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Cultist Simulator


诗集 A Collection of Poetry 


'The poet makes himself a seer by an immense, long, deliberate derangement of all the senses...' The opposite of wisdom, thankfully.

"我要让想象力燃得更旺。迸发灵感—— "

I'll stoke the fires of my imagination. Glimpses -

文集 A Collection of Essays


If the mind is a blade, this is a whetstone.


Exercise for the intellect. Possibilities -

库纳尔与格特 Kühner and Gerth


Kühner and Gerth's 'Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache' - a Greek grammar. An essential weapon for a ferocious struggle with a challenging language.


Of course I have a little Greek already. But I'll need more than a little.


A determined and distinctive tongue. But I have the measure of it.

拉斐尔·库纳尔 (Raphael Kühner)

1802~1878年,德国古典学者。出生于哥达,著有《西塞罗的塔斯库拉尼之争》。他的巨作《希腊语详尽语法》在第三版印刷时由弗里德里希·威廉·布拉斯和伯恩哈德·格特增订为四卷。此外,他还出版过《拉丁语详尽语法》,由弗里德里希·霍尔兹维希(Friedrich Holzweissig)和卡尔·斯特格曼(Carl Stegmann)增订为两卷。

弗里德里希·伯恩哈德·格斯(Friedrich Bernhard Gerth)

1844~1911年。德国古典语言学家。莱比锡大学博士时期的学位论文为希腊悲剧方言研究。与弗里德里希·布拉斯(Friedrich Blass)一起出版了拉斐尔·库纳尔的第三版《希腊语扩展语法》,格特以巧妙地改写了与语法有关的部分而著称。1873年,他还编辑出版了格奥尔格·柯蒂斯的《希腊学校语法》。

吉尔德斯利夫的拉丁语语法 Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar


Just what you need to refresh your knowledge of Latin.


I recall a certain amount from my school-days, but I need to brush up.The doors of the palace of memory are opened.

吉尔德斯利夫 (Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve)

1831~1924年。美国古典学者。生于南卡罗来纳州的查尔斯顿,父亲是长老会(Presbyterianism)的福音传道者。他毕业于普林斯顿大学,曾在弗吉尼亚大学担任希腊语和拉丁语教授。1867年,他与冈萨雷斯 · B· 洛奇合作修订了《拉丁语法》,这本书至今仍是拉丁语译者重要的参考资料。此外,他还致力于基督教希腊语的研究,著有《殉道者贾斯汀的道歉》,《平达尔的奥林匹亚和皮提亚颂歌 》。

加特赛德的梵语读本 Gartside's Sanskrit Reader


A lucid book which outlines a careful path through the thickets of a vast and complex language.


The name has been translated as 'the refined language'. So many words, such little time.

I will keep my reference works close at hand.




Written excitably and in some haste by a gentleman in the grip of a Transcendentalist enthusiasm, but nevertheless a useful guide to Aramaic.


There is, of course, no single 'Aramaic', but I will learn what I can. I have achieved a basic understanding.

马克西米利安·奥古斯特·西皮奥·冯·勃兰特(Maximilian August Scipio von Brandt) 



亚历山德罗·拉克罗切的手记 The Journal of Alessandro LaCroce


Prince Alessandro LaCroce spent years in secret study of the tablets taken from the Fucine Marshes in central Italy. His work will allow you to read Fucine texts... but it's written in a simple Latin cipher. You'll need to decipher it first.


It has something in common with Latin and something else in common with the scratchings of maddened rats. In places it overlaps with languages I know. In other places... well, I can see why they call it 'the tongue of witches'. But I can understand it well enough, now.


富奇诺湖(the Fucine Lake)


维尔朔恩铭文 The Velshorn Inscriptions


Hundreds of matching lines in Greek and Phrygian poetry, copied from a wall. Similar - or identical - to the inscriptions Cal Velshorn discovered in Halicarnassus.An epic and notably erotic poem describing a rash musician's couplings with, and eventual flaying by, the Red Mother. The intrepid Cal Velshorn found these inscriptions on a temple wall in Halicarnassus, but the same inscription has turned up in a surprising number of other places.


Phrygian, the language of Midas, of Tecmessa, of the priests of Cybele. Something about this language stirs the blood. Perhaps it is fortunate that none now remembers its lost sounds.

迈达斯 (Midas)
据传西勒诺斯醉酒后走失,被迈达斯送回狄俄倪索斯处,酒神为报答此事,回应了迈达斯想要点石成金的希望,但这个能力把他碰触的食物和人都变成了黄金,为了解除能力,迈达斯按照神谕去帕克托罗斯河洗澡,从此河流产生了砂金,故而点石成金也被称为"弥达斯的触摸(The Midas touch)"。

忒克墨萨 (Tecmessa)


乌伊鲁斯 The Uyrus


An elaborate ivory sculpture of impossible intricacy. Around and across its surfaces, Sanskrit inscriptions spiral against matching lines of Vak.


Do the Hours speak? If they do, this may be the language they use. It has been said that one does not learn Vak, so much as come to know her. Well, now she and I are a little better acquainted.


夜游漫记·卷一 Travelling at Night(Vol. 1)


The annotated dream-journals of Christopher Illopoly, sometimes called 'the only readable occultist': literate, entertaining, bewildering..'The Wood lies outside the walls of the Mansus. As any student of Histories knows, the Mansus has no walls.'

Illopoly describes how he came to make repeated visits to a dream-Wood via what he calls silver dreams. 'Trying to think your way to the Wood,' he explains, 'is like thinking your way to being in love. But I did find a Secret that helped.'

夜游漫记·卷二 Travelling at Night(Vol. 2)


This is the second volume. There is an extensive discussion of the similarities between Illopoly's own dreams and those of the Emperor Elagabalus, who Illopoly regards as a dupe or avatar of theSun-in-Rags. 'The White is west of the world,' Illopoly remarks, 'and Winter does not wait forever.'


'Elagabalus found his way to the White Door at last, thankfully. Speech can't pass the White Door, and honestly, Elagabalus never had anything very interesting to say. I tried to follow in his footsteps, but I never learnt enough of the White. I suppose I'm thankful for that, too. But here's what I do know...'

夜游漫记·卷三 Travelling at Night(Vol. 3)


This is the third volume. Illopoly's disquisitions on fire and the Unburnt God are interrupted by passages of distractingly erotic poetry addressed to 'Baldomera'.'
"要去至牡鹿之门,我认为只需对某物足够强烈的欲念。可是我从未奢求如此之多,除了巴尔多梅姬。这恐怕就是死结所在: 巴尔多梅姬想要牡鹿之门。不过,下文是我在波斯学到的一些东西。或许能教会你想要何物"。

To reach the Stag Door, I believe that all you really need is to want something enough. But I've never wanted anything that much, except of course Baldomera, and I'm very much afraid that the knot in the story is this: what Baldomera wants is the Stag Door. But here's something I learnt in Persia. Perhaps it'll teach you what you want.'

日落日记 Sunset Diaries


The Bureau went in the last round of budget cuts - of course it did. It hadn't even been called 'the Bureau' for years. A sub-department of a sub-department, I suppose... but it seems to be a private enterprise now, if not precisely a commercial one. It must be Lee. The years have only made her more determined. And richer, I suspect. They didn't mention her name, but there was a wheelchair downstairs, and I don't think any of the others are even still alive. They could be, I suppose. They could have been sipping lymph or nectar... but the world is not kind to their sort, and the Mansus is less kind still. They didn't mention what they were looking for, either, but from the questions they asked, it can only be the Key. Fifty years ago, I would have told them everything I know, and trusted Lee to do the right thing. But I can't be sure of her agenda, not any more. What the years do to mortal flesh, they do to mortal ideals also.

我会写信给科赛利,他也不会知道该怎么办,但这样比较礼貌。—— 伊利奥波里,《日落日记》,1974年3月
"I'll write to Coseley. He won't know what to do either. But it's only polite."              —— Illopoly, 'Sunset Diaries', March 1974

司辰志·卷一 De Horis (Book 1) 


In Latin. A nineteenth-century reprint of a fourteenth-century Latin translation of a fourth-century work. An occasionally coherent catalogue of the secret gods. This is an English translation of a volume dealing with the powers of the Wood. This volume deals mostly with the Hours of the Woodthe Moththe Black-Flax, the Ring-Yew, among others.


'The Glory is a question, and the Moth always answers Yes. The Black-Flax's answer is No, and that is always its answer.'

司辰志·卷二 De Horis (Book 2) 


In Latin. A nineteenth-century reprint of a fourteenth-century Latin translation of a fourth-century work. An occasionally coherent catalogue of the secret gods. This is an English translation of a volume describing the enmity between the Lionsmith and the Tribune of Scars.

'The Lionsmith makes monsters to defeat the Tribune; but the scars of the Tribune are each a weapon.'


The Locksmith's Dream: a Light through the Keyhole


The first volume of Teresa Galmier's examination of parallels in the mystic dreams of artisans.The parallels in mystic dreams experienced by carpenters, masons and other artisans, and what they purport to reveal about the architecture of the world. Sometimes mordant, sometimes funny. No-one has ever explained why Galmier devoted herself to this quixotic exploration of artisan's dreams.

'Time and again we hear of the Wood, which rises from the world's foundation. All trees reach for light. What does the Wood reach for? Is there a difference between light and Light? I think the key to dreams of the Wood might be one of these - the one that isn't exactly real.'


The Locksmith's Dream: Portions and Proportions


The second volume of Teresa Galmier's examination of parallels in the mystic dreams of artisans. The frontispiece has been slashed with a razor.


In this volume, Galmier records fewer dreams, and explicates more of her own elaborate theories. 'We see this again and again: what is below can't escape what is above. The finest artisans all dream of the White Door in the end. I'm no artisan, only a scholar. I think there's a Secret that all these artisans know, but I think that Secret is only half the story.'

锁匠的梦境:罪行 The Locksmith's Dream: Trespasses


The third volume of Teresa Galmier's examination of parallels in the mystic dreams of artisans.

In this volume, notoriously, Galmier's prose begins to disintegrate, and it is not clear which dreams are in fact her own.

'The woman in the sand-coloured robe has told me: the stairways of the Mansus go ever up. Death is down. The Mother of Ants guards both directions with each of her heads, and so the passage must always be through a wound. I think the White Door might be a wound. That's one reason the Dead sometimes pass it. I think I have the other half of the Secret now, and I hope my reader can put both halves together.'

锁匠的梦境:神侵 The Locksmith's Dream: Incursus



The Law goes back all the way to Stone: the Keys cannot be held or owned. This had, I believe, the unexpected consequence that those outside the law may hold and own them. But even they cannot keep them. And of course a Key is no more physical than a spirit. But a spirit may be housed in a body, and I have touched a Key with my own hands.

"The next question we must answer: what is real? If you ask me - "


Baldomera,That was my secret name.It's not real. Names aren't, any more than souls, ore words.Bpdies are real, the world is real, and the Hours are real.Your secret name is ■■■■. Be careful whom you tell.

维也纳未解之谜 The Viennese Conundra


Nico Van Driel describes odd events in Vienna - the disappearance of children; epidemics of parasite activity; animal mutilations; nightmares of worms; the activities of a charitable organisation, the New Ligeians, that funds the burial of the poor. She proposes peculiar connections between these activities.

'When the individual K. attends the meetings, black dogs are sacrificed and quartered. When the individual M. is in attendance, black mares are found with their throats slashed. I propose that these sacrifices are not necessary, but that our Ligeian friends may consider them 'fitting'. Herewith diagrams of the mutilations -'
' 还有一道谜语,我听到的译文是'何物会失去?' 要回答此问,我会复述一些历史上著名上的作答——这些作答本身,某种意义上也是,祭品——"

'Medusa's Riddle, then, I choose to render as 'What is Not Seen?' There is another riddle, one I have heard rendered as 'What may be Lost?' I will delineate some historic attempts to answer it- these are in themselves, in some sense, sacrifices - '

"That time - I remember that the matter of Vienna came up, and young M. was incivil to K. - she made an oblique joke about feathers; she called her 'Pandora'. K. left early. We tried to draw a line and move on to discuss our responsibilities, but there was a great deal of - shall we say - beastliness."


马提亚斯与紫晶成虫:失去 On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Loss

The diagrams and illustrations, even across the centuries, are elegant, hypnotic, occasionally erotic. In Aramaic. An account of an occult romance. A certain Para, son of Aaron, claims to have written this in a single day and a single night as part of his initiation into the Damascene branch of the House of Lethe - that tight-disciplined order of immortals who reject their past and future.
'The laws of the House forbade Matthias to love. The customs of the Wood forbade the Imago to remain. So he conjured her a final time, when she had uncovered the Shears of Alakapura; and she suffered him to cut the wings from her back, so that she might remain; and he suffered her to cut the parts which hold man's seed, to keep them from the Detestable Act. This was love in all its blood and joy. We have cast out Matthias from the House.'
'The Rite of the Map's Edge was given to us by the Vagabond. It is the rite that Matthias used to summon the Amethyst Imago, but like many summoning rites, it could be used to conjure almost any entity - given the appropriate tool, and the appropriate influence. Use it gently, in memory of the Name and the Long who suffered these agonies that they might be joined.'




