贝尔祖利斯 Beržulis
比布丘博贝利斯 Bibčių Bobelis
布林德 Blindė
迪耶梅迪斯 Diemedis
迪尔沃利卡 Dirvolika
埃格列 Eglė
吉拉提斯 Giraitis
伊夫利斯 Ivulis
雅维涅 Javinė
尤瓦拉斯 Jovaras
库卡利斯 Kukalis
赐予所有谷物的女神。M. 斯特里科夫斯基(M. Stryjkowski)在他的著作《波兰、立陶宛、萨莫吉提亚及全俄编年史》中提到克鲁米涅。扬·拉西基斯基(Jan Lasicki)在他的论文《关于萨莫吉提亚、其他萨尔马提亚人及伪基督徒的神祇》中也提到她。人们向她献祭,祈求她让他们的黑麦长得茁壮,结出大麦穗。G. 贝雷斯内维丘斯(G. Beresnevičius)认为克鲁米涅应该被视为田地谷物的女神。
莱贝盖尔达 / 卢贝盖尔达(Laibegelda / Luibegelda)
梅黛娜 / 梅戴涅 / 莫戴娜(Medeina / Medeinė / Modeina)
草叶和夏季之神。普鲁士的春神和植物神,也被归为立陶宛神祇。在《苏多维亚手册》中首次被提到,作为促进草叶和植物生长的神。莫蒂耶乌斯·斯特里科夫斯基(Motiejus Strijkovskis)也提到他是草药和蔬菜之神。他使各种幼苗、花朵、草等植物生长。人们请求佩尔格鲁布里斯看护幼苗,并消灭杂草。乔纳斯·马莱基斯-桑德基斯(Jonas Maleckis–Sandeckis)在其著作《关于古代普鲁士人、利沃尼亚人及其他邻近部落的宗教和祭祀》中提到,在圣乔治节日上,人们为佩尔格鲁布里斯献上祭品。拉西基斯和乔纳斯·马莱基斯-桑德基斯还补充道,佩尔格鲁布里斯是春天的神。M. 普雷托里乌斯(M. Pretorijus)补充说他是劳动之神。托波罗夫斯(Toporovas)推测该神的名字源自立陶宛语中的“grubus”和“grublas”,意为粗糙的表面。
地神,住在接骨木丛中。晚上,人们在接骨木树旁向他献上面包和啤酒,希望他派遣自己的子民(矮人——巴尔斯图凯,barstukai)帮助农民。普沙伊蒂斯一年中有两次被祭祀,他的仆人巴尔斯图凯备受尊敬。乔纳斯·马莱基斯-桑德基斯提到普沙伊蒂斯是神圣森林的守护者。乔纳斯·布雷特库纳斯(Jonas Bretkūnas)在《普鲁士编年史》中写道,苏多维亚人认为接骨木树是神的住所。
驴蹄草(学名:Trollius paluster)
属名 Caltha 意为“高脚杯”,指花的形状。种加词 palustris 是拉丁语,意为"沼泽的",表明其常见的栖息地。 在英国,驴蹄菜根据地理区域的不同有多种俗名,除了最常见的“国王杯”,“勇敢的小摇篮”、“疯狂的贝丝”、“马花团”、“莫莉花团”、“五月花团”、“母马花团”、“靴子”、“水靴”、“草地亮花”、“牛花”、“草地毛茛”、“水毛茛”、“士兵钮扣”、“草地黄花”、“水黄花”、“酒馆老板的斗篷”、“乌足草”、“水龙”、“醉汉”、“水护目镜”、“草地野玫瑰”、“水野玫瑰”、“黄野玫瑰”、“金子”、“黄金”、“金盏花”、“牛百合”、“圣母金盏花”和“酒馆老板与罪人”等俗称。“金盏花”这个俗名指的是在中世纪复活节期间教堂里用作对圣母玛利亚的敬献,因此称为“玛丽的金盏花”。在北美,Caltha palustris 有时被称为牛耳草。然而,牛耳草通常指的是原本以该名命名的植物——Primula veris。两者都是黄色花的草本植物,但Primula veris 要小得多。
白头翁(学名:Pulsatilla chinensis)
在关于Žemaitkiemis的报告中,Jokūbas Lavinskis写给Jonas Paulius Kampanas(1583年)的一封信中记录了旧时的异教仪式。信中提到,未受洗而去世的婴儿被放在树中,因为人们认为那片土地是神圣的。逝者被埋葬在树中,人们相信树具有神圣力量,灵魂能够继续在树中存在。巴尔特人仍是异教徒时,相信周围的一切都是神圣的,但基督教化之后,这种信仰逐渐发生了变化。法国社会学家Émile Durkheim在研究澳大利亚部落宗教时指出,逝者的灵魂回到一棵名为“nanja”的树中,与祖先的灵魂再次合而为一。这种观点概括了灵魂的概念及其起源:每个新生儿都有一个宗教的、神秘的元素,这种元素来自其祖先;每一次诞生都是一次灵魂的化身。树中的生命只是灵魂的暂时化身,它是灵魂进入另一种存在状态之前的过渡。如果树被砍掉或腐烂,灵魂便会转移到新生儿身上。
Ajau per kiemelį, klausiau per sienelį –
kalba tėvulis su našliu žodelį.
