall have to think on it."
Ask for the instruments again, offering a small gift in recompense
Assure him you're not with Arrant Philosophies. Throw in a little sweetener to soothe his mood. He likes visions of what is not. This memory is an adjacent flavour – would it do?
Gifted in exchange
The Imprudent Scholar vanishes into the back of the Laboratory and emerges with an armful of heavy instrument cases and a wooden flute clutched in his fist. "I suppose it's natural that London would need my expertise in the end," he says, depositing the cases at your feet. "Though before you leave, I think a demonstration is in order." He plays a single note on the flute, and the cacophony of the Laboratory briefly harmonizes around it, resolving into an cold silver tone. It resonates behind your eyes and beneath your diaphragm, the sound of a dream vanishing upon waking. "I eagerly await your results," he says, staring up at the wall of now-synchronized metronomes. "Sometimes I forget how long I have been doing this." You have the instruments. You have acquired the sheet music, found the instruments, and learned the steps of the Totentanz. You should return to the Withered Celebrant in the Forgotten Quarter.
You have persuaded the Imprudent Scholar to hand over the instruments for the Totentanz. You have recovered the Totentanz and may return to the Withered Celebrant in the Forgotten Quarter. You've lost 3 x Memory of Light
其他地方的生意: 让她走吧。她留下了几声咸涩的誓言,最终还是消失在黑暗的楼梯上。
那是什么东西?这将是EX故事"利维坦"的开始,讲述了在地海最边缘的地方、关于化石和变革的故事。这个分支需要花费45 FATE。
时尚的追随者 Followers of Fashion
一种亲切的精神 "终于有一个人懂得欣赏真正的优雅设计了!"这位时髦的绅士感谢你的支持,然后坚持说他必须遵守在俱乐部的约会。邀请他似乎是不可能的。
夸张?也许吧,但这正是关键所在。 这将开始EX故事"佩斯利",一个关于被谋杀的美学家和他独特装束的故事。 这个分支故事需要花费45个FATE才能开启。
Twiddlethumb club
玩弄拇指这个名字来自Twiddling thumbs,意为 (等待之际)闲着无聊
佩斯利 Paisley
Perchance to Dream
经理猛然间醒来,把头撞向了长椅。"该死!" 他抬起头、直直看向了你。他的面容因疲惫而皱起,一道盐痕标志着泪水曾经从上面划过。"哦!讯使,你把它们带来了。赞美神明!我不能——" 他叹了口气,"我不能拖下去了。你能和我一起穿过睡梦吗?你知道梦是怎么回事;你的存在会提醒我那只是个梦。"
▼一杯睡前酒 (与经理一同入梦,他招手让你跟着他进入皇家伯利恒)
"不会有人打扰我们的。" 经理躺进了他的贵妃椅,手搭在椅背上。"我得抓紧你的手,希望你不要介意。" 他打了个哈欠。你触碰着他的手指。这个哈欠是有传染性的。
经理展开了他刚刚才一直携带的绳梯。他把它绑在站在门变成地板的地方的沉重桌子上。"我们走吧?" 他爬下马鞍的前座。
"我喝了很多咖啡。" 他转过身来对你微笑。"如果你认为土地在摇晃,可能会有帮助。就像在一艘船上一样。" 它没有。
热老(计划 环顾四周 第四城陷落时,皇家伯利恒的经理就在尼斯。他将一直生活在那里。他的梦境扭曲了事实;但它们可能提供洞察力。
你走过的土地是干枯的。地面萎缩开裂,导致蜘蛛迈出笨拙的步伐,使你的马鞍移位。你在一个有围墙的城市的街道上。它的人们在巨大的肉体涌动中分开,在你的马背上乱跑。在你的右边,是一座华丽的宫殿;在宫殿前面的广场上有一棵巨大的银树。经理顺着你的目光望去。"一个雕塑,但因为是雕塑而更加奇妙。狡猾的机制的银色东西。" 他沉默了一段时间。"在我的记忆中,它显得很重要。"