印度卡纳塔克邦南部的一个村子,同时这里也是一个"潘恰雅特村落(gram panchayat)",印度独特的一种基层自治制度。

马提亚斯与紫晶成虫:追寻 On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Pursuit


The diagrams and illustrations, even across the centuries, are elegant, hypnotic, occasionally erotic. In Aramaic. An account of an occult romance. A certain Mek claims to have written this in a single night as part of his initiation into the Theban branch of the House of Lethe - that order of immortals who used the arts of water to conceal themselves.


'Matthias defied us to hunt the Names of the Moth in the Wood, to populate his pinned collection. The Amethyst Imago had dallied with the Witch-and-Sister, but she'd returned to the Wood to plead the Moth's pardon. The Moth, as a whim or a penance, sent her out to lure the Long to a slough of nightmares.'

“马提亚斯爱着成虫。(真的吗?长生者能够恋爱?还是他们的灵魂中的那个器官已干瘪到无法挽回?) 成虫爱着马提亚斯。(真的吗?还是她只是一时兴起?) 他追寻着她穿过林地,但她在最后绕开了噩梦泥沼,而后他们一起躺在逐渐变亮的边境。于是他们学会了杯之欢愉,这是他们为自己赢得的密传。” 

'Matthias loved the Imago. (Did he? Can Long love, or has that organ of their soul dessicated beyond repair?)

The Imago loved Matthias. (Did she? Or did she only enact a whim?)

He pursued her through the Wood, but at the last she turned aside from the nightmare-slough, and they lay together where the Bounds grow bright. So they learnt the Grail's pleasures, and this is the lore they won.'


苏丹曾用的一种头衔,意为 "统治者 "或 "国王"。它可能源自阿拉伯语的国王(malik);也可能是梅洛特语-mk的后裔,意为 "上帝",适合苏丹实行的神权;或者来自Ge'ez መከሐ(mkḥ),意为 "光荣",埃塞俄比亚的舶来品[5]。

马提亚斯与紫晶成虫:嬗变 On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Transformation


The diagrams and illustrations, even across the centuries, are elegant, hypnotic, occasionally erotic. In Aramaic. An account of an occult romance. A certain Iyavogos claims to have written this in a single night as part of his initiation into the Aleppine branch of the House of Lethe - that order of immortals who would not pledge themselves to any Hour.

“我们已逐出马提亚斯,也对紫晶成虫施加了诅咒,但我们在梦中看着他们。我们看到他们将己身献与铸炉,誓要改变自己,飞升,获得新生。他们向火而飞。” “这是马提亚斯和成虫所采取的行动的第一步,开启了他们飞升成神的道路。他们升出了我们的视野之外,但他们的火焰或许仍在锤炼场燃烧。”

'We cast Matthias out, and we pronounced a curse upon the Amethyst Imago, but we watched them in dreams. We saw them pledge themselves to the Forge, to change themselves and ascend anew. Into the fire they fly.' This is the first of the practices that the Imago and Matthias used, to begin their ascent to power. They have risen beyond our sight, but their flames may yet burn in the Malleary.'

双生姝丽 The Geminiad


A fragile manuscript, illuminated with twinned shapes of sad and luminous beauty, and with all the phases of the moon. It might be as old as the seventh century, but the language - Fucine - is much older. Coral decorates its cover, and its page-edges are sharp enough to slash a throat.

These pages outline the nature, and the doctrines, of an Hour that demands the union of what is at rest, an Hour that is sought at the water's edge and beneath the moon: the Witch-and-Sister. The language is knotty, poetic, wilful. It'll take some untangling.
《双生姝丽》提醒我们:众所周知,双生巫女常以双生女巫的形象现身——当其一面餍足,另一侧面依旧饥饿。这暗示了双生巫女和林地司辰间的联系,特别是与守密者丝毧——双生巫女自己是否算作林地司辰则依旧不明。且书中用大量笔墨描绘了二位一体的悲哀,即自她们仍为血肉之躯时便留存下来的悲哀。The Geminiad reminds us that the Witch-and-Sister has been known to manifest as the Sister-and-Witch - and that this face may heal, while the other face is always hungry. It implies connections between the Witch-and-Sister and the Hours of the Wood - especially the secret-keeper called the Velvet - but it is ambiguous on whether the Witch-and-Sister is a Wood-hour proper. And it speaks at length about the sadness of the two-who-are-one, the sadness that remains from their time as flesh.

面具之书 The Book of Masks


Athena Vana's work on the rogue Hour called the Vagabond, who is also known as the Laughingthrush, the Centipede, the Pilgrim, and by many other names - or as Vana has it, 'masks'.

​The Mask of the Laughingthrush, says Athena Vana, had a great friendship with the Sun-in-Splendour, the highmost Hour of the Mansus (now divided and departed). The Mask of the Sight-Thief painted the river in the Mansus. The Mask of the Vagabond was forbidden the Mansus, not for what she had done, but for what would occur...

The Mask of the Centipede recalled her birth-place, Miah, which had punished her for creeping into the temple precinct. This Mask cursed Miah to drink only dust and to be remembered only by the wind - 'for not beneath any Mask does she forgive, and the Centipede's hunger is not to be forgotten.'


Inaam, Kapigiginlupir, Garkie, Cryppys


In which four enigmatic figures tell the stories they've heard over the years at the Roost, the secret location where the aviform Hours congregate.



The Beach-Crow, Kapigiginlupir suggests, is not only a thief, but also a spy and even a voyeur. He has hidden the memory of secret couplings among the Hours and their Names in the corners of the House, as treasures to gloat over. There is particularly fevered speculation on a liaison between the Ring-Yew, that fervent hour of the Wood, and the Mare-in-the-Tree, who sometimes has been the Witch's Sister.


The Beach-Crow, Kapigiginlupir suggests, is not only a thief, but also a spy and even a voyeur. He has hidden the memory of secret couplings among the Hours and their Names in the corners of the House, as treasures to gloat over. There is particularly fevered speculation on a liaison between the Ring-Yew, that fervent hour of the Wood, and the Mare-in-the-Tree, who sometimes has been the Witch's Sister.

论困于银镜之物 On What Is Contained By Silver


A dire bestiary of the horrors to be found in mirrors. This is a recent edition of a third century text by 'Poemander'.

'The virgins/maidens of the mirror favour orchids. The [behindlings?] favour the rhododendron. Cut flowers of either nature should not be placed before polished bronze.' An appendix contains a rite which might be used to summon some of these entities, although the details of its use are not made clear.

兰花变容·卷一:筵宴 The Orchid Transfigurations, Vol 1: a Feast


A sixteenth-century alchemical fever-dream, attributed to Robert Fludd, frequently banned for the disturbing allure of its illustrations. This is in the original Latin. The first volume of a compilation of quasi-Rosicrucian allegories, supposedly by Robert Fludd. This is a later English translation.


The illustrations are certainly striking. They flush the skin and glow beneath the eyelids after the book is closed. 'We must devour to be devoured. We cannot be undevoured, as we cannot be unborn.'

罗伯特·弗拉德 (Robert Fludd)


In a religious context, transfiguration, from Latin transfiguratio, is the experience of momentary divine radiance.In Christian teachings, the transfiguration is a pivotal moment, and the setting on the mountain is presented as the point where human nature meets God: the meeting place of the temporal and the eternal, with Jesus himself as the connecting point, acting as the bridge between heaven and earth.Moreover, Christians consider the transfiguration to fulfill an Old Testament messianic prophecy that Elijah would return again after his ascension (Malachi 4:56). Gardner (2015, p. 218) states

兰花变容·卷二:生诞 The Orchid Transfigurations, Vol 2: a Birth 

A sixteenth-century alchemical fever-dream, attributed to Robert Fludd, frequently banned for the disturbing allure of its illustrations. This is in the original Latin. The second volume of a compilation of quasi-Rosicrucian allegories, supposedly by Robert Fludd. This is a later English translation.

福路德,或假冒的福路德,以松树骑士寻找朱砂杯的故事暗示了炼金术传统的“红化法”与更古老的圣杯传承间的对应关系。Fludd, or pseudo-Fludd, suggests alignments between the alchemical tradition of rubedo and the older Grail traditions, through the Pine-Knight's quest for the Cinnabar Cup.

‘Seek the Cup in the birthing-bed,' the Pine-Knight is told. The Midwife at the birthing-bed, to his amazement, is the Mountain-Mother. In a fit of awe, he both gelds and flays himself. The Vigilant Storm bursts joyfully from the remains.'

兰花变容·卷三:午时 The Orchid Transfigurations, Vol 3: Noon


A sixteenth-century alchemical fever-dream, attributed to Robert Fludd, frequently banned for the disturbing allure of its illustrations. This is in the original Latin. This is a later English translation.

A long dialogue between the Mountain-Mother and the Vigilant Storm describes the ways in which both mountains and storms end, and the protections they use against those ends.

But we must use the knife,' said the Lion-Throned One, 'the noose, the flame, the Waking Word, against those who have passed the Three-Valved Door. And so none may pass: that is our Law, and the Law of the Sun.'

希帕提娅宝训集 The Rose of Hypatia


Marked with the tripled sign of the arcane-contemplative order known as the Sisterhood of the Knot. In Greek. A volume of collected teachings of the Sisterhood of the Knot, that arcane-contemplative order that existed in all histories, but in some was very powerful indeed. This was recorded by 'Hypatia', and dedicated to St Nympha.

St Nympha is described as 'not born, but cultivated'. The sentience that became the saint, 'Hypatia' indicates, inhabited a sinner's corpse in order to enable that sinner's redemption.'Not all the Dead enter the Mansus by the Winter Door. Not all the Dead enter the Mansus at all.'

索克拉蒂斯在《教会史》中描写了她的死亡「以礼拜朗诵士彼得(Peter)为首的人埋伏在希帕提娅返家的路上,将她拖出马车,带到西赛隆(Caesarion)教堂中杀死并分尸。四肢则被带到了辛那隆(Cinaron)焚烧。」公元七世纪的尼奇乌主教约翰则称这是对异教徒和女巫的惩罚。神学家索丹与赫比(Soldan and Heppe)则曾提出论证,认为希帕提娅可能是第一个受到基督教会势力迫害的"女巫"。希帕提娅"以铁钩将骨肉扯离"的死法,似乎符合君士坦丁二世对巫术明正典刑的方式。

努列尔宝训集 The Rose of Nuriel 


Marked with the tripled sign of the arcane-contemplative order known as the Sisterhood of the Knot. In Greek. A volume of collected teachings of the Sisterhood of the Knot, that arcane-contemplative order that existed in all histories, but in some was very powerful indeed. This was recorded by 'Nuriel', and dedicated to St Tryphon.

St Tryphon, Nuriel explains, performed secret miracles in the name of 'She who Bleeds and Bears' and 'She who Opens'. Thus St Tryphon opened the way to the House of the Sun; thus St Tryphon underwent the Great Birth, an ascension to immortality.

St Tryphon began his ascension by passing the 'Horned Door'. He continued it by learning the 'Invocation Thiatic' - which Nuriel does not here record, on account of its extreme holiness. And, Nuriel explains grimly, to achieve the Seven Marks of the Great Birth, St Tryphon consumed 'both those whose soul had left them, and even those in whom the soul remained.'

瓦兹内宝训集 The Rose of Waznei

绳结姐妹会以神秘的沉思秩序三角符号为标志…但被加上了第四片叶子,标志被弄得面目全非。本书为希腊语。绳结姐妹会一个遭人唾弃支派的异端教喻;该秘传默观修会存在于每一重历史中。本书由署名“瓦兹内”者编集,是致圣勒庇爵的献礼。Marked with the tripled sign of the arcane-contemplative order known as the Sisterhood of the Knot... but a fourth leaf has been added, disfiguring the sign. In Greek. The heretical teachings of a disgraced offshoot of the Sisterhood of the Knot, that arcane-contemplative order that existed in all histories. This was recorded by 'Waznei', and dedicated to St Respicius.

瓦兹内偏好的支派--“真实姐妹会”--一直在追随圣勒庇爵,以无情的光之司辰,瞳中扉的名义寻求飞升。圣勒庇爵失败了,这或许是因为他被规模更大的姐妹会抓获并勒毙在了仪式中,不过瓦兹内为寻求成功者指明了方法。“于梦境寻觅,于漫宿寻觅。唯有穿过牡鹿之门者才能获得第三印记。此人必须穿过林地。此人必须攀至纯白之门。在格里比的视线中,牡鹿之门等待着负光者前来。”The offshoot favoured by Waznei - 'the True Sisterhood' - followed St Respicius in pursuing ascension in the name of the Door-in-the-Eye, the merciless Hour of light. St Respicius failed, perhaps because the larger Sisterhood tracked him down and ritually strangled him, but Waznei outlines steps for those who hope to succeed. 'Seek in dreams; seek the Mansus. The Third Mark can be achieved only when one has passed the Stag Door. One must pass the Wood. One must rise to the White Door. The Stag Door awaits the light-bearer, in the sight of Ghirbi.'