– Nekalbėk, tėvule, su našliu žodelio,
ba su našlaliu sunki buitelė.
Oi aš nuvėjau lygana laukelin
oi, aš pavirtau sieru akmenėliu.
Atajo našlalis su palšais jauteliais,
vertė akmenėlį – ne mani, mergelį.
Oi aš nuvejau žaliojon girelėn,
oi aš pavirtau žaliąją liepele.
Atajo našlalis su plieno kirveliu,
kirto liepelį – ne mani, mergelį.
Oi aš nuvejau rūtelių darželin,
oi aš pavirtau žaliųju rūtelį.
Atajo našlalis su mažais vaikeliais –
skynė rūtelį, ne mani, mergelį.
Našlys atstodamas gailiai apsiverkė:
Vai kytra mandra tėvulio dukrelė.
When a girl turns to a tree or a rue or even a rock it‘s said that the widower takes cuts down a tree, picks up a rue or takes a rock instead of the girl. This shows that a man can incarnate in a natural object,but stay alive as well.
The spirit which lives in a tree simbolizes a baby
In the series of fairytales ”Ragana neša berniuką maiše” (AT 327 C, F) the ”old people” are advised to cut down a thick tree, make a doll, dress it up and and it‘ll become a child. Hte spirit from the tree will incarnate into the child. In a fairytale ”Apgautas karalius” [10] a queen gives birth to tree children, but her sisters trow them out true the window and write to the king, who is on a batle, that the queen gave birth to a dog, a cat and a treetrunk.
The religious and simbolical meenings of a tree
In the field of religion the most important trees are the deitys and treir mediators, the adobe of the deitys. The oak (Quercus spp.), linden (Tilia cordata Mill.), elder (Sambucus spp.),birch (Betula spp.),nut-tree (Corylus spp.). They are sacred. Personifined tree -a hero- blindė (Salix caprea L.). In an ancient religion of the Balts not only these trees were significant, but also the trees that are grown together, plumpy and those with many shoots. Even know these kind of trees are special. There are trees that simbolize the masculine and feminine rudiments, good and evil, growth and hierarchy. Oak represents a man, linden – a woman, an appletree (Malus spp.) represents them both. In the oaks group we can find the pine (Pinus spp.), the mountain ashtree (Sorbus spp.), ashtree (Fraxinus spp.), aldertree (Alnus glutinosa, A. incana L.), maple (Acer spp.), snowball-tree (Viburnum spp.). the line of the linden contains a firtree (Picea spp.), cornel (Cornus spp.), cherrytree (Prunus cerasus L.). They manifest them selfs in the folklore.