补水(计划将蚕茧挤进尸体的胸部 这可能是经理的另一个梦想之门吗?蚕茧看起来完全合适。
金字塔和雕像(计划 飞得高;俯瞰城市 如果你像孩子一样踢着秋千,你应该走得更高。
当你的丝带与经理的丝带交叉时,他对你说。"一个美丽的地方。非常熟练的吹奏者。我还是很喜欢他们的音乐。" 他的气势带着他离开了耳边。
回收员们是为茶杯先生工作的拾荒者,每个拾荒者身边都有一只老鼠伙伴。是他们拥有老鼠,还是老鼠拥有他们?这很难说。蒙哥马利一般会陪着那个简慢无礼的回收员、回收各种各样造谣诽谤的流言,然后付给你神秘的碎料。今天的小蒙孤身一鼠,闷闷不乐地坐在一个废品商人家门口,当你路过时,他吱吱大叫道:"帮帮老鼠吧!您是个咨询侦探,对吧?" 小蒙说,“我的回收员,你认识那个冒失的家伙,有些事情不对劲。他最近相当爱说话,今天早上他还真的拍了拍我的头,而且我本周需要阻止他逃跑的情况也只有两次。”
代号:糖豆 Codename: Sugarplum
作者:克里斯·加德纳 发表时间:2016年7月
代号:糖豆 Codename: Sugarplum
实际上,相当难 这只狗嘴里有一枚卒。你把棋子拿出来,发现底部写着一个很小的名字。一个女人迅速拿走了它。第二天,失窃河打捞上来了两具尸体。不是那两个女人,也不是那个苦恼的主人或他的狗。但当和协广场公布他们的名字时,你认出了其中一个。那条狗打断了怎样的游戏?
不需要的帮助 这里有一个象。这里有一个骑士。这里有一个卒子,下面写着一个很小的名字?一个女人把卒子迅速拿走了。第二天,失窃河打捞上来了两具尸体。不是那两个女人,也不是那个苦恼的主人或他的狗。但当和协广场公布他们的名字时,你认出了其中一个。那条狗打断了怎样的游戏?
穆尔加特罗伊德的真菌烤饼 穆尔加特罗伊德的真菌烤你有过更糟糕的经历。事实上,就是在这家咖啡馆里。而这个烤饼里面塞了一些纸,这确实说明了他们的一贯质量。纸上写着一个密码。尽管有狗的口水和你的口水,一个女人还是从你手中抢过了这张纸。在你再次阅读之前,她自己把它吃了。之后她和她的朋友迅速离开,向相反的方向走去。这只狗到底打断了什么样的午宴?
代号:糖豆 Codename: Sugarplum
Investigate the Case of the Missing Dachshund
It probably won't pay well. These little cases rarely do. Still, they exercise the mind.
On the case
Before you do anything else, you investigate the woman who sent the request. It's important to know who you're dealing with. You pull a few strings to compile a brief dossier. She currently lives in Spite, but she's originally German (just like her dachshund). Professionally, she works as a journalist: she is the Bazaarine Correspondent for the Neue Freie Presse. That's an Austrian newspaper, of course, not a German one. She has already approached other detectives. None would humour her. You have her address. Time to make a professional call.
You're investigating a missing dachshund.You've gained 4 x Inkling of Identity.You now have 1 x Secluded Address.
The Bazaarine Correspondent's Flat
Without a reason to visit, anyone would walk right past. One more door in a tenement row, leading to one more flat like all the rest along the block. The Bazaarine Correspondent lives alone. When you knock, she welcomes you into her cluttered parlour. Newspapers teeter atop a locked safe. Beside the fireplace, gnawed bones rest on the hearth-rug.
Speak with the Bazaarine Correspondent
"Thank goodness you're here! I was starting to think that nobody would help."
One lump or two?