圣宁法·圣特里丰·圣勒庇爵(Saints Nympha , Tryphon , Respicius)

特里丰出生于弗里吉亚地区的兰普萨科村。他的名字来源于希腊语τρψφη,意为“柔软、精致”。相传他年幼就能医治病人和病畜。曾驱除过附在罗马皇帝格迪安之女,格迪安娜身上的邪灵。德西乌斯加冕后开始迫害基督徒,圣特里丰遭受了严刑拷打。但所有的刑罚在他的身上都没有任何伤痕,最后刽子手们于公元250 年将他斩首。他在东正教中备受尊崇,是园丁和酿酒师的守护灵。东方皇帝利奥六世(Leo VI the Wise)于公元912年发表了纪念特里丰的悼词。在俄罗斯圣人像中,他经常手持一只猎鹰,他所作的祷告是用来对付啮齿动物和蝗虫的侵袭的;一个这样的祷告出现在伟大的欧几里安( the Great Euchologion)。

五大创造论 Five creations


The itinerant scholar Shohei debated five possible origins for humanity with a hooded figure since claimed to be the Beach-Crow. Shohei later claimed that all these accounts had proven false, but the debate was, nevertheless, recorded.

“介壳源:我们诞自甲壳,如同黄蜂的孩子从蜘蛛体内钻出。辉源:我们生命的微粒降自“光”。受污之源:我们出世时浑身赤裸,身上沾着林地根部的淤泥……” THE CARAPACE ORIGIN: we were born from shell, like the children of the wasp from the spider. THE GLORIOUS ORIGIN: our life-motes descended from Light. THE ORIGIN BEFOULED: we were found naked and smeared with muck in the roots of the Wood...'

Shohei's preferred theories are that we are the children of apes who walked upright, although his tone here is satirical; or that we consumed not only our parents, 'which is not the Crime of the Sky', but also our origin, so that we came from Nowhere.

黑林地的静谧 The Serenity of the Black Wood


An allegorical history of the House of Lethe, who it is here implied were inspired by the Centipede. 'Sereno Blackwood' is an occult alias to this day.

The 'Proverbial Footloose' gathers travellers in a wood
, and leads them through, but abandons them part-way. They find themselves beset by 'glorious monsters'. The travellers discover they can survive if they close their eyes (they adopt a closed eye as their sign) and that they can go unnoticed if they drink from the clear cold streams. They never forget 'that proverbial footloose, the Centipede', but they never forgive her either.

司辰的起源 The Origins of Hours


A Vak work that may contain gossip about the various origins of the secret gods. The sage and ecstatic Soham, a frequent visitor to the Mansus, claimed to have discoursed with the Beachcrow in person. Soham later insisted on a sky-burial.

Soham's writings veer from poetry to confession. He identifies gods from flesh (those who were mortal), from blood (those who arose from sacrifice), from Light (entry from the Glory) and from stone (those who arose before his knowledge.) He insists that 
the Moth was the first god-who-was-blood, but later contradicts himself and claims it was the Red Grail.

'The Mansus was different before the first god came from Light, but never doubt it existed, even then.'


Soham是一个印度教的咒语,在梵语中意为“我即是TA”。14世纪萨亚纳(Sayana)对《吠陀经》的注释声称,这句话也可以解释为“我自己就是天鹅”,而天鹅象征着真我(Ātman,阿特曼) 。在吠陀哲学中,它意味着将自己与宇宙或终极现实相结合。比如《伊莎奥义书(the Isha Upanishad)》中就写到:“光是祂最美丽的形式,我看到了祂。我即是祂。”

拉奎伯斯写本 The Larquebine Codex


Christoph Larquebus claimed to have purchased two hand-written copies of the Codex, in the supposedly-extinct Phrygian tongue, from a family of witches on the shores of the Sea of Marmara. A third was 'given to the Sea'.

Sister-and-Witch came from the West, where they were born in two wombs, one a princess, one a monster. Nevertheless they loved each other from birth, and met in secret 'to seek union'.

When the great drought came, the kings of that land tried to sacrifice the princess and the witch, so they sailed across the Sea. When despair took them, they flung themselves into the drowning waters... and so found the Painted River, where they entered the Mansus through the offices of the Red Grail. Nevertheless, the Codex ends with a condemnation of the Grail.


Commandments For the Preservation of All That Exists


Black Elie, Damascene Matriarch of the Sisterhood of the Knot, was imprisoned by the emperor Didius Julianus. She reportedly instructed that these secret doctrines be recorded in writing to preserve against their loss. Regrettably, the story goes, Didius Julianus ordered that the work be entombed with her in an unmarked sepulcher.


Elie describes powerful protective incantations to be used in a variety of circumstances. 'It is essential that these Protections be completed every fourth year, to defend against the entry of the Worms and against the avidity of the Wave and the Wound.' In the current History at least, there is no indication that these Protections have been performed regularly for at least the last thousand years.’

尤利安努斯(Marcus Didius Severus Julianus)

193年3月28日,罗马皇帝佩蒂纳克斯被叛乱的禁卫军所杀,皇位被拍卖。元老尤利安努斯来到军营的城堡下,开价六千两百五十迪纳厄斯,士兵立刻拥立尤利安努斯登基。 结果各地军队纷纷起事。塞普蒂米乌斯·塞维鲁指挥罗马帝国驻扎在潘诺尼亚的军团,以替佩蒂纳克斯复仇为名挺进意大利。 就在尤利安努斯组织禁卫军想进行反抗之时,塞维鲁向禁卫军承诺,只要交出尤利安努斯和谋害佩蒂纳克斯的罪犯,就可以免于流血冲突,结果禁卫军马上接受了条件,宣布尤利安努斯退位,然后于193年6月1日将其斩首。 尤利安努斯在位仅66天。根据当代罗马历史学家卡修斯·迪奥(Cassius Dio)的说法,朱利安努斯的遗言是:“但是我做犯了什么罪过?我杀了谁?”

奥古斯特石 The August Stone


A tremendous bowl, big as a gong, carved from black basalt, bearing an incantation against demons in Deep Mandaic. The underside bears the same incantation in Aramaic.


Mandaic is the language of a Gnostic sect in the remotest part of Persia. Deep Mandaic remains the language of a sect within that sect, but once it was spoken by adepts. This tongue has just enough in common with Aramaic to make my studies possible; but not to make them easy.

骷髅歌 The Journal of Alessandro LaCroce


Poems of greedy delight composed by the possibly pseudonymous Arabella Dusk, the rumoured heiress-turned-madam-turned-poetess.

In Arabella's introduction, she explains that the book was to be illustrated, but that the Suppression Bureau would not permit it. She hints that the illustrations still exist somewhere. The book is dedicated to 'Sir Parsival of the Red Cup'. The Twenty-Six Delightful Fruits; the Seven Chastisements; the Nine Gardens; the Four Regrets.

圣杯骑士帕西瓦尔(Marcus Didius Severus Julianus)

威尔士文本《罗纳比之梦》中出现的角色“拿大矛的佩雷督(PeredurPaladr Hir)”被认为是他在传说中的最早名称。在《佩雷督,埃弗劳克之子》中,帕西瓦尔是其父的第七个孩子,其父与兄长都在战争中丧失了性命;于是他的母亲独自在森林中抚养他,避免让孩子接触骑士道;但在欧文骑士的启发下,他最终前往亚瑟王的宫廷,在那里被一位侏儒弄臣预言为世上最伟大的骑士。他经历了许多神奇的历险,从三座城堡中各取得“三分之一”的力量;与少女金手安格蕾德(Angharad Law Eurawc)喜结连理;在亚瑟骑士的帮助下打倒了格洛斯特的九位女巫,继承了舅父的奇迹堡。《迪多特·帕西瓦尔》记叙帕西瓦尔在亚瑟王的宫廷中坐上了被禁止的第十三个座位“危险座”,由此引出梅林对圣杯骑士的预言。他参加了对神奇白鹿的狩猎;与“坟墓骑士”进行决斗;与梅林相遇,最终成功地继承了圣杯与舅父“渔夫王”的城堡。埃申巴赫的沃尔夫拉姆在长篇叙事诗《帕齐伐尔》中讲述他本已在亚瑟的宫廷中取得了荣誉、娶康薇拉慕为妻,但由于圣杯的使者孔德莉的警告,又重新踏上旅途,在舅父隐士崔佛列森的帮助下了解圣杯王家族的历史、最终治愈了舅父安福塔斯,加冕为新一任的圣杯王。在法语的散文传说集《兰斯洛特与圣杯(Lanclot-Grail/Vulgate Cycle)》中,帕西瓦尔作为命定圣杯骑士的地位逐渐被加拉哈德取代。但他仍然与鲍斯同为世间仅有的三位圣杯骑士之一。 《亚瑟王之死》继承了这些说法,声称他在追寻圣杯的旅途中见到了狮子与毒蛇搏斗的异象,刺穿自己大腿克服魔鬼的诱惑,帮助了狮子。最终在加拉哈德被接引升天后,接任为圣杯国王,不久后死去。

不眠者 Those Who Do Not Sleep


A Fucine text attributed to the mystic, Brodnax, discussed the origins of the Sister-and-Witch, and of the Thunderskin.

“双生女巫分别降生自海洋两岸的两个子宫,一个贫穷,一个富有。巫女强于心相,以保她二者存活于世;女巫强于杯相,故而她二者欲壑难填……” 'The Sister-and-Witch were born in two wombs, one poor one rich, across the sea. The Sister was stronger in the aspect of Heart, and so their survival was assured; the Witch was stronger in the aspect of Grail, and so they were not satisfied...'

'When the Sister and Witch came from the West, the Red Grail permitted their ascension, but then grew jealous of their power. It lured a great musician into the ranks of its Names, and caused him to be reborn from blood as a Heart-hour, so that the Grail might maintain dominion there also. But its victory is not assured.'

真实准确的无影众王史 A True and Accurate History of the Shadowless Kings


Isaac of Karth's history of the Shadowless Empire. 'A True and Accurate History of the Shadowless Kings, by Isaac of Karth.' Isaac describes the thousand-year ascendancy of the Shadowless Empire.

The first and greatest history' is described herein. The Persian Empire - 'the sons of Achaemenes', 'the 
Shadowless Kings', 'the most Glorious Empire' - survives the assaults of Alexander the Great and flourishes as late as the fifth century.

After the fall of Rome, the Shadowless Empire takes Byzantium under its wing, and moves East against the Land of the Great River. Isaac begins to recount the invasion struggling against 'the unskinned armies of the hooded serpents', but ends abruptly with a series of incantations that he claims allowed the Shadowless Empire to persist.

▣ 布罗德纳克斯 Brodnax





Kitling Ripe and the Moldywarp's Grave (and Other Stories)


A lusciously illustrated tome of loosely connected children's stories, collected by one N.K. Field. Few of them are remotely suitable for children. 


The protagonist, a speechless cat-thing called Kitling Ripe, performs a series of elaborate rites to rescue members of her extended family, culminating in the resurrection of her 'other grandmother', Moldywarp.  


'When the Snake-Witch killed the stag, Kitling snatched one of its eyes. When the Dry-Witch killed the sow, Kitling stole a cup of its blood. Then she took them to the place Moldywarp lay buried, and she shook out her hair, and she began to dance...'

阿波罗与马西亚斯 Apollo and Marsyas

某部失传歌剧的唱本,题材为阿波罗和马西亚斯之间的比试及此事的悲剧结局。唱词作者只留下了首字母缩写:“RKNJL”。The libretto of a lost opera concerning the contest between Apollo and Marsyas, and its tragic outcome. The librettist is identified only by their initials: RKNJL.

In the original myth, 
Marsyas lost a musical contest and was flayed by Apollo, who later regretted it. In this version, Marsyas' skin has a further history...

The Skin of Marsyas gives oracles, and is later smuggled to Phrygia, where the priestesses of Cybele use it for a drumhead. At the opera's climax, the pounding of the drum drives would-be violators of the priestess to suicidal madness. The opera ends with a wistful hymn from the youngest priestess on the beauty of mountain pines.