In the folklore the oak and the pine show the man‘s strengh, might, his manhood. When we talk about trees in folklore, which take part in hero action, the tree that is most oftenly mentioned is an oak. While on the other hand, when the devil is mentioned, we find alder or others moisture loving trees. The oak in this case means not only the strongest, toughest tree, but also the incarnation of a man. In the Old Prussian Ramovė (the grove of the holy oaks) the oak is the legendary adobe of the gods. In fairytales, folksongs, folktales the oak plays a part as a symbol for strength and manhood. If a something happens, it’s usually happening near an oak. In a folksong”Po ąžuolėliu” (”Under the oak”) a rue and a lilly is growing under the oak, while in reality it‘s actually imposible. Flowers need more sunlight, than the shade of an oak can provide. Here the oak represents the man while the lilly and the rue represent the girls inosence and the girl it self. In the tale of Adom and Eve it‘s said that they layed under an oak as well. In the Easter song ”Skrido, skrido du pilki karveliai” the pigeons bring some oak acorns while the golden dew falls on them. In the old initiantion ritual girls are lifted in to the oaks by the elder women. Here the oaks simbolize the mans strengh in a sexual act. The words sung by few people become a strong force, which can turn a person into a tree. In the fairytale ”Sesuo ir devyniagalvis slibinas” (”The sister and the nineheaded dragon”) a sister is hideing from the dragon in an oak. It symbolizes the defloration. The oak symbolizes the rudiment of a man. In Medžiokalnis near Kražiai there was a sacred oak, that was visited by women with all sorts of wishes. They oftenly knealed under the oak, brought offering and other things. Mostly however the oak was visited by childless women, wishing they could have babys and be healthy. After the christening people decided to build crosses there. This sacred oak is visited even now.
An oak can also be an adobe of the gods. In the niches the idols of the most important deitys Patrimpas, Perkūnas and Patulas oftenly stood. Under the oak the everlasting fire always burned. So, the oaks were understood both in the religious and symbolical planes.
In the Prussian cronicles of Grunau speaks of the oak in Rikojota: big, strong, tall, mighty, the adobe of the devil. The idols of the gods stood there and that this tree was evergreen in summer and in winter, the leafage of this tree was so thick that no raindrop could get throuh. It is said that in the XVI century the oaks ocupied about 15 – 20 % of the Lithuanian forests. However, now some researchers insist that this percentage is exagerated. In nowadays the percentage of the oaks is only 1, 8. The best climate and soil for the oaks to grow is in Lithuanian seaside region [11]. The oak in Rikojota was also near the sea.
Sometimes the functions of an oak is taken by the appletree. The nineheaded dragon wants to eat the girl siting in an appletree, the grass-snake which seduced.
Eve lays in an appletree as well. Apple oftenly symbolizes fertility. The picking of the apples symbolize a search and the finding of an object. The eating of an apple symbolize a new life – birth. In the underworld an apple symbolizes a human soul.
Herbs and plants are often used as a protection from the devil or the thunder. In the postilla of Wolfenbuttel (1573) the rituals, the worshipings and the traditions that are conected with the old religion, faith, magic are writed down. It is said that the herbs and the plants that are gathered during St. Johns day and the day of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin are oftenly used for fortune tellings or to keep off the devil and other evil spirits (Vėlius 1983: 150).
The plants are oftenly used to heal or to course somebody. For magic rituals people mostly used the whole plant. To heal a human they usualy spoke all sorts of magical words to a plant. A woman named Kotryna, who lives in Tilžė healed the blind ones with the tree barks which fell of the birch fences.
The names of the plants are usualy folkish, taken from the literature, the mythology or Christian. In the dictionarys the plants are introduced in a specific order: the main name of the plant, the Lithuanian synonyms for it, its Latin name, its species, family, tribe, its growing places, usage. There are many plants which got treir names from Lithuanian mythology. Jurgis Ambrozijus (Ambraziejus) Pabrėža published his work ”Botanika arba Taislius auguminis” in he wrote about all sorts of new plant species found in Lithuania and for the names he oftenly used folk ones, such as the names of the deities. Even if he was a priest he gave Lithuanian deity names to 43 plants, using the book of Lasickis ”Apie žemaičių, kitų sarmatų bei netikrus krikščionių dievus” (1969 m.) (”De deis samogitarum, ceterumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorum” 1615 m.) and the material from an article by Ivinskis ”Diewajtej Lietuwiu ir Žiamaijcziu pirm Krikscionistes amžiaus” which was published in 1864 in a calendor.