"Forgive me if I'm frazzled. I feel like such a fool. Consulting a private detective about a missing pet! But I didn't know where else to turn. Everything is so different down here. Even the tea doesn't taste the same." She pours herself a cup, offering one to you, too, as you sit together. "With all this news to report, sometimes it's like I can't breathe." Her hand shakes as she spoons a few Murgatroyd's Sugarless Sugar-Cubes into the steaming liquid. "But I still had my faithful companion," she says with a sniff. "Until now."
You're speaking with the Bazaarine Correspondent.You now have 2 x Jasmine Leaves.
Interviewing the Bazaarine Correspondent
Pencils and pens are stuck behind her ears, and her fingers are stained with bluish ink. She keeps glancing over her shoulder, as though she expects to find someone else lurking nearby, but she finds nobody. Although her English is flawless, you can still detect delicate tones in her speech: sounds shaped with a Bavarian cadence.
Ask about the missing dog
Under what circumstances did she lose her dachshund?
Vanished into thin air
"That's just the thing. I don't know," she says, dabbing her eyes. "Sugarplum sleeps on the rug. He was here one evening; the next morning, he wasn't. I thought he might have run away, but how? Where? Why? It's my job to ask questions like these. This time, I have no answers." He couldn't have left, she explains, without learning to work a dead-bolt. "Did I leave a window open? Did a burglar break in? More questions. Still no answers." You can continue your investigation On the Trail of a Missing Dachshund, available anywhere in London. You can also now search the Bazaarine Correspondent's flat for clues.
Most dogs certainly can't manipulate dead-bolts.You've gained 1 x Extraordinary Implicatio
Ask about the missing dog again
She called the dog 'Sugarplum'. What else can she tell you?
Loyalty, companionship, love
He's a little white dachshund. ("Just like sugar.") He goes wherever she goes. Into the boardrooms on Doubt Street when she's working on a story. Into the seedier honey-dens on Hollow Street, and Wolfstack's most notorious taverns, and, even worse, the Parthenaeum on a Thursday – also when she's working on a story. "He's been with me since the Surface. We used to visit cafés in Vienna. What happened? Those memories are so far gone, they feel like someone else's life. Will the Neath finally take everything from me? Sugarplum is my best friend. Now it took him too."
Ask about her profession
Evidently, she writes for the Neue Freie Presse.
Underground journalism
"I've lived in many cities as a foreign correspondent. Buenos Aires. Prague. Shanghai." She glances through a window at the dark street outside. "Sometimes I miss the sunlight, but my work in London is more important. I cover the Bazaar, you see. Its motives. Its machinations. People on the Surface need to know what's happening." She lowers her voice to a whisper. "There are countless networks in cahoots. Do you think I'm being targeted? It's possible. Someone might not want me to report what I find out."
Ask about the Half-Burnt Missive
You discovered this fragment amongst the ashes in her fireplace.
Incomplete information
"Ach du lieber. I thought I destroyed that." She lets nervous laughter escape. "This is where I should lie, isn't it? I should claim I don't know what it is. But I do." She has informants. They send her letters. She sends them letters as well, and sometimes she intercepts letters that aren't meant for her. Sometimes they're too sensitive to preserve. "You won't tell anybody else, will you? Really, there's nothing to tell. Every decent journalist has some confidential sources. I'm working on a story that requires discretion. Perhaps in the future, you'll see it in print."
Step away from the interview
You won't solve this mystery by sitting around and chatting.
The Bazaarine Correspondent's Flat
Without a reason to visit, anyone would walk right past. One more door in a tenement row, leading to one more flat like all the rest along the block. The Bazaarine Correspondent lives alone. When you knock, she welcomes you into her cluttered parlour. Newspapers teeter atop a locked safe. Beside the fireplace, gnawed bones rest on the hearth-rug.
Speak with the Bazaarine Correspondent
"If I have information that might help, I'll be happy to share."
Examine the newspapers
Some were published in the Neath, but others are from the Surface.