梅洛斯的双簧管诗人梅拉尼皮德斯在《酒神赞歌马西亚斯(dithyramb Marsyas)》中写到,据说女神雅典娜发明了阿夫洛斯管(Aulos),但因吹奏的形象很丑被众神嘲笑,于是她扔掉笛子,并诅咒无论谁捡起它都会遭遇可怕的死亡。马西亚斯是库柏勒(Cybele)女神的随从,同时也是萨提尔(satyr) ,一种半人半羊的森林之神。他拾到了笛子,那笛子刚放到唇边便自动奏起了美妙的音乐,许多人都被他悠扬的笛声打动,并声称阿波罗的竖琴都难以奏出如此美妙的音乐。阿波罗邀请马西亚斯与他对决,缪斯(宁芙)女神们作为比赛的裁判,宣称赢家可以用任何方式惩罚对方。玛西亚斯吹起笛子时,听众都开始疯狂地跳舞。阿波罗弹奏竖琴时,每个人都一动不动,眼里噙满了泪水。比赛总是达成平局,于是阿波罗向女神们提议倒着使用乐器,而且边演奏边唱歌。但吹奏笛子的马西亚斯无法做到,因而输掉了比赛。作为惩罚,他在西利尼(Celaenae)附近的一个山洞里被活剥了皮,此地位于弗里吉亚、即土耳其大门德雷斯河(Meander)的源头。阿波罗把马西亚斯的皮钉在了奥罗克雷尼湖(Aulocrene)附近的一棵松树上,湖边因此长满了可以用来做管弦乐器的芦苇。狄奥多鲁斯·西库卢斯觉得阿波罗一定后悔了这种“过分”的行为,并说他暂时放下了竖琴。但卡尔·凯伦伊声称,马西亚斯被剥皮仅仅是卸下了他的动物伪装,而古希腊人不了解萨满教的含意,因此会把这个行为视为死亡的悲剧。根据奥维德的《变形记》,森林众神为马西亚斯之死举起,他们的的眼泪是变成了玛西亚斯河的源头。现代比较神话学指出,阿波罗战胜玛西亚斯是奥林匹亚众神取代早期“皮拉斯基(Pelasgian)”宗教,即克托尼俄斯(heroic)的英雄祖先和自然信仰的再现。在罗马人中,玛西亚斯被塑造成占卜的发明者,以及言论自由(哲学概念"帕里斯西亚"παρρησία)、“对权力说真话”的倡导者。

▣ 阿夫洛斯管 Aulos


Marsyas served as a minister for Dionysus or Bacchus, who was identified by the Romans with their Father Liber, one of three deities in the Aventine Triad, along with Ceres and Libera (identified with Persephone). These gods were regarded as concerning themselves specially with the welfare of the plebs. The freedom that the ecstasies of Dionysian worship represented took on a political meaning in Rome as the libertas that distinguished the free from the enslaved. The Liberalia, celebrated March 17 in honor of Liber, was a time of speaking freely, as the poet and playwright Gnaeus Naevius declared: "At the Liberalia games we enjoy free speech." Naevius, however, was arrested for his invectives against the powerful.

玛西亚斯曾担任狄俄尼索斯或巴克斯的牧师,罗马人将其与父亲利伯(Aventine Triad中的三位神之一)以及谷神星(Ceres)和利伯拉(Libera)(与珀尔塞福涅(Persephone))一起被罗马人认定为狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)或巴克斯(Bacchus)的牧师。这些神被认为特别关心平民的福利。酒神崇拜的狂喜所代表的自由在罗马具有政治意义,是区分自由和奴隶的自由。3月17日,为纪念自由而庆祝的自由女神节,正如诗人和剧作家涅乌斯·奈维乌斯所说:“在自由女神运动会上,我们享受言论自由。”然而,纳维因谩骂权贵而被捕。

Denarius minted at Rome in 82 BC by L. Censorinus, with the head of Apollo and the figure of Marsyas holding a wineskin, based on the statue in the forum. Marsyas was sometimes considered a king and contemporary of Faunus, portrayed by Vergil as a native Italian ruler at the time of Aeneas. Servius, in his commentary on the Aeneid, says that Marsyas sent Faunus envoys who showed techniques of augury to the Italians. The plebeian gens of the Marcii claimed that they were descended from Marsyas. Gaius Marcius Rutilus, who rose to power from the plebs, is credited with having dedicated the statue that stood in the Roman forum, most likely in 294 BC, when he became the first plebeian censor and added the cognomen Censorinus to the family name. Marcius Rutilus was also among the first plebeian augurs, co-opted into their college in 300, and so the mythical teacher of augury was an apt figure to represent him.

In 213 BC, two years after suffering one of the worst military defeats in its history at the Battle of Cannae, Rome was in the grip of a reactionary fear that led to excessive religiosity. The senate, alarmed that its authority was being undermined by "prophets and sacrificers" in the forum, began a program of suppression. Among the literature confiscated was an "authentic" prophecy calling for the institution of games in the Greek manner for Apollo, which the senate and elected officials would control. The prophecy was attributed to Gnaeus Marcius, reputed to be a descendant of Marsyas. The games were duly carried out, but the Romans failed to bring the continuing wars with the Carthaginians to a victorious conclusion until they heeded a second prophecy and imported the worship of the Phrygian Great Mother, whose song Marsyas was said to have composed; the song had further relevance in that it was also credited by the Phrygians with protecting them from invaders. The power relations between Marsyas and Apollo reflected the continuing Struggle of the Orders between the elite and the common people, expressed in political terms by optimates and populares. The arrest of Naevius for exercising free speech also took place during this period.

During the Principate, Marsyas became a subversive symbol in opposition to Augustus, whose propaganda systematically associated him with the silens’ torturer Apollo. Augustus's daughter Julia held nocturnal assemblies at the statue, and crowned it to defy her father. The poet Ovid, who was ultimately exiled by Augustus, twice tells the story of Marsyas's flaying by Apollo, in his epic Metamorphoses and in the Fasti, the calendrical poem left unfinished at his death. Ovid himself says that a "poem and transgression" were contributing factors; his poetry tests the boundaries of permissible free speech during Rome's transition from republic to imperial monarchy.


为王着迷 Rapt in the King


Detailed accounts by James Colin Murphy of secret bacchanals and ecstatic dances observed in necropolises and graveyards in Southern Europe, in Egypt and in Anatolia. The author is a self-confessed ghoul, an eater of buried flesh: he claims to have witnessed the dances while at his feasting.


The dances draw from the traditions of the Mysteries, of the cults of Isis and of Cybele, but include both symbolic and literal flayings, and the human heart is always central in the rites. The author punctuates his accounts with queasily sensuous descriptions of his own interrupted feasts.„ ~ Study start text


“'At these greater Feasts a Black Pig is always crowned as King before its Slaying. On this Occasion, its Heart was weighed in the Balance against a Knot of Feathers, and its Skin became a Cape for the Officiant. Its Flesh was left for the Crows, but I must confess my Interest was not in its Carcass but in the Perfumed Flesh of the Milliner laid fresh in the Earth.' 


A True and Complete Accounting of the Asclepian Mysteries of the Roots of the House


Reproduced by one 'Rylee Grese' from - supposedly - a much older text. In Greek. Descriptions of the 'Asclepian Mysteries', reproduced by one 'Rylee Grese' from - supposedly - a much older text. It's unlikely to be genuine, but it makes a reference to 'The House without Walls and its Wood', right there in the prologue.

This is very obviously not an antique text. At the very least, it has been badly mutilated. But it contains substantial intriguing material: especially, a persuasive comparison of the 
House without Walls, without doors to the human body, with its many portals.

The direction of Death is down,' the book explains. 'The Peacock Door has been considered a rent, or an abrasion, but in some respects is more like a mouth - if not a more treasured point of entry.' Discussions of the Doors include a rite which may conjure creatures through those doors, although key incantations are missing.

阿斯克勒庇俄斯 (Asclepius)

在《伊利亚特》中,阿斯克勒庇俄斯是特洛伊中为士兵疗伤的医生,因为不分阶级和社会地位为人治疗而被崇敬。希波克拉底时代,他已经被神化为阿波罗与凡人科罗尼斯(Coronis)的后裔。阿波罗教会了半人马奇隆有关治疗的艺术,而阿斯克勒庇俄斯师从奇隆,学会了如何使用外科手术使人起死回生。但这引起了冥王哈迪斯的忌惮,于是哈迪斯请求宙斯夺走他的灵魂。但阿斯克莱庇俄斯留下了许多继承其衣钵的子嗣,包括Machaon, Podalirius, Hygeia, 以及 Panacea。古代神话学家一般认为他出生于希腊塞萨利的特里卡(Trikka,现代的特里卡拉)。位于希腊伯罗奔尼撒东部的阿戈利德平原上的埃皮达鲁斯(Epidaurus)在公元前5世纪就将其奉为医神。那里建造有治疗圣殿(Asclepeion),为那些身患重病之人提供了朝圣场地和避难所。阿斯克勒庇俄斯派医学强调通过自然环境进行治疗。病人向圣殿献上祭品或金钱后、往往要首先接受洗浴、节食、参与创作艺术等净化的仪式,聆听牧师则用于放松情绪的祷告。之后进入神殿内通常被称为“Abaton”或“Enkoimeterion”的宿舍。在这里,他们会服用迷幻剂进入催眠的状态,二医神会化身为狗,公鸡,蛇拜访患者的梦境,告知他们疾病的发展。醒来后,牧师会根据患者的梦开出治疗方案。因此圣殿的医生和牧师通常都是大师级的解梦专家。

降天祛孽之梦 Gartside's Sanskrit Reader


The disgraced oracle Damaon Azenaten sifts through the tall tales of Penelope of Gordion, the work of the court poet Kalle and the forbidden fragments of the work of the adept Arrettrez, identifying common themes.

Damaon insists that the Hours, far more than mortals, are subject to their passions - to hatred, and even to love. 'The seasons of famine and plenty, the turn of the Earth, the transformations of the furnace - all these are only the results of the enactment of the lesser passions of the Hours.'

Damaon suggests that the Hours have constrained their rivalry to avoid a war within the House of the Sun. He identifies the 'Fear of the Crime of the Sky' as the reason that Hours do not satisfy other passions. He speculates on the horrifying possibility of Hours turned alukite. 'What then would they devour?'

未知快感概览 A Catalogue of Uncharted Pleasures


'The Dark Gentleman' is the only, and rather grandiosely, identified author of this often-copied work.


Some pleasures,' the Formulae Voluptuous attest, 'are so intense they can corrupt the laws of the physical world'. This text catalogues some of those instances. Birth occurs at the conjunction of pleasure and torment. So the first Forbidden Acts of the Forge birthed sparks of delight which took root in the Glory or in Nowhere: who can say? So the seeds of the Flowermaker were planted, though for long years he was nothing but an unfulfilled ache.

须知六函 The Six Letters on Necessity

本书记载了对修习无形之术所付出代价的警告和忏悔,乃十七世纪的术士(据传亦是永生不死者)朱利安·科赛利馈赠学生之物。Warnings and confessions about the cost of the invisible arts, addressed to a student by the seventeenth-century magus (and reputed immortal) Julian Coseley.


Coseley's tone is urgent - as if he suspected he might have little time left. 'Even the Sunne can be divided, though it require the Forge of Dayes for its division.'

焚烧不焚之神 The Burning of the Unburnt God


Compiled by Jay Wigglesworth Jensen from oral traditions in rural Persia.


Jensen hypothesises a pre-Zoroastrian fire deity, whose rites were the rites of smiths. Jensen ultimately concludes, with apparent reluctance, that the deity was a goddess. He suggests that its gender may have been the cause of its suppression. The rites described are often eerie, sometimes grisly.

融解之书 The Book of Dissolution


Alexander Probst, following the foundational work of Hosty Tasmane, recovered a copy of this work from a mountain-temple in Persia. Other copies surface now and then, usually seared on rock.


The Book consists mostly of prayers to the Unburnt God, the Forge of Days which consumes and transforms. It suggests the Forge's power arises partly from its nature, and partly from its tools. The Book describes an earlier House of the Sun, whose doors and ways were different. It praises the Forge of Days for opening the ways into the house, and for transforming that which was to that which is, despite the screams of stone...

高贵之举社团… The Irreproachable Traditions...


The Irreproachable Traditions of the Society of the Noble Endeavour. In Latin. The members of the Society of the Noble Endeavour adopted noble names at their initiation: 'Parsival', 'Roland', 'Oisín'. They drew their inspiration from the Leashed Flame, which gave the island of Britain such appalling power in some histories. One Samuel Partridge has chronicled their efforts.

Their 'Endeavour' was no less noble - a furious arcane conflagration which would refine them into something more than human. But such transformations are rare, and they often ended, less nobly, in ashes.

Partridge claims to have identified consistent features among those who ascended. All of them had passed the Stag Door, and were accounted Know. All of them spoke the Callidate Invocation, or a greater rite, at the start of their ascension. And all of them were rich.

莪相 (Ossian)

即奥伊辛,他是凯尔特神话中的古爱尔兰著名的英雄以及诗人。其子为”战场绞肉机“奥斯卡(Oscar) ,其父为芬尼亚勇士(Fianna)之领袖芬恩·麦克库尔(Fionn Mac Cumhaill)。传说中,他的母亲萨布(Sadb)被德鲁伊教徒变成了一只鹿,自己则被海神马纳南(Manannan)带到海外的青春仙岛,娶了海神的女儿为妻,度过了三百年的快乐时光 。 莪相在回爱尔兰前,他的妻子曾警告他一旦下马就永远无法再回到仙境。莪相回家发现人们变得比以前要矮小,仿佛侏儒,自己的部族早已成了神话里的影子,这时他看见三个人合力也无法移动一块石碑,于是莪相上前准备展示一下自己的力量,但是他随即从马鞍上滑落,跌落凡尘,瞬间刻从一个英俊青年变成了双目失明,头发灰白的枯槁老人。后来他遇到在爱尔兰传教的圣帕特里克,圣徒将他那些绮丽的故事并将之记录下来,并在莪相临死前劝他归依基督教,但遭到了拒绝。莪相生成世间没有可以与神仙岛媲美的地方,不能享受逐欢求爱的天堂毫无乐趣 。1762年,苏格兰诗人麦克菲森(James Macpherson)声称“发现”了莪相的诗,他从3世纪凯尔特语的原文翻译了《芬戈尔》和《帖木拉》两部史诗,对早期浪漫主义运动产生重要影响。但学术界通常认为,被浪漫化了的史诗《莪相集》是麦克菲森的创作,而于16世纪前期整理出版的《莪相民谣集》才是真正的爱尔兰盖尔语民谣。

文赞特铭文 The Vinzant Inscriptions


Everett Vinzant transcribed these from a cliff in Anatolia, where he famously survived a lightning-strike. He died seven years later to the day. His bones, the legend has it, were hot to the touch.