The mythological names in this dictionary are used in botanical nomenclature. When Pabrėža presented the new species, some of them were from Lithuanias region - Žemaitija therefore got names that are connected to this region. That shows the deep patriotism of J. Pabrėža. He worked not only for him self but for his homeland as well [12-20].
The names pagans used were soon changed to the Christian ones. These names were given according to the color, function, the time of vegetation or blooming. For example the spring primrose were called rakteliai (in Lithuanian - pavasarinė raktažolė), but after the christianing it was renamed as St Peter‘s keys rakteliai. Many other plants also were given new names.
In mythology plants (trees, forests) carry out all sorts of functions. They are worshiped; one gives offerings to deity living within the tree. The plants are also the mediator between the gods and their subjects.
Spirits of the dead also live within the trees, therefore they are respected. When a tree dies the spirit passes on to a newborn.
A human spirit can hide not only among, but also within a plant.
Trees, herbs are used to protect from the devil.
The patriotism of the priest Jurgis Pabrėža alowed Lithuanian mythology to take root within the plant nomenclature.
The names of the plants are beeing changed, because the understanding of our suroundings, our religion changes as well. That why the old pagan names were changed to Christian ones.
Vėlius (1996) Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltinių pobūdis. In: BRMŠ I: Baltų religijos ir mitologijos šaltiniai, p. 22-49.
Beresnevičius Gintaras (2001) A short dictionary of Prussian and Lithuanian gods. Aidai, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Lasickis J (1969) Apie žemaičių, kitų sarmatų bei netikrų krikščionių dievus (De diis Samagitanim caeterorumque Sarmatarum et falsorum Christianorum). K. Korsakas and all. Vaga, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Daiva Šeškauskaite, Bernd Gliwa (2010) The Botanical Identity and Cultural Significance of Lithuanian Jovaras: An Ethnobotanical Riddle. Ethnobotany in the new Europe. People, Health and Wild Plant Resources 2010. In: Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana & Andrea Pieroni (Eds.), Oxford, Berghahn Books, New York, USA, pp. 247-263.
Beresnevičius Gintaras (2003) ”Eglė žalčių karalienė” ir lietuvių teogoninis mitas: religinė istorinė studija (”Eglė Queen of Serpents” and the Lithuanian Theogenic Myth: a Religious and Historical Analysis). Culture, Philosophy, and Arts Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Daiva Šeškauskaite, Bernd Gliwa (2010) Kas bendra tarp dievmedis ir dievai? Respectus Philologicus. Humanistyczno – Przyrodniczy 17(22).
Šeškauskaitė D, Gliwa (2005) Lit. kūkalis - Pflanze, Korndämon und Kobold. Res Balticae 10: 69-111.
Matas Pretorijus (2004) Prūsijos įdomybės, arba Prūsijos regykla. Inge Lukšaitė & Vilija Gerulaitienė (Eds.), Pradai, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Basanavičius Jonas (2003) Lietuviškos pasakos. Tautosakos biblioteka. 6 tomas. Vaga.
Navasaitis M, Ozolinčius R, Smaliukas D, Balevičienė J (2003) Lietuvos dendroflora. Kaunas, Lutute, Lithuania.
Dagys Jonas (1937) Kaip kunigas A. Pabrėža augalų vardyną kūrė. Gamta 2(4): 131-135.
Beresnevičius Gintaras (2003) Eglė žalčių karalienė ir lietuvių teogoninis mitas: religinė istorinė studija (”Eglė Queen of Serpents” and the Lithuanian Theogenic Myth: a Religious and Historical Analysis). Culture, Philosophy, and Arts Research Institute, Vilnius, Lithuania.
BRMŠ (2005) The sources of Baltic religion and mythology. (4th edn), The institute of Education and Publishing, Lithuania.
Ivinskis L (1864) ”Diewajtej Lietuwiu ir Žiamaijcziu pirm Krikscionistes amžiaus“.
Laurinkienė N (1990) Mito atšvaitai lietuvių kalendorinėse dainose. Vaga, Vilnius, Lithuania.