Wars in Europe. Alliances broken and forged. Marriages. Executions. Bombs and contested borders. The headlines speak for themselves, and they speak in many languages. Frequently, they shout the news in capital letters. "Of course, you won't find the real news in print," says the Bazaarine Correspondent, watching as you flip through old issues. "Not where the Bazaar is concerned. Unless you learn to read between the lines. The Ministry can't censor everything. Whatever I write, I have to send it through them before it reaches the Surface. I've learned to write things very carefully."
You've gained 3 x Scrap of Incendiary Gossip
Search around the fireplace
If this is where the dachshund was last seen, then you might find a clue.
Around the embers
There's still an imprint worn into the rug where Sugarplum must have consistently napped. When you examine the bones, you can tell they've been gnawed by small teeth. "What dog doesn't love bones?" asks the Bazaarine Correspondent. She hasn't swept her fireplace in ages. You can't help but sneeze from the ash. Your sneeze blows a pile away, revealing something snagged under the grate: pale paper, scorched but not totally burnt. You fish it out before the embers can finish the job. During this Exceptional Story, you may occasionally uncover clues that you can discuss with the Bazaarine Correspondent. Speak with her again to learn more.
You now have 1 x Half-Burnt Missive.You've gained 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
On the Trail of a Missing Dachshund
Your leads at the moment are scarce. Where would a dachshund go if a dachshund decided to disappear? The Fifth City has innumerable nooks and crannies. Every alley, every shadow, might conceal a clue – or a lost dog. Sometimes, as a sleuth, the only thing to do is put your boots to the cobbles.
Investigate the city's kennels
The Department of Menace Eradication occasionally holds stray animals.
[失败]Rather spiny for a dog
Menace Eradicators laugh as you stumble away from the bars. Surprised that the creature inside possessed so many quills? Or maybe you were just surprised at where its quills were located. Now some are under your skin. They welcome you to look inside another cage. Next time, perhaps, you'll find the dachshund you seek. There are quite a few cages to check, after all.
[成功]Beasts behind bars
Brave souls venture into these kennels and never return. In order to investigate, you arm yourself with cudgels, whips, and Murgatroyd's Fungal Crackers. Not enough crackers by half, as it turns out. When the cudgels have been splintered, the whips ripped apart like mere string, you toss the last cracker into a corner. Menace Eradicators slam the kennel door after you've slipped back out. You can still hear the creatures inside fighting for the cracker: growling, roaring, hissing, but never barking. There's not a single dog in the building.
You've gained 1 x Tale of Terror!!
Consult the Constables
They're always on patrol. They might have seen something suspicious.
[失败]Under police scrutiny
"Looks like we've got a curious one here, lads. Wants to know if we've seen anything suspicious. You know what I think is suspicious?" asks one Constable, leaning closer to your face as his partners cross their arms and grin. "When private citizens start asking questions."
[成功]Police intelligence
You ingratiate yourself with a few Constables on their beat, buttering them up like scones – and offering actual scones. To thank them for their service. Not to bribe them for information. What a thought! "Dogs? Can't say I've seen any," one Constable tells you, chewing with his mouth open. Wet crumbs speckle you as he speaks. "It's anarchists you should be worried about. Whole spate lately. Bombs and plots. Lovely scones, these, by the way. Hard to find good pastry in this city. Too much fungus."
You've gained 2 x Scrap of Incendiary Gossip
Search the surrounding streets
How far away could a lost dachshund possibly get?
[成功]Pursuing a shadow
Figures drift through chimney-thickened fog. Horses whinny. Carriages swerve. A passing landau, carried by two Clay Men, nearly runs you down. Finally, you spot a dog-shaped silhouette. It melts into the murk, and you give chase. Along twisting avenues. Between tenements that lean like drunks. Past factory walls, blasted, toppled, covered with fine white powder: debris from another explosion, reported as a 'controlled demolition' in the papers, which is simply their preferred spelling for 'industrial accident'. Climbing over rubble, you realise that you've lost the silhouette. But there are prints in the powder: nine tiny paws.