Long ago, the Sisterhood of the Knot recounted, the Forge loved the Hour called the Sun-in-Splendour. The Red Grail long anticipated their union, and the Grail-priestesses prophesied it... The remainder of the text consists of gloating remarks by the Grail-priestesses of the Shaping that will come, interpolated with warnings and laments from those of the Sisterhood who serve the Ring-Yew and especially the Horned Axe. Nevertheless, an invocation to the Forge is included as part of an attempt to urge it onwards.

铁之书 The Iron Book


IA manual of the Ordo Limiae, an order of quasi-immortals who maintained a secret enclave at the source of the river Limia, in the Roman province of Hispania Gallaecia. This manual was compiled by one Melerai Yivni, who claims to have travelled to join the Ordo from 'the Crossroads of the Waters'.

教团成员必须许下名为“铁之锁链”的誓言,保证永远避世。这本指南书记有据推测早已废弃的地址和暗语,大概原为联络伊里亚镇上的教团联系人所用。Members of the Ordo took an oath, the Iron Chain, that required them to remain hidden from the world. This manual includes presumably long-obsolete addresses and pass-phrases that could have been used to find the Ordo's contact in the town of Iria.

The final part of the manual describes the punishments for Ordo members who break their oath of secrecy. This includes an invocation used to summon the spirit called King Crucible as an agent of vengeance. Yivni cautions that this must be a last resort when the oathbreaker would otherwise go unpunished: summoning King Crucible might draw the personal attention of the Forge of Days.

加利西亚 (Galiza)

即西斯班尼亚·加拉埃西亚(Hispania Gallaecia),伊比利亚半岛的罗马名,位于如今西班牙西北部的加利西亚地区。这里自6世纪起成为西哥特人殖民地。9世纪时阿斯图里亚人从摩尔人手中夺得该地区。11世纪后期沦为卡斯蒂尔的附属国。加利西亚省的首府,圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉是著名朝圣之路、圣詹姆斯之路的终点。加利西亚境内多山谷,利米亚河穿过这里的边境进入葡萄牙,在维亚纳多卡斯特罗汇入大西洋。罗马人常将利米亚河与神话中的“忘川(Lethe)”联系在一起,一些塞尔提比里亚的地理学家则习惯称之为“伯利安(Belion)”。

加利西亚这个名字与居住在杜罗河以北的一个古凯尔特部族有关,罗马人称他们为Gallaeci,即凯尔特语的"水边居民"。对于罗马人来说,此地位于极西,因此这里也被称为天涯海角(Finisterre)。七世纪时,塞维利亚的伊西多尔(Isidore of Seville)把加利西亚这个词与希腊语中的牛奶联系起来,因而写到"加西利亚人之所以这样称呼,是因为他们和高路人一样皮肤白皙"。在21世纪,一些学者认为这个词来自于源氏印欧语系
由于加利西亚的历史神话传说,此地还被称为女巫之地(Terra Meiga)。


位于加利西亚地区的一座古城,在伊里亚城遗址上建立起来的现代城市是帕德龙Padrón。 最初为凯尔特人部落的定居地,约在公元1世纪被罗马人改名为伊里亚,以赞美罗马皇帝韦斯巴芗(以Pecunia non olet一彦闻名后世),约在12世纪之后覆灭。

燃烧的女人 The Burning Woman 


A transcription of the play by Menander the Victor, possibly the dramatist of that name, into Phrygian, with commentaries.


The play describes a pilgrimage of smiths and adepts following the trail of the Burning Woman, who has appeared in all their dreams and given each a Wound and a Word. The smiths and adepts give up on finding the Burning Woman, and resolve to build their own kingdom, 'where our strength will be sufficient to shatter the world.'

白骨之书 The Ivory Book


A manual of the Ordo Limiae, an order of quasi-immortals who maintained a secret enclave at the source of the river Limia, in the Roman province of Hispania Gallaecia. This manual was compiled by one Kurenai, who claims to have fled 'the tyranny of the Chrysanthemum Throne' to cross the world and join the Ordo.

教团成员必须许下名为“白骨锁链”的誓言,保证不与司辰做交易。对一名学徒来说,要一字一句遵守这个誓言几乎是不可能的,因此指南书中收录了不计其数的解释、例外和赦罪办法。Members of the Ordo took an oath, the Ivory Chain, not to have commerce with the Hours. Followed literally, this would be almost impossible for an adept, so the manual contains numerous clarifications, exceptions and processes of indulgence.

Kurenai describes the Order's burial rites, which include spells to ensure - in theory - that the souls of dead Long are not given to the Hours. The Hour called the Ivory Dove, who memorialises and commemorates, is to be invoked, in secret, in these rites, 'for with that Hour we have made an understanding'.

“信雕之城”  city of messenger eagles

【人质国王的帝国,特诺奇蒂特兰城,1520:】若无世界隔膜中置闰撕裂的伤口,这位太阳的追随者可能又会统治百年之久。但于诸史的枢纽之处,长生者们如狼群般在他们背后聚集。神鸟盘旋于主心城的上空。剩下了什么?他名讳中的甜蜜。                                 ——虫鸟解密

尽管雕(eagle)和鹰(hawk)并不是同一种鸟类,但 “信雕”可以理解为传递太阳神信息和旨意的使者。据传说,阿兹特克人最初居住在西北方的阿兹特兰(Aztlān)。按照太阳与战争之神慧兹罗波西特利 (Huitzilopochtli) 的预言,他们离开故土另寻新居,并将自称改为“墨西卡人”( Mēxihcah)。迁徙路上,威齐洛波奇特利一度将墨西卡人交给自己的妹妹,蛇蝎毒虫的掌管者玛琳娜尔绍奇特尔(Malīnalxōchitl)照看。但是这位热衷邪恶巫术的女神为墨西卡人所嫌恶,他们又唤回了威齐洛波奇特利,并趁玛琳娜尔绍奇特尔睡着时逃跑了。醒来的玛琳娜尔绍奇特尔怒不可遏,她的儿子科皮尔( Cōpil)奉命前去堵截,却反遭威齐洛波奇特利杀害。科皮尔的心脏被剜出,投向了远方。威齐洛波奇特利告诉墨西卡人,心脏落地之处就是他们永恒的家园,这片“应许之地”将由异象标记出来。许多年后,数度寄人篱下又屡次遭到驱逐的墨西卡人来到了特斯科科湖畔,终于看到了神灵许诺的景象:就在一个湖中小岛上,一只雄鹰昂然立于仙人掌丛中。于是他们在这个岛上逐步建立起了城市,这就是特诺奇提兰。也许信雕之城就是"虫鸟解密"中提到的特诺奇蒂特兰城。


Those Indignities Perpetrated By the Deceitful Fraternity of Obliviates 


A manual of the Ordo Limiae, an order of quasi-immortals who maintained a secret enclave at the source of the river Limia, in the Roman province of Hispania Gallaecia.

Members of the Ordo took an oath, the Silver Chain, that forbade men to lie with woman, or women with men: 'for what may come is not always the 
Crime of the Sky, yet that is a furious danger.' It was apparently permissible for men to lie with men, and women with women - in fact, Burzghash suggests that should be encouraged, to distract from other temptations.

The manual prescribes potential countermeasures to protect those who might be tempted to go against the oath: masks, disfigurement, severe poetic disciplines. Those who do break it are to be punished with death, although there are lesser punishments prescribed for various acts that don't involve actual coitus. An invocation is included which was used to incorporate these punishments into summoning rites.

炼金术师保命之法 The Manner in which the Alchemist was Spared


A quasi-alchemical text, in Vak. In 1782, Anaël Verdier used this text as the basis for a presentation to the Academy of Sciences in Paris. He was executed in secret the following morning without trial.

In the days of the Carapace Cross, when humanity lived in the dark and ate on its knees, humans could enter the Mansus like vermin. One learnt the arts of Flint, the arts of shaping and remaking...

'Through the Black, the Yellow, the Red, the Unwise Mortal ascended to the shadow of the Egg Unhatching, and remained in his service. He may be there to this day.'


My Deeds, My Powers, My Achievements...


'My Deeds, My Powers, My Achievements and the Injustices Perpetrated Against Me'. Hokobald of Pocsind, formerly of the order of immortals called by some the House of Lethe, settles scores.


Hokobald boasts of his royal descent, and insists that the magics of the Forge are more effective when practised by those of noble blood. Pocsind complains of his condemnation by the Ordo Limiae. He acknowledges that he has 'undergone alterations' after the 'consummation of that particular delight', but insists that these changes are both elegant and inevitable. 'Who is the fire, and who the fuel?' he asks rhetorically.

绅士笑话集 The Humours of a Gentleman


Samuel Savage's satirical comedy, on the intrigues of the ailing, but cunning John Sonne, his mistress Maevelin, her lover Leo, and the upstart Corvino.


By the end of the first act, Maevelin has revealed a secret door in the walls of the House to Leo, and Corvino has taken to consuming Worms. The play is scabrous and occasionally hilarious. The characters are contrary and capricious. Many of the more resonant lines might well be formulae of power, disguised in plain sight.


Lord Franklin Bancroft: Diaries, 1750-1790


The notorious journal of a notorious gentleman, written in Latin, no doubt for the sake of safety. Lord Franklin Bancroft was initiated into the arts of the Flowermaker by the 'rose-witch' Fionna Ayrshire. He rose to become a Society provider of occult services and secret pleasures, before his abrupt disappearance in 1790.

Bancroft seems to have been a talented adept, but devoted his energies to frustratingly whimsical projects: arranging 'grape-fetching races' between Mansus-spirits, teaching Percussigants to juggle, and conjuring storms of imaginary blossoms for the rose-witch Ayrshire, who resolutely refused ever to couple with him. Bancroft spends twenty pages bemoaning this last.

The Mantra here recorded is a high and exacting magic which can be used to pledge one's spirit to the Watchman, beginning an ascent to the House. Bancroft boasts of his ability to recite it when in his cups. He also had it set to music for a performance with fireworks at Vauxhall Gardens.

聚点日记 The Concursum Diaries


The diaries of the explorer and murderer Lars Westergren. He's unhelpfully translated them into Phrygian, for privacy.


There are map-legends, there are maps of legends, and there are legends of maps. Aspects of the Mansus subsist in all of these, in much the same way that you find water in a swamp and in a cup and in the sky.'


Westergren describes a series of expeditions into the Mansus. He focuses on the details of the experience - the colours, the vistas, the textures - rather than the practicalities. He does warn that the Mansus changes each year, although he assures the reader that the Doors have been the same. 'Doors may close, but they never disappear. At least not while there have been mortals in the Mansus. We're like mice.'


The High Mysteries of the Innermost Chamber of our Church Solar


'The High Mysteries of the Innermost Chamber of our Church Solar'. Secret rites of the Church of the Unconquered Sun, which held power in at least two Histories.

The Church chiefly worshipped the Sun-in-Splendour, the original undivided sun; but this text also includes the devotions of its aspects as the chilly winter dawn and the departing sunset, as well as the Meniscatethe Sun's 'night-self'. Priests of the Church were all male, but rites are also included which allowed women to cross ceremonially to manhood.

The Church's highest rites were performed in the Concursum, the chamber at the Mansus' heart where the Hours were known to pass. These rites include salutations to non-solar Hoursthe Grail, the Ring-Yew, the Horned Axe and the Thunderskin.

魂归苍穹 The Sky, the Soul


The grand labour of Kalle, an ascetic poet writing at the court of the Shadowless Kings.

凯勒的诗简短晦涩,还常充斥着暴力意象。“星是针戳的洞,太阳却是创口。” “人总是可以再多死一分的,”凯勒说。“之前守夜人去了;其后或有且只有七位能去。”“然而我等生来注定追求辉光,一如火花向上飞舞。”

Kalle's verses are brief, obscure, and often dominated by images of violence. 'A star is a pin-prick, but the Sun is a wound.' 'It's always possible to be deader,' Kalle states. 'The Watchman goes before; none but seven may go after.' 'Yet surely we are born to the Glory as the sparks fly upwards.'

分裂之时 The Time of Division 

阿米拉·扎拉在本书中预言了后人称为“置闰”的事件:名为骄阳的司辰被分裂。In which Amira Zahra prophesies the events later known as the Intercalate, when the Hour called Sun-in-Splendour will be divided.

太阳将遭分裂,故它许不能再生产子嗣。即便如此,其子嗣之数应为四再其子嗣之数应为七再其子嗣之数更应不可计数。不可计数者将为七者打开道路,七者将摄食四者…… The Sun will be divided that it might not sire children. Still its children shall be Four in number and its children shall be Seven in number and its children shall also be Numberless. The Numberless shall open the way for the Seven, and the Seven shall consume the Four...'

Amira prophesies four great wars before the Second Dawn, when the Sun-in-Splendour shall rise again. She cautions: 'Sunrise is blood, and I foretell now that the Sun shall rise from blood, yet not the colour of the blood, nor the hour of Night.' She includes a rite that she speculates will be necessary for the Second Dawn.