LBŽ (1938) Lietuviškas botanikos žodynas. Formed by the commision of botanical dictionary, led by L. Vailionis. In: J Dagys (Ed.), Kaunas, Lithuania.
Pabrėža J A (1900) Botanika arba Taislius Auguminis. JAV.
Šeškauskaitė Daiva (2001) Sutartinės-senovės apeiginės giesmes. Dakra, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Daiva Šeškauskaitė (2011) Erotika tautosakoje (Love and Erotic in Folklore). Kruenta, Lithuania.
Usačiovaitė E (1999) Augimo samprata tradicinėje lietuvių kultūroje. In: Augalų ir gyvūnų simboliai. Gervelė, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp. 38-139.
蕨花 Fern flower
在波兰的某些地方,人们认为这种蕨花实际是瓶尔小草 (学名: Ophioglossum vulgatum),其属名来自希腊语的ophis(蛇)+glossa(舌头),指本属植物孢子囊穗的形状如蛇舌,因此别名"蝰蛇的舌头"(adder's tongue)。人们相信,蝰蛇的舌头能打开所有的锁。它还能为爱情带来无穷的好运。妇女们会将蕨叶涂抹在自己身上来增加吸引力,并在采集时念出如右的爱情咒语:
Rwę cię śmiale、
Pięcią palcy, szóstą, dłonią、
Niech się chłopcy za mną gonią;
Po stodole, po oborze、
Dopomagaj, Panie Boże.
红芸香 Chervona Ruta
乌克兰民间传说中的花卉,其名来自乌克兰语的Chervona(红色)+Ruta(芸香科植物)。现实中的芸香通常为黄色花朵,但在传说中,这种话会在6月的伊凡·库帕拉节夜晚变成红色。如果一名女子找到并摘下这种神奇的红花,她将获得永恒的爱和幸福。另一种观点认为,这种花实际上是金黄色、或红色的杜鹃花(学名: Rhododendron myrtifolium)。
碱蒿 Artemisia abrotanum
一种小型园艺灌木,菊科蒿属的植物。灰绿色的羽状叶,具有强烈尖锐的气味,可以驱虫。开黄色小花,枝条可以提取黄色染料。原产于欧亚大陆和非洲,其他俗名包括:小伙子的爱、老头子艾草、情人草等。碱蒿有一种类似樟脑的强烈气味,曾被用作空气清新剂或撒播草药。人们习惯将碱蒿挂在衣柜里,法官随身携带碱蒿和芸香花束,以保护自己免受囚犯传染病的侵扰,一些教徒在长时间布道时依靠碱蒿的气味保持清醒。辛辣芳香的叶子和花可用于制作花草茶。嫩芽可用于糕点和布丁的调味。在意大利,它被用作烹饪香草。在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那东部和北部的传统医学中,碱蒿被用于治疗黄疸病。爱德华-托马斯(1878 - 1917 年)有一首关于这种草药的诗: “Old Man or Lad's Love"。
Artemisia: 属名来自希腊神话的狩猎女神阿耳忒弥斯,她的名字常被用来命名与药用、香草或自然力量相关的植物。 abrotanum: 这个种加词通常被称为"南欧艾草",是一种广泛用于传统草药和园艺的芳香灌木。
阿格劳福提斯 Aglaophotis
一种偶尔出现在神秘学作品中的草药。希腊医生迪奥斯科里德斯(Dioscorides)将 其归类为芍药科,且很可能是欧洲芍药( Paeonia officinalis)。据迪奥斯科里德斯的说法,芍药用于驱赶恶魔、抵御巫术和治疗发烧。其名来自古希腊语:
Aglao- :意思是"明亮的/闪耀的/光辉的"。例如,希腊神话中的阿格莱亚(Aglaia),美惠三女神之一。
-Photis: 意思是"光/光线"。如 photography 中的"photo-"就表示"光"。
由此,这个名字可以理解为"耀光芍药",或许象征了它与光或启示相关,然而,这与《西蒙版死灵之书》(Simon Necronomicon)的内容相矛盾,书中它被用于召唤黑暗力量。