You've gained 9 x Inkling of Identity
Return to the Bazaarine Correspondent's flat
Her address is in Spite. You may wish to ask her more about the case.
Read a notice on a lamp-post
What's this? It says 'LOST DOG' in bold letters.
LOST DOG indeed!
You pull the notice from the lamp. Beneath the bold letters, there's a printed illustration, which depicts the dog in question. It's a dachshund. As you continue to read, the dog's hand-drawn eyes stare at you from the page, pleadingly sketched in charcoal. If there was any confusion about this particular pet's identity, the notice also provides a name: Sugarplum. Loyal friend, sadly lost, please contact with any information. The address at the bottom, however, is not the Bazaarine Correspondent's flat. Nor did she compose this note, unless she's also a Renowned Mountaineer at London's Sub-Alpine Club.
How many people have lost a dachshund?You've gained 1 x Extraordinary Implication.You've gained 1 x Secluded Address
Pay a visit to the Sub-Alpine Club
You might learn more if you contact the Renowned Mountaineer.
Following another lead
By the time you arrive at the club, you've passed at least ten other lamps with 'LOST DOG' notices. There's even one posted beside the door. Sugarplum's charcoal-sketched face watches without comment as you knock. An Overworked Maid answers, still clutching a feather-duster. "Oh yes!" she says when you mention the Renowned Mountaineer. "He's not at home, I'm afraid. Haven't seen him all week. But he was very concerned about his poor little lost dog. Why don't you come in? I'm certain he would invite you himself."
You have moved to a new area: Ladybones Road You've entered the Sub-Alpine Club.You've gained 3 x Intriguing Snippet
The Sub-Alpine Club
London's finest mountaineering club is quiet today. Perhaps all the members are out planting flags on summits. Photographs adorn the walls, commemorating their exploits across both the Surface and the Neath. If you're waiting for the Renowned Mountaineer to return, you'll be waiting for some time, but there's no reason not to snoop.
Examine the photographs
Certain shots look rather perilous – for the photographer.
Black-and-white memories
It's easy to spot the Renowned Mountaineer. He's the one with the giant moustache. There he is, standing with both feet astride a crevasse; and there he is again, dangling from a cliff's edge by a rope; and there he is once more, driving an alpenstock into a lifeberg. In each photograph, he's smiling toward the camera. Except for one, taken right here at the club, where he's smiling at a small dog on his lap. He's sitting in a chair, surrounded by climbing equipment, and the dog is straining to lick his face. Right after the photograph, he must have laughed.
Investigate the club rooms
You might find evidence to clarify the missing dachshund's ownership.
More than simply a snack
Despite the Overworked Maid's presence, all the equipment – ice-axes, harnesses, snow-shoes – is caked with dust. Even if these are only for display, they might tolerate more upkeep. Not to mention the crumbs! Someone has made a mess with these Murgatroyd's Fungal Biscuits. When you move them aside to examine a Gazette on a table, your eye catches a message printed inside the box. Is this written in code? The Gazette itself is from last week. One article, profiling an ambassador murdered with a stiletto in his own hotel suite, is circled with blue ink.
You now have 1 x Message in a Biscuit Box.You've gained 1 x Compromising Document
Speak with the Overworked Maid
Has she found anything else like this message while dusting the club?
Cleaning up loose ends
"Heavens, but this place does need some tidying! Is that more rubbish? An old biscuit box? I find enough lying about, let me tell you, to keep a furnace stoked for weeks! You can give it to me. I'll put it where it belongs." She doesn't allow you the chance to reply, however, or to surrender the box, before twisting her feather-duster. Its handle pops open, revealing a stiletto. Then she lunges.
You've gained 1 x Sudden Insight
Attacked by an Overworked Maid!
Something tells you this woman is more than a maid, although expertise with close-combat weapons wouldn't be misplaced in London's service industry. Feathers are still attached to the stiletto at one end, trailing powdery dust through the air as she drives the blade toward your stomach. So much for trying to clean up the place.