琥珀之光 The Focus of Amber

奥马尔,又名“炽焰”,为了清偿自己熄灭圣焰的罪过,在推罗看了七年灯塔。而在这场苦役最后,他对火焰产生了莫大的恐惧,甚至无法与烛焰共处一室。写这本书是他苦修的一部分。Omar, the Blaze, spent seven years manning a lighthouse in Tyre, in atonement for the extinguishing of a sacred flame. By the end of his stint, he was so terrified of fire that he could not stand to share a room with a candle. This work was written in partial penance.

奥马尔声称名为守夜人的司辰既是肉源神——原为凡人的司辰——也是光源神——降自辉光的司辰——但在最后又补充说,守夜人有三重来源,即是说“实质上,他是琥珀神”。Omar claims that the Hour called Watchman is both a god-who-was-flesh - an Hour who was mortal - and also a god-from-Light - an Hour who descended from the Glory - but adds, finally, that the Watchman's origin is triple, and that 'in essence, he is Amber.'

The Watchman, according to Omar, was once another Hour entirely, who ascended into the Glory to escape efforts by other Hours to send him to Nowhere. It may be that Omar's sense of persecution creeps into the narrative at this point: certainly it grows less coherent, and the last part is devoted to attempts to prove that eyes, eggs and the Sun are all in some sense conjunct.

苏尔 (Tyre)

“苏尔”本意为岩石,《圣经》中译为“推罗”。 位于地中海东部沿岸,在以色列阿卡北方23英里,西顿城南20英里处,为古代海洋贸易的中心,今属黎巴嫩。根据希腊神话,苏尔国王的女儿欧罗巴被宙斯诱拐到克里特岛,生了米诺斯、拉达曼迪斯和萨耳珀冬三个儿子。苏尔国王命令自己的儿子们若找不到公主就不要回国。他的儿子们因此滞留他乡,其中,卡德摩斯(Cadmus)把腓尼基字母带到了希腊。希罗多德在《历史》中提到,苏尔建城时间远在约公元前2700年。拜比罗司的菲罗在提到最初定居在该地的人叫海普苏拉尼乌司时,引述了古物权威桑邱尼亚松的著作。 他的著作据传是献给贝力图斯之王阿比巴鲁斯,后者可能就是苏尔的国王。苏尔城因为生产一种稀有的紫染称为苏尔紫而特别着名。在远古许多文明中,这种颜色专供皇室或是贵族们所独享。苏尔在十九世纪的英国有时被比喻为强权兴衰的典范:比如约翰·拉斯金的剧作《威尼斯之石》跟吉普林的《退席圣诗》。

奥莱尔的斐宁舜之远航记 The Victory of Crowns



日落殊途 Sunset Passages


A miscellany of the funerary prayers, ceremonies and hymns of the Church of the Unconquered Sun, which was ascendant in the Third and Fourth Histories. It schismed during the Intercalate, when the Sun was divided, and has not survived as a significant force.

The Church revered the 
Sun-in-Splendour before it was divided -but even while it was still whole, its later selves were recognised as its Names. The Madrugad, of course, presided over death and the passage into the House.

The White Ceremony was spoken to honour the Madrugad, at funerals held in the chilly space before dawn. The text cautions that all blades should remain sheathed while the Ceremony is spoken, 'lest the corpse be not quiet.'

噤声! STUMM! 


A can of nitrate film labelled STUMM! - 'Silent' or, perhaps, 'Mute'. The director's name, 'Jernik Krosse', is shakily appended.

The film rattles through the projector, glows silently on the wall. It is the story of a foolish student of forbidden sciences, who recruits a dancer to entice the Dead back into the world through a flaw in its skin. It's a fiction, but here on a title card is laid out the Operation of the Declining Sun...

The Rite is depicted in chilling detail. Here is the flaw in the world, an Influence shimmering in luminous paint. Here is the dancer establishing an irresistible rhythm. Here the scholar recites the Operation; and now the misty dead whirls through the flaw to consume him! The film closes on the dancer's watchful eyes. Had she intended it all from the start?


Those Indignities Perpetrated By the Deceitful Fraternity of Obliviates 


This book is as famous for the near-incoherent fury of its tone, as for the knowledge it contains. In Latin. It's not clear whether 'C.R.O.D', who is identified only by his initials, was in fact an initiate of the Obliviate order of immortal adepts. He wrote in the sixteenth century, after the order - if he is to be believed - had passed the height of its power.

“第·五·十·八·条。他们既声称继承了遗忘家族的传统,却又在不·方·便执行时便将家族最为美丽亦最为神圣的典礼摒 弃 不 用。第·五·十·九·条…” “在此我向大家披露互助会用于召唤灵体“汽灵”的仪式。他们严·重·背·叛家族传统,不献上冬之新晋者和蛮横锤骨与启之密传,而·是献上启之新晋者和锤骨与冬之密传!这不能忍——”

'FIFTY-EIGHT. That they did claim inheritance of the traditions of the House of Lethe, but that they have DISREGARDED both its most sacred and its most beautiful ceremonies where they are not found CONVENIENT. FIFTY-NINE...' 'Now I share the Rite that the Order used to summon a Caligine spirit. In CLEAR DEFIANCE of the Lethean tradition they did not offer Knock-Lore with a Winter Initiate and a Malleus Imperative, BUT RATHER Winter-Lore with a Knock Initiate and the Malleus!! It is not to be borne -'

世界从不落泪 The World Does Not Weep

“棕色” 约书亚在哈马城中的一口井里找到了本书。有不可信的传说称本书为亚历山大从伊苏斯撤退时所弃。

'Brown' Joshua found this in a well in Hamath. There's an unlikely story that it was abandoned by Alexander during his retreat from Issus.

The unknown adept who wrote this proclaims: the world forgets, but the 
Ivory Dove does not. The text contains a number of prescriptions for ensuring that certain acts are remembered, including a rite which requires a sacrifice in a particularly monstrous mode...

The Hours tried to bury the memory of what happened to the Wheel, the Flint, the Tide, and the Seven-Coiled, but the Dove won't permit it. Nor will he permit what happened to the First Egg to be forgotten, although it is perhaps the one thing that the Watchman might ever forgive..

缅怀诸神 In Memory of Gods


'The Barrowchild', a nameless Gaulish adept who joined an organisation identified as the Ordo Limiae, writes regretfully of the destruction of the gods-who-were-stone - the Hours who preceded humanity.

The Barrowchild singles out 
the Scarred Tribune, the Red Grailthe Forge and the Moth for especial condemnation as murderers of the first gods. 'We live in the shadow of their crime', she writes, 'and we must evade it or repeat it.'

The Barrowchild describes how the Grail drained the Hour called Tide, how the Moth 'usurped the Wheel from within', stealing its skin, and how the Forge first eclipsed then shattered Flint. 'Perhaps these are glories,' she observes, 'but then it cannot be that Glory is merciful.'

第二辉光 A Second Glory


A work by Juceh, the priest and hermit scholar. The priest Juceh celebrates the extirpation of the Gods-who-were-stone, those Hours who preceded humanity.

Juceh engages in an apologia for the destruction of the 
Hours: they were old, they were cowardly, they were vile, their time had passed, and it was the shining destiny of humankind to seize the House through glorious battle.

Juceh recounts how the Hour called Seven-Coils was slain in battle by the Colonel, how the Grail devoured the Hour called Tide, and how the Egg Unhatching 'fled like a coward'. He's quite vituperative about the Egg Unhatching. He warns darkly against its return.

寂灭之心 The Book of the Extinguished Heart


A book of melancholy prophecy. In the days of the Shadowless Kings, Ennis Lazali was executed for prophesying the Division of the Sun. If any of his captors grew Long, they probably feel rather abashed now.


Lazali indicates that the Sun will be divided in the Malleary, by the Forge of Days, armed with the love in her heart. 'Love will not be the cause of the Sun's death, but rather envy. Envy will not be the cause of the Sun's death, but rather thirst. Thirst shall not be the cause of his death, but curiosity. Curiosity shall not be his end; rather will it be love.'

天宇的伤疤 The Scar in the Sky


Nyn wrote this, and came to regret it.


Each page of this book contains one word only, but as each page is turned, a knowledge creeps in. The final page is crowded. Each reader of the book records the same word. Now it is my turn.

下层论 The Treatise on Underplaces


Herein, the seventeenth-century mystic and antiquarian Claude Hersault describes the 'Bounds' or 'Underplaces' on the borders of dream. He warns that they shift over time.


'The walls of the Mansus,' Hersault begins, 'are the size of starlight.' Many of his directions are equally unhelpful, but common relationships do emerge. A picaresque account of a journey through nightmare, interspersed with what might be partial rites. 'On the eighteenth Ascent is the bud. On the thirty-sixth Ascent, the blossom.'

撒该福音 The Gospel of Zacchaeus


A lost early Christian text? It's in Greek. An extremely heterodox account of the Nazarene Messiah and his works, describing his ascension to the Mansus through the opening of his body.

“他身上的伤口其数为七,居屋之门其数为七,司辰的次级性相其数为七,性相启凌驾于上,正因蚁母乃是救恩之母。” 这本书描述了一个仪式,可将一具尸体转为半死,“以纪念为林地流血的他。”这个仪式需要一具尸体和足够的法力,作者建议使用冬之密传中的祷文,以及一名被林地之力触碰过的助手。
'Seven were the wounds of His body, seven the doors of the House. Seven the lesser aspects of the Hours
, and Knock the aspect above all, for the Mother of Ants is the Mother of Salvation.' The book includes a description of a Rite which can be used to raise a corpse to half-life, 'in memory of He who bled for the Wood'. It requires a corpse and sufficient power - the author suggests an invocation of Winter-lore, and an assistant touched by the powers of the Wood.

王冠的胜利 The Victory of Crowns

一本怪书,作者署名“阿伦”。记载了某些不为人知的教团派出暗杀者,追猎和进食据称永生不死的人们的经过。出版于十九世纪后期。Erratic accounts, by one 'Arun', of the hunting and consumption of supposed immortals, by shadowy cults of assassins. Published in the late nineteenth century.


The assassins are, according to 'Arun', the agents of a power called the Coronel, a 'soldier of the Secret Masters'. The accounts go all the way back to Roman times. Arun's scholarship is dubious, but he (she?) writes pithily. Incidents of sudden and violent death are interspersed with aphorisms: 'Hours don't dream. Long try not to.'

墙垣之战 De Bellis Murorum


In Latin. An eighteenth-century epic poem by the pseudonymous 'Solipsistos'.


The poem elliptically describes a war between beasts, weather phenomena, and arcane concepts. It's quite specific about their tactics. 'The Two-One joined, and the Horned distinguished. Consequently, blood.'

其躔如日 As The Sun His Course


Joel of the Bridge, a retired soldier and sometime tollkeeper, wrote this epic poem about Alexander's famously inexplicable decision at Issus to withdraw from the war with the Achaemenids, and his subsequent return to Macedonia.

Alexander meets at Issus with Darius, King of Kings, for three days and three nights. On the first day, the two men trade threats; on the second, promises; on the third, secrets. Darius tells Alexander something so shattering that he retires to his tent to consider 'matters of strength and matters of mastery'.

At dawn on the fourth day, Alexander announces: 'the Sun has his course, upon which he returns; and so do I'. He returns to Macedonia, executing two of his captains when they dispute his decision. He brings with him the 'names of a blind God', and a 'rite of sacred betrayal': for, Joel opines, without betrayal there would be an end to war.

七步斩七蟠 The Sevenfold Slaying of the Seven-Coiled


An account of the destruction of a primaeval Hour, a god-who-was-Stone.

There are twelve verses. In the first, an ascendant 
Hour identified as the Scarred One enumerates his justifications for destroying the Seven-Coiled: its appetites, its growth, its enmity to humanity. In the second, a priestess puts out his eyes and scars his skin to protect him against the Seven-Coiled's magics. In each of the next seven verses, he destroys one aspect of the Seven-Coiled...

In the tenth verse, the Scarred One bathes his priestess-patron in the blood of the Seven-Coiled, to lend her power. In the eleventh, they assault the 'temple behind the world', entering it by force. In the twelfth, they swear a tripartite oath to protect their ancestors, their descendants, and themselves.

真血之书 Book of True Blood


Cassius the Thoman reveals the deeds of the Unnumbered Legion, the secret army that protected Rome against the Shadowless Empire.


The Legion's Legate answered directly to the Hour called the Tribune of Scars, and was promised immortality if he died in battle... In the final part, Cassius confesses to being a former Legate. He recounts his terror of the Tribune, and divulges the secret lore of the Golden General, the champion of the Shadowless Empire, the enemy of the Tribune, in the hope that the Tribune will some day be undone.

终结如何开始 How the End will Begin


A bleak  prophecy of the Wars of the Roads, recorded in the Subcontinent in the days before the Great Hooded Princes.


In the foretold war, the Children of the Leashed Flame march on the cities of the Continent, but the 'Enactors of Solar Law' and the 'Triple Sisterhood' join forces to hold them back... at tremendous cost. 'In that battle between the Imperishable Legions and the Leashed Flame, the Legions will perish and the Flame will be unleashed.'

论纯白 On the White


Solomon Husher writes, perhaps allegorically, of Winter, and its long slow doomed romance with the Sun. The epigraph is 'Sunset at Noon'.


On closer investigation, the work seems be a theory of aesthetics, or perhaps a set of warnings about the dangers of painting. Husher writes distractedly of his hatred of colours and his yearning for death. He hints at a Great Work he has envisaged, or begun, where the 'palest of paintings' will enthral the world. He returns again and again to certain compelling phrases which he claims are the 'secret words of Winter'.

喀俄涅在阿拜多斯城 Chione at Abydos


A play dealing with the nine-year sojourn of a snow-goddess in the Thracian city of Abydos, by 'Apollo Fireweaver'. It enjoyed success in London in its 1892 edition, when it was republished from - apparently - an older Greek text.


The entity called 'Chione' arrives in a blizzard and demands the city gates are barred. As Abydos falls under her spell, the dead return, but do not speak...For eight years the city is a place of slow death, frosty ecstasy and silent beauty, but in the ninth year a Conspiracy of Shouts is mounted against the quiet that Chione demands. The conspirators open the city gates, and a scarred man comes to drag Chione out by the hair. Summer returns, but the conspirators die of remorse.


美杜莎的哀叹 Sunset Passages


On the death of the Hour called Seven-Coils, 'the Father of the Mother'.

诗的第一部分描述了七蟠遭遇一名战士的伏击,此人“全身上下都是那些背信弃义的神留下的伤疤,连双目上都是,所以他不会因目睹虬结的蟠身而毁灭。” 激战一直持续至七蟠溺毙在自己的鲜血中,诗风由此转向神秘而委婉。拥有七项头衔的女神从七蟠的血沫中升起:她是披坚执锐的女王,是蛇的女儿,是钥匙,是治疗者,是杀人者,是神谕祭司,但她的第七头衔隐而不宣。

The first part of the poem describes the ambush of the Seven-Coils by a warrior 'scarred all over by the traitor gods, scarred even unto his eyes, so that the sight of the great coils would not destroy him'. The battle rages on until the Seven-Coils drowns in its own blood, at which point the narrative turns mystical and allusive. A seven-titled goddess arises from the foam of its blood: she is an armoured queen, a serpent-daughter, a key, a healer, a murderess, an oracle, but her seventh title is not to be revealed.

蛇族事迹考察 On the Matter and the Deeds of Serpents


This was probably the 'Prophecies of the Naga' rendered into English, and illustrated, by 'William Midnight' in Paris in the 1880s; but it shows a number of divergences from that text. It's certainly quite recent by the standards of Vak texts.

The serpent-folk called the 
Great Hooded Princes came to know the order called the House of Lethe, and warred across the miles with them. They made an alliance with the Mother of Ants, 'whose children they had been'...

The text describes how the Great Hooded Princes escaped (or will escape) from the Fifth History, where they had died (or were doomed to die). They engaged in a secret conquest of 'the land of the Great River', called India in some histories, and have ensured that all other conquests of that land are false conquests.

介壳种之歌 The Songs of the Carapace Cross


Micah Xi, sometimes called the Magus of Quartz, etched this work in acid on stone. It has been reproduced many times since, but the reproductions are often lost to landslides.

Xi describes the rites of the gods-who-were-stone, the first Hours, as practiced before the existence of human civilisation by the 'Carapace Cross'. He claims a final survivor of the Cross shared the information with him.

The rites are largely obsolete now. Few have been observed, in the last thousand years at least, to have any effect at all. Nevertheless, Xi identifies at least one invocation of particular power. He warns that it should be used with caution, lest the gods-who-were-stone might find their way back from Nowhere.

脱身手册 A Manual for Departure


The author, who identifies itself as the Jekadu, claims to be one of the Great Hooded Princes of the Land of the River. The style is informal, even chatty.


No, these doors shouldn't be recorded, but if we had only recorded things before we'd had to leave the Fifth History, we would be in a much better state. So here I am writing it down, and if you don't like it you can sanction me.'


The 'Manual for Departure' lists a number of strategies - occult, martial and political - for quick escapes. Many are irrelevant, obsolete or enigmatic, but the Manual does include a number of powerful techniques for opening portals.

饰壁史话 The Wainscot Histories


Subtitled 'Stories from Behind the Walls': a miscellany of non-traditional histories compiled by William Gore, including battles not generally acknowledged and countries which appear on no map, told in a playful, apparently fictional manner.

Gore does not mention the 
Mansus directly, but constant coy metaphorical references to 'Ascending the Staircase of Years', to 'the Doors of Sleep', and to 'the Blue Light of Dawn' suggest he had commerce with the unseen world.

'It was common in that time to speak of the Division of the Sun; by which Contemporaries understood, the irruption of Barbarian Forces, and of their uncouth Gods.'

河川诸女王 The Queens of the Rivers


A surreal contemporary play by the enigmatic Monica Medina, in which the Queens of the Rivers are murdered, one by one.


The Queen of the Vistula is poisoned. The Queen of the Dnieper chokes on a fish-hook. The Queen of the Tagus is burnt alive...The culprit, it transpires, is the audience. The surviving Queens are directed to execute whatever audience members do not escape. A surprisingly lucid epilogue suggests that the correspondence of river-names with historical events does provide clues to secret histories behind our own.

诸史导论 An Introduction to Histories


The seventeenth-century mystic and antiquarian Claude Hersault describes divergent incidents in five major Histories.


The prologue warns at length of the iniquities of one Julian Coseley, a former colleague who Hersault now describes darkly as 'a Worm of Worms'. It seems Coseley advised Hersault early in the writing of the book, but Hersault later became suspicious. Hersault identifies Blood, Silver, Design and the Worms as the central axes of each of the Histories, and claims that the so-called Second History is the true one.

她去到过何地? Where Has She Gone?


A discussion in Vak of the Vagabond's travels. 'The Speeth' - perhaps a single adept, perhaps a council of scholars - hypothesises secret events from limited evidence with persuasive accuracy.


The Vagabond is recorded to have travelled not only the Mansus and the Wood, not only all nine continents, but also places forbidden to other Hours...From Hour-gossip and invisible lore, Speeth deduces that the Vagabond has visited Nowhere, but that she will not return. He also asserts that she has yet to visit the Glory, but that inevitably, this must be her goal.

王座之书 The Book of Thrones


A legend of the Shadowless Empire, transcribed by Alexander Peterhans from annals at a secret shrine in Anatolia.

In 'the first and greatest history', a subject of the 
Shadowless Empire of Persia travels to the West, to the kingdom of the Perseids. There he becomes a protégé of the tutelary Perseid deity, the Scarred Man who lives in the dark. He returns after seven years to put his skills at the service of the Shadowless Empire, becoming their Golden General...

After many years of peace, the heirs of the Perseids move against the King of Kings and the Shadowless Empire. The Golden General will not take arms against the blood of his mentor, until the King of Kings whispers 'a great secret of betrayal' in his ear. He breaks his sword, forswears his oath to both the Empire and the Scarred Man, and enters 'the Temple behind the World', leaving his life behind.

山中亦如平川… In The Mountains...


'In The Mountains As Upon The Plain There May Not Be A Path Where None Has Passed'. Ninegala of Lagash describes the secrets to be found in mountains.

Ninegala tells a number of lively stories about riddling ogres and wars between mountain tribes, but turns sombre in the tale of the 
Empty-Handed Hunter: a lover of the Grail who sought to match her appetites and join her as an Hour, but in the end rent and devoured himself, giving his name to the mountains he had once roamed.

Ninegala claims that the Hours who sometimes manifest as birds - the Laughingthrush, the Ivory Dove, the Beachcrow and the Witch-and-Sister - meet at a secret location on a mountaintop to exchange gossip unheard by their peers. Now and then a mortal overhears them. The mortal is always obliterated, and the meeting-place always changed.

墨菲写本 The Morphy Codex


A text of the Sisterhood of the Knot, unearthed by Evan Morphy. In which a priestess of the Sisterhood of the Knot claims to have discerned the true meaning of the Thunderskin's birth.

The writer credits the Red Grail, the Ring-Yew and the Horned-Axe - the powers the Sisterhood reveres - with agreeing a final treaty between the Hours of the House and the Hours they'd displaced: the Thunderskin loved the Yew, and the Grail destroyed him, as restitution for the slaying of the Horned-Axe's sisters and brothers.

The Thunderskin entered the Mansus through the Peacock Door, 'a privilege never given to the Witch-and-Sister: but then their merit was much less'. The writer admits that entry through the Peacock Door is unseemly, but insists that under the circumstances, there was no other way.

对绳结姐妹会… Against the Sisterhood of the Knot and...


'Against the Sisterhood of the Knot and the Foulness of their Depraved Customs'. Hieronymus Pseudo-Hypnerotomachus wrote this furious screed about the sinister influence of the Sisterhood on his own Church of the Unconquered Sun.

Hieronymus claims that the powers served by the Sisterhood of the Knot made an arrangement: the Thunderskin loved the Yew, and the Grail destroyed him, as restitution for the destruction of the Axe's loved ones. Hieronymus' writing becomes incoherent with rage at this point.

Hieronymus recovers his composure, eventually, to describe how the Thunderskin entered the Mansus through the Peacock Door. This, Hieronymus insists, is 'abomination upon abomination: but then that most abominable of Doors has always been an abomination.'

蜈蚣之书 The Book of the Centipede


In the mid 1860s one 'Madam Yi' presented an entertainment based, she claimed, on this book.

蜈蚣总能找到进入黑暗的方法。当她因此受罚时,她的反应很难受,在漫宿在弥阿都是。” “大河在沙地流淌,从神话流入传说。画中之河则向另一个方向流淌。其中之一已对蜈蚣关闭,但她有时仍能找到方法进入。”

'The Centipede always found her way into the dark places. When she was punished for it, she reacted badly, in the Mansus as in Miah.' 'The River runs through the sands out of myth and into legend. The Painted River runs the other way. One is barred to the Centipede now, but she finds ways back in, sometimes.'

路权战争:1450-1580 规制版

The War of the Roads, 1450-1580, CENSORED EDITION


Willis-Ford describes the War of the Roads, an event in a History other than our own, in detail. But numerous pages have been removed; the name of the publisher is blacked out; and an ominous slip stapled to the cover explains that Willis-Ford has been 'excised'.

'In this past, a score or more of Longs were made. They brokered peace with the Forge of Days, long enough to set England on a path of early conquest and eventual destruction. The Forge itself devoured the greatest among them.'

The royalty of England, according to Willis-Ford, became the Sovereigns of the Leashed Flame, destroying or transforming their enemies, conquering Europe, establishing grand cathedrals to St Spark. The alliance with the Forge begins to take its toll. The last few chapters are missing entirely.

奥莱尔的斐宁舜之远航记 The Voyages of Ferninshun of Oreol


The impossible travels of a sea-captain of the late Phoenician era. Suppressed throughout recorded history: those who read it were said to disappear. A travelogue of sorts.

Ferninshun clearly visited the Mansus, sailing the length of the Painted River. He also claims to have traversed a sea of finest sand, to have dared the blazing waves of the Sun's surface, and to have descended to an underworld ocean lit by lamps of black nephrite...

Ferninshun's final voyage is to retirement on a peaceful island across an evening sea, where he identifies a spring whose waters will keep him safe. 'I will be forgotten,' he declares, 'and this work my only trace.'

二十六种诱惑与七类苦痛 Twenty-Six Enticements, Seven Torments

The painter Niels Frederik Malskær, notoriously, attempted a series of paintings based on the Torments. By the Fifth Torment, the demands of the painting had grown so dire that he died of blood loss. The diagrams in this text are thankfully less detailed.


'The Enticements of the Grail outnumber its Torments, but its Torments are its final nature. Birth is the First Torment, and Thirst the Seventh'. Through the enumeration of the Grail's enticements and torments winds the sorrowful history of the Witches of the Dry Land: the ordeal of birth from two wombs, their struggle from and supplication of the Grail, the yearning for union which drives them all.

剃度密续 The Shaven Lock Tantra


Also known as 'The One Who Has Shaven His Hair'. This, the story goes, is the lore that even the shapechanging Vanaras rejected. The Tantra speaks glowingly of those who are prepared to abandon their old self to seek a new and higher self. It warns that once the change has truly begun - 'past the Third Mark' - a return to the old self is dangerous and painful.

'Whisper your secrets into the earth, burn them in fire, scatter them in the sea. Still they will cling to your hair,' the Tantra cautions. It provides an occult riddle that it claims is sometimes the answer to the Riddle of the Hunter's Gate.

狮子密续 The Leonine Tantra


In the most notorious translation of the Leonine Tantra, Ashley Phillips is listed as the translator, but their existence is explicitly denied in the prologue. This confusion is characteristic of books which mention the Great Hooded Princes.

本文隐晦地描述了兜颈贵胄怎样用数不胜数的方法对大河流域抵抗外族侵略者的战争施加影响,“虽然从某种意义上来说,它们也是侵略者”。 “狮子是可以创造的,有别于创造孩童,亦有别于创造文字,而是如同创造武器。兜颈贵胄通过偷窥司辰的事务掌握了创造狮子的方法,且并非所有的狮子现都在侍奉黄金将军。”

The Tantra describes, elliptically, the Great Hooded Princes and the multitudinous ways in which they influenced wars against foreign invaders of the Land of the Great River, 'although in a sense they were also invaders'. 'Lions can be created, not as children are created, nor as words are created, but as weapons are created. The Great Hooded Princes learnt to create lions from their spyings on the affairs of the Hours, and not all lions now serve the Golden General.'