Fight back!
A surprise attack deserves a surprise counter-attack.
[成功]Repelling an assassin
You grip her arm just in time, diverting the stiletto into an overstuffed cushion on a nearby couch. Goose-down erupts over the room. Her eyes glare as you wrestle together. Chairs break. Bookshelves topple. You have the stiletto now, but the blade has snapped in half. She has one leg over a windowsill. She's gone before you can get there, but she's dropped something during her rush to escape. It glints on the floor, copper catching the candlelight. The Bazaarine Correspondent may be able to shed new light on these events. Do not sell your Copper Cipher Ring – you will need it.
You now have 1 x Copper Cipher Ring. You now have 1 x Broken Stiletto.
Evade the assault
Dodge left. Feint right. Whatever you do, stay away from that knife!
[失败]Gutted like a fish
Well. That didn't go as planned. The Overworked Maid is still holding the stiletto. At least, she's still holding half, because the weapon snapped when she twisted it again. It takes you a moment to realise where the other half is lodged. Police-whistles shriek just down the block. She flinches, looks toward the window. In another moment, her leg is over the sill. You stumble after her, upsetting chairs, bumping vases, but she's gone when you glance outside. All that's left is a copper ring, dropped in the shrubbery during her flight. The Bazaarine Correspondent may be able to shed new light on these events. Do not sell your Copper Cipher Ring – you will need it.
You've narrowly survived an attempt on your life. You now have 1 x Broken Stiletto. You now have 1 x Copper Cipher Ring. 伤口增加……
The Sub-Alpine Club
London's finest mountaineering club is quiet today. Perhaps all the members are out planting flags on summits. Photographs adorn the walls, commemorating their exploits across both the Surface and the Neath. If you're waiting for the Renowned Mountaineer to return, you'll be waiting for some time, but there's no reason not to snoop.
【Fallen London】The Season of Stones
Gloomy news阴郁的消息
Special Constables are breaking apart groups of ten or more. Unless, of course, the members of the party wear Dauncey's or Fadgett and Daughters.
特警们出动了,十人以上的团体会被强制分开。当然,除了那些成员的穿着打扮看起来就像上流社会的团体。(Dauncey's还有Fadgett and Daughters是游戏里看起来像高级成衣店的商店的名字,应该是高级男装店和高级女装店,梗是啥我没搞懂……)
Gloomy news
Gloomy news
Gloomy news
最新流行 Dernier Cri
Famed London fashion house Abreo Couture is under new management, and about to launch its most daring collection yet. Explore unique Neathy fashions, design your very own lines, investigate the Persistent Prognosticator’s eccentric hiring practices, and help your Deputy Head of Design change hearts and minds one stitch at a time.
作者:加文·英格利斯 发表时间:2018年6月
服装界风向标 你不是一次穿上一个人的套装,而是把类似的衣服叠在一起穿。你的衬衫有好几层领子,夹克塑造出一个坚固而诡异的耸肩。下半身比较困难,但你从长裤一直套到了到裙子,你创下了多穿七套衣服的新纪录,并获得了众人热烈的掌声。玩家们一个接一个地取回他们的衣服。你听到了很多撕扯布料的声音。
"享乐"正在增加…丑闻正在增加…你获得了1 x 燃烧的流言蜚语
穿得过多 你假装参加他们的比赛。当你穿上五层,然后是第六层不相干的衣服时,欢声笑语骤然翻倍。你在街上走来走去,引起巨大的笑声。然后,当他们放松警惕时,你冲向主干道,像一个巨大的毛线球一样从墙上弹起。当你穿过街道时,有几个人皱着眉毛,但没有人阻止你。在马路对面,受惊的玩家们穿着内裤和紧身胸衣瑟瑟发抖。
Hurry away
This is entirely inappropriate. Surely the Constables are already en route.
This will dismiss this trailer at no action cost.