警夜密续 The Watchful Tantra


Notorious for its involvement in the deaths of Dafyd Jones and Meredith Blaine, two early physicists who each claimed to have the only copy and who ultimately fought a duel over it in 1840.

该密续描述了几种洞明密教启示的过程,包含一个或能为从“猎手之门”到达“巨蛇之门”指路的法术——后者在西方通常称作蜘蛛之门。 “太阳素常在指定的时刻穿过居屋。自太阳分裂后,这一时间变得无法确定。”The Tantra describes processes of occult illumination, including a formula which may show the way from the 'Hunter's Gate' to the 'Serpent Gate' - which in the West is usually called the Spider's Door. 'The Sun passes through the House at the appointed time. Since the Sun's division, the time has become uncertain.'

昧知密续 The Known-Unknown Tantra


Carlos Garcia Sauri, the ecstatic mystic of the Pyrenees, was known to recite this in three languages, though he had never visited the Subcontinent.

《昧知密续》讲述了一场前往漫宿“纯白之门”的旅行,话语在那扇门后终止。它给出了一个只要用于正确的时间和地点,便能抵达那扇门的梵咒。 “灯发出的光只能揭示林中树影的间隙。”

The Known-Unknown Tantra describes a journey to the White Door of the Mansus, beyond which speech ceases. It describes a mantra which can be used, at the right place and time, to achieve that door. 'The light of a lantern can only ever reveal the space between the forest shadows.'

无休密续 The Ceaseless Tantra


The avant-garde choreographer Nicholas Keirle supposedly incorporated this Tantra into his menacing ballets.

The Ceaseless Tantra is devoted mostly to warnings about the lively creatures called Percussigants, but concludes with a chant which can be used to summon them. It observes that Percussigants can be taught any dance, but they prefer only one. 
'That which does not cease, is not ceased.'''

剥皮密续 The Flayed Tantra


This Tantra is recorded as being spoken by an enigmatic individual identified as 'Peel', with many of the qualities of the mythological naga. The Flayed Tantra played a notable part in Alexander Sparrow's paranoid pamphleteering.

'Peel' was numbered among the Great Hooded Princes
, but it breaks with its brethren and followed the Thunderskin in the endless dance. Once Peel had peeled itself, it had the ink it needed to write the Tantra. It had to face the wrath of its fellows. Here is the invocation it used to fend them off.

旋火密续 The Fire-Circle Tantra


The one known extant copy of this in Western Europe was stolen from the British Library in 1892. One Harvey Hattington confessed to the crime and claimed to have eaten it, with butter and garlic, in a moment of ungovernable whimsy.

Herein the 
Great Hooded Princes are shown beseeching the Wood to rise and devour an invading Timurid army. The 'Dapple-King', the 'Honey-Tree' and the 'Sea-Twins' all deny their request, until they enlist the help of a burrowing secret-keeper...

Armed with blackmail material from the 'burrowing secret-keeper', the Great Hooded Princes petition the powers of the Wood for a second time, and are successful. One quarter of the Timurid army is devoured by bees, one quarter drowns themselves, and one quarter 'disrobe themselves until nothing remains.'

干渴密续 The Thirsting Tantra 


C.G. Burial, the temperance campaigner, published elements of this in a pamphlet, which had to be withdrawn and destroyed after it became too popular.


A disquisition on the many varieties of thirst, their uses and their effects. The tantra describes how the satisfaction of thirsts may allow a mortal to rise into the service of the Thirsting Power, but warns of the consequences of rejecting those rarer thirsts for common ones. 'A man who thirsts, O Mighty One, whose mind clings to actions in this world, will return to this world of action from that other place.'

贪食密续 The Devoured Tantra


The diplomat-priest Stanislav John Schaller transcribed this from the library of a Red Long, but his manuscript remains in a private collection in Kerisham.


The Devoured Tantra warns of the uses and dangers of appetite, but devotes an entire passage to the 'star-limbed hunger-bringers', who it describes with obvious affection. 'A million blazing fires in the belly engulf what has been swallowed by the multiform mouths.'

炽热密续 The Incandescent Tantra


Michael Blockley, the eccentric iron magnate, was fond of quoting from this tantra. Blockley died in a factory fire.


Dialogues with an entity called the Crucible Prince. The Prince warns about the appetites of his mistress, the Burning Queen, and the peril of the naked desire she shares with the Sun, but professes his loyalty nevertheless. 'A rite which changes is necessarily a rite which destroys. But a great change requires a destruction of savage extent.'

狂怒密续 The Furious Tantra


As later transcribed by the medium and pyrotechnician Jacob Oliver Topp-Mugglestone. Tradition has it that he found it seared in the bark of an oak by lightning.


This tantra describes the uses and dangers of anger. It cautions that anger does not always survive transformations. 'A full moon appears, creatures are reborn and even a lizard should not be slain, for it could be you.'

狮子密续 The Leonine Tantra


In the most notorious translation of the Leonine Tantra, Ashley Phillips is listed as the translator, but their existence is explicitly denied in the prologue. This confusion is characteristic of books which mention the Great Hooded Princes.

本文隐晦地描述了兜颈贵胄怎样用数不胜数的方法对大河流域抵抗外族侵略者的战争施加影响,“虽然从某种意义上来说,它们也是侵略者”。 “狮子是可以创造的,有别于创造孩童,亦有别于创造文字,而是如同创造武器。兜颈贵胄通过偷窥司辰的事务掌握了创造狮子的方法,且并非所有的狮子现都在侍奉黄金将军。”

The Tantra describes, elliptically, the Great Hooded Princes and the multitudinous ways in which they influenced wars against foreign invaders of the Land of the Great River, 'although in a sense they were also invaders'. 'Lions can be created, not as children are created, nor as words are created, but as weapons are created. The Great Hooded Princes learnt to create lions from their spyings on the affairs of the Hours, and not all lions now serve the Golden General.'

警夜密续 The Watchful Tantra


Notorious for its involvement in the deaths of Dafyd Jones and Meredith Blaine, two early physicists who each claimed to have the only copy and who ultimately fought a duel over it in 1840.

该密续描述了几种洞明密教启示的过程,包含一个或能为从“猎手之门”到达“巨蛇之门”指路的法术——后者在西方通常称作蜘蛛之门。 “太阳素常在指定的时刻穿过居屋。自太阳分裂后,这一时间变得无法确定。”

The Tantra describes processes of occult illumination, including a formula which may show the way from the 'Hunter's Gate' to the 'Serpent Gate' - which in the West is usually called the Spider's Door. 'The Sun passes through the House at the appointed time. Since the Sun's division, the time has become uncertain.'

昧知密续 The Known-Unknown Tantra


Carlos Garcia Sauri, the ecstatic mystic of the Pyrenees, was known to recite this in three languages, though he had never visited the Subcontinent.

《昧知密续》讲述了一场前往漫宿“纯白之门”的旅行,话语在那扇门后终止。它给出了一个只要用于正确的时间和地点,便能抵达那扇门的梵咒。 “灯发出的光只能揭示林中树影的间隙。”

The Known-Unknown Tantra describes a journey to the White Door of the Mansus, beyond which speech ceases. It describes a mantra which can be used, at the right place and time, to achieve that door. 'The light of a lantern can only ever reveal the space between the forest shadows.'

孪蛇密续 The Twin-Serpent Tantra


A tantra shrouded in particular obscurity. Just before the outbreak of the Great War, 'Alexander Sparrow' - almost certainly a pseudonym - published leaflets claiming the influence of 'Snake Princes' on world affairs. The text called the Twin-Serpent Tantra was his primary inspiration.

The Tantra describes the 
Great Hooded Princes - a dynasty of princes of unclear origin - engaging in prayers, sacrifices and poetry in honour of the Key-Serpent, the Crossroads-Twins and the Mirror-Queen. 'Nagi encircles; Nagi arises from wounds; Nagi spares those who are already harmed.'

The Great Hooded Princes are described as having 'escaped from the history of their death to a history where they yet live'. The text claims that there are now one hundred and eight of them, but - in one of many instances of twinnedness - before they crossed from their death chronicle, there were only fifty-four.

盘绕密续 The Encircling Tantra


The explorer and entrepreneur T. Everett Duplantis once attempted to plunder the temple where this text was held. His fate is recorded in an appendix.


The Encircling Tantra speaks of the Serpent Gate, that hungry portal sometimes known as the Spider's Door, which is sacred to the Mother of Ants, through which the Great Hooded Princes pass. The tantra includes an invocation but cautions, helpfully, that the invocation is of insufficient power to reach the Serpent Gate from the Hunter's Gate. 'A road which has no destination is itself a destination,' it adds helpfully.

蠕虫密续 The Tantra of Worms


The entomologist Juliana Zawistowski eventually came to insist that this text was written by insects inhabiting a human skin. She never presented evidence for her claim.

The Tantra explains various less than practical countermeasures against the 
Worms, the 'Serpents Which Are Not Serpents'. Moth and Winter are closest to them, and so understand their weaknesses, but both have their own perils. The Lionsmith crushes them, but that's not recommended for mortals.

The Worms have always been eager to inhabit us. Here are the practices which make us inhospitable to them.' There are diagrams. The diagrams are not good to look upon, and none of the practices they depict would allow the subject to survive.

白猫之书 Gartside's Sanskrit Reader


Stories brought to Penelope of Gordion by a blind white cat.

The aviform Hours - the Crow, the Laughingthrushthe Dove, and the twin Kites - have been known to meet in the mountains north of Gordion, at a place called the Roost, to exchange gossip. Penelope indicates that mortals who hear their words directly are obliterated, but claims that her cat goes unnoticed and returns to her with rumours from the Hours' meetings.

The stories that Penelope claims as Hour-gossip are fragmentary and confusing: accounts of contests where Hope and Dread and the Shadowless Empire are used as game-pieces, agendas of ruin and remembrance from no known history. The most interesting element is the protective incantation she records at the end of the book, after she worries that the Hours might in fact learn of her spying.

伤疤上尉事迹录 The Deeds of the Scarred Captain


Painstakingly assembled by the soldier of fortune and sometime remittance man, Pavel Shulga, during his years in Greece.

身负伤疤的上尉斩杀七怪,平定地面后建立迈锡尼的经过。上尉每消灭一怪,血的洪潮就升得更高,直至最后使一名女祭司溺死其中并重生为蛇神。她祝福上尉,上尉则在血潮退却后离开迈锡尼,去向“林地之上的居屋”,成为至高的主宰。An account of the founding of Mycenae by a 'Scarred Captain' who first slew seven monsters to make the land safe. As the Captain destroys each monster, a flood of blood rises higher, until at last a priestess drowns and is reborn as a serpent-goddess. She blesses the Captain, and he departs for the 'House above the Forest', leaving Mycenae to reign supreme after the flood of blood subsides.

迦腻色伽在蜘蛛之门前的经过 The Account of Kanishk at the Spider's Door


Lok Kahuli, Kanishk's victim and lover, wrote this account, perhaps posthumously.


Kanishk sought to become a Name. In pursuit of that end, he made Lok Kahuli the vessel of his appetites, promising Lok that they would ascend together. At the Spider's Door, he betrayed his lover... The Chiliarch listened to the betrayal, and then forced Kanishk into his service. The Chiliarch cannot be denied. Lok Kahuli remained to write this work, and to describe the outer magics of struggle and contest.

迦腻色伽王 (Kanishka)

王中之王,贵霜迦腻色伽(King of Kings Kanishka Kushan)。他是公元2世纪贵霜帝国的君主。他有着降服兴都库什山中恶龙的传说,也曾在克什米尔召集众多僧侣主持集会。迦腻色伽在位时,王庭成为文人高僧汇萃之地。名僧龙树、马鸣、僧伽罗刹等都曾为其座上贵客,使大乘佛教产生雏型。但他实行宗教宽容政策,当时铸造的钱币有希腊太阳神赫里俄斯的金币和铜币,太阳神一手叉腰握剑柄,另一手做祝福状,头后为太阳光环。在迦腻色伽一世时期的铸币中,繁殖之神娜娜是早年中均为希腊神祇的情况下唯一列入的两河流域之神(埃兰女神)。但也有学者认为,早期制钱中的神像其实是希腊之神那奈亚,亦或者是波斯拜火教女神阿娜希塔的演化而来。此外,还有两河丰收女神阿尔多克修的金币,女神向右站立双手持有代表丰收的麦穗。两河流域之火神阿施狩,火神一手叉腰,另一手托举着王冠。祂是锻造之神,铁匠之神,也是希腊神话中的赫菲斯托斯在伊朗等地的转换。


伊朗守护动物健康的鲁斯(Lrooaspo),鲁斯泼面右立于马旁,手持王冠。伊朗知识之神玛诺巴格(Manaobago),祂是阿维斯陀语拜火教中的思想之神,智慧之神”Vohu Mano”,面右坐于王位之上,背新月,显四臂。









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